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1925 Timeline - (Mike Sudduth)

  • King County appropriates $125,000 to build road from Burton to Magnolia

January -

  • Lightening strike knocks out steam electric generating plant at Ellisport - Island and 1,000 residents
  • without electricity for 5 days - Ocean going tug Roosevelt tied up at old ferry dock (modern fishing pier) between Portage and Ellisport to generate electricity with its 200 hp steam engine - The Roosevelt took Admiral Peary north to where he then took sleds to the North Pole in 1909
  • Pioneer Scott Pierson, father of Phil Pierson, passes away.- Mr. Pierson was born in Illinois on July 28, 1856 and came to this section twenty years earlier.

  • Rev. C.H. Howard tendered his resignation as pastor after serving the church at Lisabeula for four years.- Failing health was cited as the reason.

  • The Dr. Edmunds are starting to build a new home at Dilworth Point.

  • Bert S. Murley takes over as General Manager of Kitsap County Transportation Company.

  • Remembrance Morford, father of W.P., C.II. Seth H. and Carl E. Morford and one daughter, Mrs. Burgess, died on December 27, 1924.

  • Transfer of property at Southern Heights:- the sale of the Robinson place on the Fisher road.-- The ten acres in the north east corner of the Shawnee Magnolia Beach road, and the south ferry road, formerly belonging to Oscar Johnson has been bought by Mr. Thompson of Alberta, Canada.

  • Miss Jean Ackley, who is teaching school at White Salmon, came home to spend a week, but received word that there were cases of scarlet fever there and not to return until notified.

  • Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Beall, Sr celebrate golden anniversary.-

  • Axel Petersen has taken charge of his brother’s business (P.A. Peterson, recently deceased) at the Cove mill and eggery business.

  • Henery M. Whinery, father of Mrs. Pettelle of Vashon, passed away Christmas morning. Aged 73 years.

  • E. J. Mace the Vashon automotive doctor has added to his “office” front a fine overhanging roof which will allow cars to be fed and watered without exposing the owners to the weather.- C. J. Olson of Burton did the job.

  • The Burton Public Library reports having a banner year in 1924.- They now have about 1,300 volumes, including quite a number of reference books.

  • Pete Bertleson had the bad luck to have chicken thieves break into his chicken house last week and steal 35 of his fine laying hens.- We used to think our island was safe from petty thievery, but of late there is lots of it going on, as another Mr. Smith’s house was broken into and groceries and other things taken, also near Crosses Landing.

  • Manson’s pile driver was doing repair work on the pontoon at the Portage- ferry dock which was torn loose in the recent East wind.- The work is finished.

  • Vashon State Bank reported assets of $234,102 as of 12/31/24.- “Safe and sound” with abundance of funds to care for all legitimate Island needs.

  • The lack of power has crippled the sand and gravel output of our local gravel pit.- The only available power being from 11 pm until 6:30 am.

  • Mr. Merry has his men busy this week graveling the road between Mileta and Maury center.

  • The Kingsbury Co. is busy putting in the fills at Kellogg’s corner.- Perhaps soon now the direct road from Mileta to Portage will be open.

  • The electric cable connecting Vashon Island with the mainland having been repaired, it is hoped, that normal service will be restored during the week.- New cable ordered and with two Mainland connections Vashon Island will cope with Tacoma and Seattle.

  • Leona Carolyn Leslie is born to George Leslie, proprietor of the Cash and Carry store.

  • Thomas Chrisie Barclay, Dockton citizen, passes.- Age 85 years.- He was born in Scotland- January 15th, 1840.- He was the father of Mrs. Stuckey, Mrs. Captain Phillips, and Mrs. L. Turnbull.

  • A D.- Kingsbury celebrated his 54th wedding anniversary.- Has lived on the island for 36 years.

  • C. A. Barton, father of Mrs. Maloney, celebrated his 75th birthday at his daughter’s Lisabeula home “Olympic View”.

  • Thomas Barclay of Dockton died of a paralytic stroke.

  • Matt Peterson, with several of his chums was busy last week fixing up the bulkhead on his water front property near Cove.

  • Grandma Abrahamson is singing very cheerfully as she works.- Her big boy Albert has installed an up-to-date hot water system in the kitchen for her.- See, she says “You turn this faucet, nice cold water comes, turn this faucet comes the boiling water.- Hot water all the time no more fuss or bother.”- Albert is becoming a regular plumber.

  • Frank Kneebone of Lisabeula was appointed as Baliff to the newly elected judge, Malcom Douglas.

  • Ad: HAUGAN & LONEY TAILORS- (Pacific Ave, Tacoma) High Grade Custom Tailoring “An Island Man”- George Loney, Pres. H.O. Haugen, Sec.-Treas.

  • Vashon State Bank elects directors for 1925.- T. Hansen, L.C.Beall, Jr., and C.F. Van Olinda.

  • The grocery store at Colves which has hitherto been conducted by Parker and Trones has changed hands and is now owned and operated exclusively by Mr. Trones.

  • Burton Baptist Church, T. S. Fretz, Pastor

  • Burton Freshman and Sophmore classed took part in the Temperance Day Program.

  • Southern Heights:- Mr. Woody and Mr. Morrill were nominated for school director at a school meeting held at the Morrill home.

  • Southern Heights:- Mrs. R. C. Meens has sold her five acre home joining the Morrill place on the West.

  • Southern Heights:- Mathew Bridges turned ninety-seven years of age.- He has lived on Vashon Island more than fifty years.

  • Cove: Henry Peterson has traded his ranch, formerly part of the Thoreson land, to Mr. Ringer of Seattle.

  • Cove: Mrs. Bodine bought the Pete Nystrom cottage in Beaula Park.

  • Cove: Vernie Siverson met with a serious accident.- In turning the corner as you go to the store his auto skidded, throwing him into the ditch, breaking off two wheels.

  • Cove: Cephas Ramquist of the Rosebank Hatchery set 4,000 plus eggs.- Getting from 85 to 95% first hatchings from the eggs.

  • Earl Watson is the new tonsorial artist at the Rodda Meat Market.

  • The Vashon Senior Class presented the play “Cinderella- at College”

  • George Takasuka sailed to his old home in Japan.- This is his first visit for 18 years.

  • Whooping cough is going the rounds of the island.

  • Commercial Club elects officers:- Emil H. Miller, President; Mrs. W. D. Covington, Vice President’; W Coy Meredith, Secretary; W. C. Whitfield, Treasurer

  • The Vashon girls’ basketball team hung up what is believed to be a record, when they outplayed the Georgetown Girls Club team with a score of 17 to 21 at Georgetown.

  • Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and family have moved to the Williams place in the Lisabeula district.

  • Ellisport:- The flowering bulbs are up three or four inches and Mrs. Newman has snow drops coming into bloom.- The buds on the shrubs and trees are swelling and already there is a scent of spring in the air.

  • The C. S. Coffin home in Burton was sold last week to Mr. and Mrs. Bucknell.

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February 1925

  • M.L. Tjomsland reelected to School District No. 176

  • Mrs. Hearst and Mr. E. Harmeling were nominated to serve as school director by the Center P.T.A.

  • Dew Drop Inn confectionery and cigar store sold to W.D. Garvin by Ray Campbell.  Mr. Garvin is moving his stock of drugs and magazines from the old land north of the News-Record office to the new Post Office building.  Miss Nina Garvin will be in active charge of the new store.  The old stand will be occupied as an Undertaking Parlor, and will give space for carrying stock.

  • Power company repairs cable.  After many difficulties electric cable is relaid, tug Roosevelt relieved.  The historic “Roosevelt” left the island with three farewell whistles.

  • Portage:  Several tons of earth came down from the bluff at the ferry dock.

  • Ellisport: The boulevard between the oil station and Allison’s garage was blocked for a time by a small slide, the result of heavy rains.

  • Ever since January 25th the Vashon island frogs have been holding nightly concerts.  Bob White heard calling to his mate.

  • Howard Crosier has accepted a position on the ocean steamer President Jefferson.

  • Conrad Anderson’s fox kennel was attacked by dogs.

  • There was quite a landslide on the Cove hill as you go around the Edwards ranch.  Knocking out the bulkhead a little further would have smashed the piling under the Petersen warehouse.

  • Mrs. Hotchkins thinks spring is surely here as the Daffodils in her flower beds are budding out.

  • Vashon Hatchery delivered to Martin Tjomsland 1,300 baby chix on January 31st , getting over 50% of a hatch.  About the earliest delivery made on the island.

  • Otto Therkelsen has branched out into a real coal dealer, taking over R. A. Wise’s coal business.

  • A new auto ferry line is to be opened up between Harper, the Heights, and Fauntleroy.  Passenger boat “Bremerton” will run to Marion Street dock.  The Portage slip is to be taken to Fauntleroy to be used there.  This plan is claimed to be only a “trial” for six months.

  • “A movement has gained considerable headway to discontinue the ferry service at Vashon Heights and substitute a boat for the run now made by the ferry.  The ferry “Washington” to run into a dock at Fauntleroy.  A counter move has been started to protect Vashon Island’s present rights to a ferry system to Marion street dock.  A petition will be circulated on the island at once.”  W. M. Cowley

  • Burton: Little Donald, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thompson, was badly burned at the home of Mrs. Thompson’s brother, Leigh Stone of Newport.  The child died.

  • Burton: E. E. Stone nominates himself to the school board.  Election to be held in March.

  • Ira O. Thompson, Secretary of the Vashon Marketing Association reported doing $117K worth of business transactions in first two years of operations.

  • Cove:  Cephas Ramquist of the Rosebank Hatchery took off this first hatch.  5,300 chicks, getting a 60% hatch.

  • The Holmberg Eggery business has been settled up, the creditors being paid about 10% of their accounts.

  • The Maury Women’s Club is working to have water installed in the Community Hall.

  • The BURTON HONOR CUP, sponsored by the Men’s Bible Class, was established.

  • New hot and cold showers have been installed in the boys’ and girl’ dressing rooms in in the gymnasium at the Vashon High School.

  • A deal was closed by R. W. F. Martin for the sale of 40 acres of water front property just north of Ellisport to the Salvation Army, to be used as a retreat center and rest home.

  • The Burton Restaurant property has been leased to M. H. Morrissey for a butcher shop.

  • A Commandery of Knights Templar is organized by the Masons on Vashon.

  • Work on the road to Dockton progresses.

  • Feb 20, 2nd Lisabeula School burns - Third Lisabeula School built just to south of 2nd school

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March 1925

  • C. G. Kimmel assumes sole proprietorship of PETERSEN & KIMMEL from Mr. Axel H. Petersen

  • New gravel bunkers for Maury Island operated by T. G. Collins, offering employment to a number of men.

  • An option has been taken for the purchase of the old Vashon school property for an all-island “community home”, currently occupied by the Sanord Spring-Fisher Manufacturing Company.

  • Charles England purchased the Petersen feed business at Cove and Vashon from Mrs. P.A. Petersen.- Axel H. Petersen, part owner, to continue as active manager of concern.

  • DOCKTON: J.M. Ogivy stepped down from the school board after serving for 25 years.- Mr. Merry of Maury was elected director.

  • The A.L. Smith home of Quartermaster was totally destroyed by fire.

  • Burton: The 4 Mill levy passed.- Mr. E.E. Stone was re-elected to the School Board.

  • Vashon: Mr. Tjomsland won the school election.

  • Dockton: C. H. Merry elected as school director.

  • The Martinolich shipyard is nearing completion of building a 65 foot seine fishing boat and a large cannery tender is under construction.

  • Need for a community dump is expressed.

  • Mrs. Emily Hendricks had a confectionery store in a part of what is now the Burton Trading Company’s store.

  • Lisabeula: Mr. Bengston was elected for school director

  • R. Fuller’s greenhouse is now filled with tomato plants - some of them in bloom.

  • Mr. Mukai is making a success of barreling strawberries.- Remarked that his “B.D.M.” brand is known in New York and Chicago and much called for.

  • Harry Keating is promulgator of a plan to have an old fashioned neighborly house raising for Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith- at Quartermaster, who recently lost their home and contents by fire.

  • Vashon State Bank celebrated 16 years on Vashon.

  • Orchardists are spraying lime and sulphur on their apple, pear and plum trees.

  • Island resident and attorney C. E. Woods has been appointed, under the civil service, as one of the Interstate Commerce Commission experts in physical valuation of railroads.

  • Vashon High School debate team finishes sixth in District.

  • The Community Club elected Mrs. C.J. Robinson, President; Mrs. T. Hansen, Vice President; Mrs. Lewis, Secretary; Mrs. K.K. Prigg, Treasurer.

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April 1925

  • Washington Automobile Club to put highway signs on island roads

  • Delegation of 250 mainlanders visit Vashon via new Fauntleroy ferry.Service began on April 15th.

  • James and Robert Linton's article "The Effects of Muscle Metabolites on Adrenal Secretions" was published in the "American Journal of Psychology". The Linton's are attending Harvard Medical School.

  • The old McKinnon residence burned to the ground.

  • Cove: The logan vines during that long freezing spell last December were badly injured.- Not more than half crop is expected by most ranchers.

  • A demonstration in controlling rats by gas will be conducted by the County Agriculture Agent on the farm of J.M. Ogilvy on the East end of Maury Island.- Mr. Ogilvy has rats under the concrete floor of his poultry house.

  • Steamer "Simpson" underwent repairs at the Stuckey marine ways.

  • A new fish trap is being built on Prospect Point.

  • G.W. Blekking has just finished pruning 3,300 pear trees for L.C. Beall Jr. and Sr.

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May 1925

  • The cannery tender, built at the shipyard, was launched this month and christened the "Freda" by Miss Freda Martinolich.

  • The Pierce County commissioners changed the name of the South End Ferry in their advertisement from Tahlequah to Vashon Island.

  • In marking the 5 year anniversary of owning the News Record, the Editor notes island improvements during this time, including the small fruit industry has grown the six miles of concrete paving being laid, many new highways opened, several new business houses erected, hundreds of new homes built, a number of automobiles have doubled, and despite a national rural depression there has been a gradual advancement along nearly all lines of activity on the island.- The poultry industry has grown by leaps and bounds.

  • A new road to Cedarhurst is under construction.

  • Gilbert Holland is recovering from an attack of German measles.

  • The second power cable laid by Puget Sound Power & Light cost $40,000 and allowed higher voltage, from 2200 to 6600 volts, to meet the demands of all modern conveniences.

  • Cove: It was reported that a regular epidemic of the flu hit the community, including Dr. Stockley.

  • Discovery Day, established by the Commercial Club, celebrated the discovery of the Island 130 years ago.- Professor E. S. Meany of the University of Washington spoke.

  • A "Hat Trimming Social" was held.- Ladies brought their hats.- The men trimmed them.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Webber sold a half interest in their store at Lisabeula to Mr. G.W. Adams.

  • The second sand and gravel bunker on Maury Island is nearing completion and a third one is being proposed.

  • The Bon Marche has inaugurated a delivery service for the island.

  • Grandma Jaynes will turn 106 next month.

  • On the Knute Poulson ranch sits a great Black Tartarian cherry tree, the biggest found anywhere.- From outer branches it measures over 60 feet in diameter.- The trunk is 11 feet in circumference.

  • The school directors of the progressive school at Center are Elmer Harmeling, J.W. P. Dunlap and T.N.Thompson.

  • Bill Smock's picture appeared with a dozen other babies born this year in the morning P-I for "National Hospital Day".

  • The Vashon High School Junior Class presented the play "Come out of the Kitchen".

  • Mr. Cannon announced he has bought the Means milk route and is now the Vashon milkman.- (This is in conflict with an advertisement.)

  • G.W. Blekkink left for Columbus, Ohio to attend the National Presbyterian Church Synodal convention, where he will be a delegate.

  • Rev. A. Matheson resigned as pastor of the Federated Church to accept the call of the Presbyterian Church at Georgetown.- He has succeeded Rev. J.H. Berringer two years prior.

  • The News Record's weekly editorial raised protest against the turning of the paved highway into a racing course for automobiles and motorcycles.

  • The vote on turning over the building funds to the Community home was lost by something like five votes, since sufficient funds were already raised for the project.

  • Cove:- In a chartered launch 25 young men and women from Seattle landed at the Cove in a drunken condition.

  • The eighth grade graduation class at Burton grammar school consisted of six boys and three girls.- Arvid Nystedt was class president.

  • The graduates of Burton High School for 1925 were Lillian Larsen, Minnie Olson, Welloma Smith, Opal Akehurst, Martha Jensen, Esther Lofgren, Douglas McClinton, Ralph Dumas, Alfred Lewis, Clifford Petersen, Walter Petersen, Tom Faull and Wataro Tanimura.

  • The graduates of Vashon High School for 1925 were Ada Blekkink, Marjorie Bridgman, Henrietta Brosseau, Robert Bailey, Barlow Cowan, John King, Arthur Larsen, Donald Levenseller, Merrill Matthews, Eva Sarvold, Shige Takai and Yosi Yoshimura.

  • Students at Vashon High School having a "A" average without unexcused absences or tardiness and Seniors were excused from examination.

  • Geo. Pankratz was over from Seattle to get from the Vashon Island Lumber Co. 150,000 feet of lumber,- which was shipped out the next day.

  • The yacht El Primero anchored in deep water near Burton dock.- John Staples dove off the top of the upper deck and won the five dollar prize.

  • Mr. Keppler purchased the Uttstrom place on the sound north of Herman Clausen' and renamed the place "Keplo Beach".

  • The Fuller Bros. are shipping tomatoes twice a week to Seattle.

  • The Standard Oil Co. is having the gas pumps painted red, white and blue.

  • John M. Jones who owns the C. B. Taylor ranch east of Vashon won a lawsuit, after he was a victim of the Vashon State Bank burglary from a couple years ago.- Non-negotiable- bonds belonging to Mr. Jones, worth $2,000, had been stolen from a safety deposit vault and cashed.

  • Howard Rodda has sold his Vashon meat market to E.C. Thompson who takes charge in June.

  • It was the Editor's view that, with the exception of the paved highway,- the new road to Dockton was perhaps the best built road on the island. Less than two miles in length, the road cost $50,000 to build. The chief engineer gave the road a final inspection.

  • The power crew is busy putting in the power line to the new gravel pit being opened by Tim Collins.

  • The Kingsbury Brothers are resuming logging operations on the Amuiller (sp?) tract of timber after a winter shutdown due to the new Dockton road being built.

  • The Berry-Busanich fish trap on the north shore of Maury caught a 14 foot shark that had a 16 inch mouth.

  • Attending a meeting of the county commissioners, Mr. Sheffield was promised the south end road near the swamp would be straightened out as soon as the north end road was finished.

  • Still no electricity in Lisabeula, but things look very favorable for getting the lights soon.

  • Kathrine Petersen, Tom Harrison, John Radine and Earling Nilsen all graduated from Dockton grammar school after successfully passing the state examination.

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June 1925 

  • Rumors swirling that P. Monroe Smock, News Record editor, and T. Hanson, bank president, are backing a move to have all island post offices discontinued excepting the one at Vashon.  Both men deny any truth to the rumor.

  • Four steel towers were erected by the Navy Department for the US government on Vashon Island.  They will be used in testing out the speed of boats on the Sound between the island and the mainland.


  • The first Discovery Day was celebrated at Ellisport Park, organized by E. H. Miller, head of the Commercial Club.  Prof. Edward S. Meany of the University of Washington gave a scholarly and interesting historical address.

  • The Vashon Auto Freight has the contract for carrying the berries of the Marketing Association to market for the present season.


  • Mrs. George Coates of Burton has been appointed sole representative for Vashon Island for the California Perfume Company.

  • Lon Shimp was appointed as chief clerk to Mr. Humphreys at Washington D.C.


  • Heat is killing people right and left in the east, while on Vashon island people are sleeping between woolen blankets at night and wearing top coats during the day.

  • The 8th grade graduates from Center school include:  Vernon Hendricksen, Oroville Rude, Lloyd Hearst and Robert Bacon.


  • The steamer Vashona called at Cove Memorial Day.

  • Arthur Eden and family of Gig Harbor have reached Cove and are busy putting up a tent to live in expecting to spend the summer camping on the beach. 


  • E.C. Thompson announced that the has purchased the Market and business of Mr. Rodda at Vashon.

  • F. C. Shanahan of Swastika Lodge was in Burton tuning and repairing pianos.


  • Post Office Inspector P. L. Neil, in answer to an inquiry about the rumor of establishing one main post office at Vashon, said “There are no changes contemplated that I know of.”

  • Vashon and Bainbridge Island competed, by petition, for a BIG NEW BOAT being built by the Kitsap Transportation company.  A 75 automobile ferry, equipped to carry three tiers of cars on either side of the runway, with passenger aisle between each tier.  It is expected to be ready in July.


  • The Vashon Island Pioneer Historical Society (Ella B. Thompson, Secy.) held its annual picnic at the Odd Fellows Hall in Center.

  • The Men’s Bible Class met for their semi-annual election of officers at the Library room.  The new officers elected were E.R. Stewart, President; W.C. Whitfield, Vice-President; Robert Haley, Secretary; A.W. Smith, Class Leader; H. Fraser, Treasurer


  • The Kingsburys are having a forced lay off as they pulled a drum out of the donkey engine used in the logging operations.

  • The Community Home started a “dollar drive” fund raiser for the home, attempting to sell 1,000 buttons.


  • Mrs. Simonsen of Center picked 1,000 pounds of gooseberries in one day for C.R. Price.

  • Several “million dollar” rains have fallen over the Puget Sound county recently which assures a good crop of berries on Vashon Island.


  • A berry from the Mackie field was measured to be a little over 8 - inches long.

  • M. Botich is the proprietor of a neat ice cream stand on Dockton’s main street.


  • Conrad Anderson and Mr. Dunsford transported 6 tons of gooseberries from the island to the Puyallup cannery.

  • Arthur Eden caught a 33 pound linn cod in the seine while fishing off Cove.


  • R. E. Waldo, the inspector for the Wash. State Hatcheries Assn. was here three days officially trap-nesting at Parklyn Poultry Ranch.

  • Mrs. J. Wood attended the annual meeting in Seattle of the Wash. State Accredited Hatcheries and Breeding Assn.


  • The Burton Trading Company’s store is getting two good coats of paint.

  • Michael Lang was found dead on his place just outside of his chicken yard by Frank Enochs, a near neighbor.


  • M.H. Morrisey is erecting an 18 x 20 building back of his meat market in Burton.  He says if we don’t stop gossiping about him he will sell his mahogany furniture and turn this would be house into a garage.

  • Frank Enochs is anticipating a crop of 30 tons of fruit, logan and raspberries, this season and will harvest it with the help of YMCA boys from Tacoma.


  • The B.Y.P.U.Association is having ground cleared out at the Assembly Point for the erection of a large dining and recreation hall, 65 x 80 feet, L shape with kitchen attached.  Two class rooms will be built and a floor put in the auditorium, and sanitary toilets built.  The expenditures will be about $5,000.

  • Chas. Hayes and Russel Carty are driving new Ford cars.  Chas. Hayes is a son of our jitney driver and Carty is Uncle Sam’s faithful carrier for Portage.


  • B.D. Mukai has an army gathering strawberries on his 60 acres.

  • B.A. Hunt of Cove is harvesting his 4 acres of strawberries.  He expects to get more than 1,500 crates.


  • At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vashon High School, it was deemed advisable, due to the extra fire hazard during the summer months, to forbid the use of the Vashon High School grounds or the buildings for baseball or other games with permission from the School Board. 

  • Mrs. Stockley of Cove reported growing a beautiful white Clematis, with blooms 8-inches across.


  • Mr. Sapp, formerly with the Island Garage, has fixed up an auto repair shop back of his residence he bought from Mr. Morehouse a few months ago.

  • Southern Heights:  Mr. Hoteling began shipping loganberries.


  • The 100-car Kitsap, was launched by the Kitsap County Transportation company.  The builder was Charley Taylor, a former Vashon Island resident.  The boat will serve Vashon.

  • Steps were taken to organize a water district for the town of Vashon.  A board of three men were chosen to make necessary preliminary arrangements leading up to the calling of an election.  The three men were T. Hansen, W.D. Garvin and P.M. Smock.


  • A summer camp for girls ages ten to sixteen is being established at Cedarhurst by the Lions Club of Seattle, of which Mr. A Lund of the North end of the island is secretary.  For a camp site, the location is ideal being the Spaulding place of eleven acres with a beach.

  • The Cove store has on sale some very fine new potatoes, the size of a coffee cup, raised by Bert Dahl on the Holland ranch.


  • Mabel Holland picked 22 ten-quart pails of berries in one day.

  • W.C. Meredith just had a Westinghouse electric range installed in his home and says the first biscuits baked were not burned.


  • Lisabeula:  The hotel building at the dock is being wrecked and Mr. Beaumont has purchased a portion of the lumber to build a barn.

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July 1925

  • Kenneth Van House, manager of Cedar Brook Farms Hothouse Range, sold his hot house tomatoes to the Hotel Winthrop, the Pheasant Restaurant, Longmire Springs Hotel, and Paradise Inn.

  • Over dinner at the Swastika Lodge, plans to further develop the Exchange Club Good Will Farm on  the highway was discussed by Rev. A. Veride, Wells Gwinn home builder, W.H. Weaver of the Metropolitan Laundry, Nyman Helland publisher Seattle Times, Robert Frazier of the Seattle Paper Company, Henry Losche builder of the State Capital, Edward Hay attorney, Pliny Allen stationer and publisher, T. Hanson banker, E.H. Miller of the Commercial Club, and P.Monroe Smock of the News Record.


  • Tropical weather was reported early in the month.  98 in the shade.

  • There will be two months elapse before the election to determine whether or not the Vashon Water District shall be formed.   A “campaign of education” is underway.


  • C.A. Renouf of Cove is the winner of a five dollar prize, said prize being for the best slogan out of  2,100 in the State of Washington.  The contest was for the Musicone a loud speaker manufactured by the Crosley Radio Co. of Cincinnatti.

  • The berry handlers have things fixed up in fine shape in the Cove waiting building.  Platform scales sunk in the floor, fine working table along the north end, telephone installed and electric lights to chase the darkness.  Ward Prigg of Vashon chief manager.  700 crated of raspberries and logan berries.  Use those new styled Heinback trucks where you can put on 15 or 20 crates of berries roll on scales to weigh.


  • Lisabeula:  The partnership of Mrs. J.C. Webber and M.B.Adams has been dissolved by mutual concent.  M.B.Adams having bought the interest of Mrs. Webber.  Business will be conducted under M.B.Adams Mercantile Co.

  • Eleven delegates from Vashon attended the International Convention of the United Society of Christian Endeavor at Portland.  They were Harris Ward, Barney Rindal, John King, Ruel Howe, Herbert Ward, Julius Vergote, Russell Hall, Pauline Weiss, Evelyn Edwards Ada and Frances Blekkink.


  • Puget Sound Power and Light Co. announced that the power will be off fall day on Monday, July 13th  North of Ellisport due to change from 2300 to 6600 volts.

  • B.D. Mukai entertained his brother for a few days recently who is here from Japan.  Keitaro Mukai, the brother is here buying all kinds of live stock - cattle, goats and sheep.  He made a big purchase from the Carnation Farms and is dickering with some of the Vashon island dairymen for cows.


  • George Bucknell is completing a new poultry house size 20 x 60.  He now has 6,000 sq. feet of houses and will house nearly 2,000 laying fowls for the winter.

  • School board member D.S. Siegrist reports that the Columbia School Board, District 102, has paid off all indebtedness and has reduced the mill tax for the coming year from 10 mill to 8 mill.


  • Maury:  The fishing boat the Bull Moose with Capt. Larsen in command left the home port, Fernheath.

  • George Sisco shared a sample of his island oat crop with the News Record editor.  They were reported to be “well headed, straight, firm straw” and were six feet high.


  • W.W. Prigg was appointed to the National Elks Convention in Portland, representing his home lodge in Castle, Indiana.

  • Rev. McFarlane is the new pastor of the Cove Mission church.


  • Rumors have surfaced about possible irregularities in the handling of special funds during the past school year.

  • The barn owned by Mrs. E. N. Earles of Cove burnt to the ground, caused by a sparks thrown by high winds from a rubbish burn.


  • Anton Larsen is expected to take charge of the Exchange Club Good Will Farm.

  • Capt. C. Beretich of the Northwestern with his fishing crew among who were M. Radin and M. Plancich of Dockton left for their season’s work.


  • Tim Collins, age 65, died in a grave slide at the new bunker near Pembroke.  Tim was the former foreman of the Pembroke bunkers.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edson are up at the Mountain for two weeks taking different views of “Old Majestic.”


  • Fires burning on Southeast Maury took a large toll in vacant houses, also kept some of the Grand View folks busy backfiring.  The Raecco building (three houses) burned to the ground.  The old Hoaglin place also burned.  The fire started by careless launch campers.

  • A fundraiser was held for Grandma Jaynes’ birthday gift.  She turned 106.


  • The election board has set August 31st as the date for the approval or rejection of the proposed formation of a water district for the community of Vashon.  The water district proposed has been expanded from four 40 acre tracts to the four 160 acre tracts that corner at the bank.

  • Merle Ralph Cory has accepted a government appointment as secretary of our American Consul to Seoul, Korea.  Mr. Cory was here visiting his mother and brothers at the YMCA camp at Frank Enoch’s berry ranch.


  • Judge Armbruster arrested a party in front of Burton post office for speeding. 

  • Frank Park has been fighting fire in the Statelen canyon for two weeks.  Around 50 ranchers responded when the fire jumped the new Lisabeula road in several places.  They set backfires around the Center road near the Thorson ranch for about a mile.


  • July 22 - Vashon College property sold to Catherine Craig - intended to convert buildings to a sanitarium

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August 1925

  • Tim Clark badly mangled by neighbor's horse.- He suffered a fractured skull and him arm was badly mangled.- A full recovery is expected.

  • The Vashon Heights Rose Culture Club gave a bazaar at Brosseau's.\

  • The U.S. flag floated in the breeze all day Wednesday, August 5th in honor of Grandma Jaynes who reached the age of 106 year on that day.

  • The yacht El Primero is on the A. J. Stuckey ways for repairs.

  • Mrs. Nelle Parker Jones and Miss Katherine Clarice Parker of Portage, recent graduates of the Seattle College of Chiropractic, have received licenses from the State for the practice in their new profession.- Dr. Jones will begin practice at once.- Dr. Parker will continue teaching.

  • Mr. Lewis, Principal of Vashon High School, was reappointed as principal for the coming year, to the surprise of parents and citizens.- He has been accused of questionable business interests outside of the school, employing students in his business to such an extent that one girl in particular had insufficient time for her own studies.- Mr. Lewis has refused to come to an open meeting.- Some allegations concern carryings on with one or more school girls.

  • A gentle rain fell Aug. 13th which will aid in putting out the forest fires, and incidentally clear up the smoky atmosphere which has been hanging pretty heavily over the Sound for a week.

  • Facts about the proposed Vashon Water District were detailed by Alex Stewart in the News Record.

  • The officers of the Vashon Island Women's Club are Mrs. Keating president, Mrs. N.A. Jones vice president, Mrs. McHolland secretary, and Mrs. W.C. Meredith treasurer

  • C.A. Renouf of Cove wrote "The more I see of the new Colvas-Cedarhurst road the less I like it, as far as the work is concerned it has been well done, otherwise it give little credit to those who planned it or those who forced it from a level beach grade to a tortuous snake like course on the hill side.- As far as this section of the West side is concerned it might as well have never been built as autos can make better time by the Steen road.- Of course, it will benefit the folks from Colvas north and to that extent will serve its purpose.

  • J.E. Lewis tendered his resignation as principal of the Vashon High School and the same was immediately accepted by the school board.

  • Mr. William M Smith was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy.

  • Everybody is catching fish these days.- All kinds of salmon trout catches are being made down Lisabeula way.- Elmer Harmeling told the editor that 14 times in succession he let down his two hooks into 100 feet of water and in the fourteen times he pulled the line up he landed 28 fish, weighing around 3 pounds each.

  • Frank E. Gilbert, whose pen of leghorns holds the world record for egg production, has made a deal whereby he sells his poultry ranch on Vashon highway to P.A. Petterson.

  • Dr. Murray buys Deppman residence.

  • T.N.Thompson sold his Valhalla ranch to W. E. Beard.- Mrs. Beard is a daughter of Mrs. Faull of center.- The ranch is highly improved with both pears and gooseberries.- It is one of the nice little 4 acre farms of Vashon island.

  • Horace Keen, employed by Puget Sound Power and Light Company, was electrocuted and died instantly while he was cutting limbs from a tree to free the electric wires in the branches.

  • The play shed for the grammar school, 30 x 80, is completed and ready to accommodate the children during the rainy weather.

  • The Exchange Club Goodwill Farm on the north end of the island is now an established fact.

  • Lisabeula now has electric light.-

  • Lisabeula:- Work on the new school house is progressing rapidly.

  • Lisabeula:- J. Sulivan is building a new poultry house, 500 hen capacity.

  • Lisabeula:- Mr. Morrill has resigned his position as school director and D. Landers is being urged to take his place

  • The Camulous Club officers are Ora Robinson president, Myrtle Bridgeman vice president, Isabel McCormick secretary, and Maud Zimmerman treasurer.

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September 1925

  • A number of citizens from Burton, Portage, Dockton and the south end met with the County Commissioners to talk over the feasibility of a ferry from Portage to Des Moines.- The decision will come later.

  • J. H. Williams and W. Coy Meredith attended the Grocerymen’s Convention in Seattle.

  • Voters approved the formation of Vashon Water District 19 by over two to one.- W.D. Garvin was elected as commissioner for the one year term.- P. Monroe Smock was chosen for the two year term.-- T. Hansen was the winner of the three year term.

  • The Sheffield dahlia farm is in peak season, with dahlias of all varieties in bloom.

  • It was reported in the Seattle Star that Harry W. Crosby of the independent Crosby direct line, after losing his petition before the county commissioners for permission to use abandoned county docks at Portage and Des Moines, may build his own terminals.- At the hearing, D.C. Cullman was booed when he made the statement that the gathering was evidently to get the Vashon Heights ferry moved to Portage.

  • The new school house is nearly completed at Lisabeula.- (Note: It was finished and occupied by the end of the month.)

  • A 20 x 30 foot stage has been constructed by C. S. Manck on the east side of the Community home.

  • The Weiss corner store is having a new plate glass front installed and an addition is being built on the east end.- The Hansen-Beall company are the owners of the property.

  • The Rosebank Farm Hatchery is preparing for the coming season.- It will be operated by the owners.- Mrs. B.P. Kirkland will have direct charge, and be assisted in the practical operation of the hatchery by Mr. A Norkett.- Their slogan is “Chicks that bring Checks.”

  • A new 26 foot launch was delivered by the “Light House Tender,- Manzanita” to W.S. Denning, lighthouse keeper at Point Robinson lighthouse, for the benefit of the lighthouse.


  • The dancing season closed at Lisabeula.
  • The Ladies Aid held an election of officers.- Mrs. Sutton president, Mrs. Jensen vice president, Mrs. Jenkins secretary, Mrs. Maloney treasurer.
  • The Vashon Auto Freight owned by proprietors Deppman & Clark, has been sold to England & Petersen.
  • The Vashon High School welcomed 23 seniors, 14 juniors, 23 sophomores and 30 freshmen for the new school year.- Harris Ward was elected president of the senior class.- George Harrington was elected president of the junior class.
  • The Dockton fisherman have returned from their work of salmon fishing and report an exceptionally goo season, the men making from $800 to $1500 per share.
  • The Pembroke bunkers on the east side of Maury were sold to the Pioneer Sand and Gravel Company for the sum of $350,000.


  • The Cove and Vashon Boy Scout Troops have consolidated under one head and will be known as the Vashon Island Troop.

  • Tuck-a-hoe ranch on Maury Island owned by R.A. McLean has been traded for a ranch in California.

  • J. Martinolich has the contract to build a fishing boat for Conrad Danielsen.

  • The freighter “W.T.Sterret” underwent extensive repairs at the A.J.Stuckey ways recently.

  • The new schedule of the north end ferry went into operation on the 15th and is now running into Marion Street three times a day.

  • The Cove young people have organized an Epworth League.

  • Vashon High School welcomed eight students from Harper.

  • Burton High School reported eighteen seniors enrolled.- Oge Jensen was elected class president.

  • NOT HISTORICAL-JUST HYSTERICAL:- Maury Center still has the same bus which is operated by Kendrick Rivers.- It will run down hill if the hill is steep enough.- Smoking is not allowed in the bus;- but that doesn’t make any difference for the bus smokes enough to make up for it.- Although it is what is known as a wreck, like all Fords are, it gets there just the same.

  • World renownd lecturer C.August Petersen will deliver one of his famous lectures at the Lisabeula Church.- His subject will be “Delight after Discouragement.”


  • M.H. Means announced that he certified that Clarence B. Potter is no longer in any way connected with the Means Dairy and Mr. Means will not be responsible for any debts he may contract.

  • J. G. Eernisse, engineer, reported his comprehensive plan for the development of the water system for Vason and the surrounding community.

  • K.K. Prigg has moved to the Hyde property south of Vashon and Dr. McMurray has taken possession of his new home north of the “city”

  • Geo. Coates has moved one of his small houses close to the walk on Main St. in Burton and has rented it to Mr.Geiger for a shoe repair shop.

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October 1925

  • Sudden death of island contractor, Mr. C.J. Pyle, proprietor of Madrona Lodge.

  • Missionary Aid Society elected officers.- Mrs. Whitfield president

  • Severe electrical storm hit the south end accompanied by a hard rain.- The power company reported the loss of two transformers and five telephones in the Southern Heights district.- Transformer fuses were blown at the Pembroke Gravel Bunkers causing a short shut down.

  • Six year old Dickie Tjomsland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Tjomsland, was accidently killed by the school bus in an unavoidable accident at the junction of Vashon and Cove roads.

  • The plate glass front on the F.A. Weiss store is now completed.

  • Harold Brenno had the misfortune to break his right forearm cranking his Ford.

  • A.J. Stuckey is employing a number of men, while extensive repairs are being made on the Marine ways.

  • Two girls, Mabel Martin and Ingrid Nass, and two boys, Alfred Stuckey and Gordon Rhulen, escaped serious- injury in an auto accident when the Studebaker they were in, purchased by Rhulen the day before,- suddenly went over the bank at Brockaway’s place as they were driving around the curve in front of Phil Green’s.

  • Nineteen seniors enrolled in the fall at Burton High School.


  • poultrymen around Center are filling their storehouses.

  • Mr. A. L. Smith’s nephew is hiking from coast to coast.

  • Rev. H.E. Andersen is the new pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Vashon.- He had been pastor at Cove for several years.

  • Artist Edson received an order from a England & Petersen have in two large scow loads of straw at Portage and Chicago art firm for one dozen large size mountain views made by a new process of his own invention.- These pictures, framed, retail at $50 each.

  • The Maury Womens Club met at Maury Hall and elected the old officers over again.

  • JUST HUMOR:- We understand several hunters have brought in some fine pheasants from the island but at yet we have seen none of them, much less tasted any, so cannot write poetry about ‘em until our submaxilliary glands get to working.- Who’ll be first?

  • Due to a lack of ice cream business here to justify two places carrying it through the winter months, and in-as-much as the Cash & Carry have an iceless system, Garvin’s is discontinuing that product.

  • Our blessed restful fogs have arrived.

  • The Community Home club house- notes a fine new stage, new roof on the south end, plastering, electric wiring, and painting (both inside and out) as the most recent improvements.

  • Geo. Leslie announced they (?) will have a barber here permanently from this date on.

  • A Statement of Ownership by P. Monroe Smock was published by the Vashon Island News Record.


  • The south end is being served by the ferries “City of Tacoma” and “Gig Harbor”.

  • The Methodist Ladies Aid Society elected officers:- Mrs. B. Reed president, Mrs. Ira O. Thompson 1st vice president, Mrs. B. E. Edwards 2nd Vice president, Mrs. C. L. Tjomsland secretary, Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman treasurer.

  • A freighter ran into the Berry-Busanich fish trap near Maury dock almost totally destroying it.- They will not rebuild.


  • The men who are working on the south end road expect to get it finished this month.

  • The News-Record noted the beginning of a new volume as they passed their nine year mark.- Robert M. Jones had launched the “Vashon Island Record” until it was consolidated with- the “Vashon Island News” on Dec 18, 1919 and changed the name to “Vashon Island News Record.”- P. Monroe Smock purchased the paper on May 1, 1920 from Mr. Jones.

  • George Coates carried off two first prizes, two second, and one third on the fine Chinchilla Giant Rabbits he had at the Puyallup Fair.

  • Capt. T. W. Phillips received merited praise from all the passengers for the capable manner in which he guided the Vashona through the dense fog on night from Tacoma to Quartermaster Harbor.

  • J. L. Hart is building a third greenhouse at Burton.- The new one will be 41 x 150 feet equipped with the new “Advice” ventilation apparatus.

  • The steamer Simpson was on the A.J.Stuckey ways for a general overhaul.

  • Lawrence Riem is preparing his boat the “Charlotte B” in order to go into the towing business this winter.

  • Mr. Smith has secured the services of the “Speeder” to take the pupils to the Moran versus Vashon game.- The capacity of the boat is limited to 100.


  • Burton Hotel is leased to Mrs. O.L. Evans who for the past two seasons has successfully managed the “Seaview Lodge” at Ellisport.-- She will take possession Nov. 1.

  • According to the Seattle Times, Mr. Mukai reports a very successful year with strawberries, having shipped about $70,000 worth from Seattle this summer.

  • H. B. Menees contracted to build a big modern chicken house for U. Nishiyori who has a fine poultry farm just west of Vashon.- The white leghorns have already taken possession of it.

  • The Puget Sound Power and Light Company has erected two sixteen foot electric signs marked “Cable Crossing”.- One on this side of the Sound and one on the mainland side.

  • Lighthouse keeper Denning says the continuous fog this fall has broken the record all over the Puget Sound section.

  • Vashon is to have a new garage.- The concrete Deppman building has been leased by H.C. Cronander of Tacoma and the front will be rebuilt and an up-to-the-minute garage installed.

  • A Notice of Special Election by Water District No. 19 was published in the News Record for an election on November 25, 1925- for the approval or rejection of the comprehensive scheme of water supply and construction and the incurring of an indebtness of $4,000 and issuance of bonds therefore.

  • The Maury-Center bus has new curtains.- They are made of wire and celluloid so the girls can’t tear them.

  • W. D. Clark offered a $25 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who stole lumber from his Vashon lots.

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November 1925

  • Horseshoe Club organized at the Community Hall.- W.C. Whifield was elected President.- They will use the shed and fix it up for an indoor court.

  • Electric lights will be put in for nightly sessions.

  • L.C. Beall, Jr. had five hens that laid a record 1403 eggs at the Puyallup Fair.- Mrs. W.D. Covington produced in her pen a hen that laid 325 eggs, being the second highest hen in the contest at the Fair and the fourth highest in the world.

  • H.E. Keating has planted five acres of currants at the “Hek” ranch and expects to retire from business at the end of five years.

  • The Bus line has been extended to Lisabeula.- There will be only one trip a day from Lisabeula.

  • Through a change in the new election law the Water District election has been postponed from Nov 25 to Dec 22nd.


  • The First Presbyterian Church on Vashon celebrated their 21st anniversary.

  • Past ministers who have served the Church include:
    1904-1906 Rev. R.M.McDonald
    1906-1911 Rev. W.E.Bates
    1911-1913 Rev. A.W.Smith
    1913-1916 Rev. F.A.Heath
    1916-1917 Rev. K.G.Murray
    1917-1919 Rev. D. Oastler
    1919-1920 Rev R.G.Williams
    1920-1923 Rev J.H.Berringer
    1923-1925 Rev A. Matheson
    1925-____ Rev Hugh Armstrong


  • County surveyors are here relocating stakes for the beach road to the county dock at Shawnee.- Work will begin the first of the year.

  • The local clerks union held a street corner meeting and decided that the Weiss and Kimmel stores would be closed on Thanksgiving day.

  • John Metzenberg and H. Corlander have opened a business in the Deppman Concrete Block at Vashon under the name of the “Met-Cro Garage”.

  • 11/27/1925

  • The Vashon Methodist Church celebrated their 40th anniversary since dedication of the Log Church.

  • The freighter V.P.Handy is on the Stuckey ways for a general overhauling.

  • Mr. J. Danielsein returned to his home after having spent a very successful summer halibut fishing.

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December 1925

  • VHS graduate, Yosi Yosimura, will attend Kioto University in Japan.- She will reside at the home of the sister of the Empress of Japan.

  • The Island Inn opened in Burton.- Mrs. O.L. Evan proprietor.


  • S.J.Harmeling of the Island Nurseries was elected as President of the North Pacific Horticultural Association.

  • Maury: The last rose of summer came from Mrs. A.D. Kingsbury’s garden, along with a bunch of chrysanthemums, three sweet pea blossoms and one nastertium.

  • The Mark P. Waterman lodge elected F.A.Weiss as Master.- At the meeting it was decided to buy the corner at Burton known as the Woodman Hall for $1,000, to be used as the home for the lodge.- The vote was 29 for to 18 against.- (This has also been referenced as Coates Hall.)

  • Howard H. Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Hansen and assistant for some time at the Vashon State Bank, has taken the position of State Assistant Banking Commissioner.

  • The island was visited by Miss Olive Reed of Lebanon, Missouri.- Miss Reed taught the Vermontville school during the years 1908-1909.

  • C.A. Renouf of Cove won the $25 prize offered by the Star for the best creed for Seattle.

  • The complete cast for the Christmas Pageant to be given by the Vashon High School and grade school has been chosen.- There are four scenes in the pageant: I. Temple scene. II. The Annunciation.- III The Shepherd scene. IV. The Nativity.


  • The Rose Club of Vashon Heights donated a Kimball grand piano to the Community Home, purchased through Sherman, Clay and Co.

  • Zarth is building a new modern garage at Center.

  • The island added a Commandery of Knights Templar this year.

  • Two young men have bought the Castor place at Cross Landing and talk of establishing a fur farm there.

  • The Strauch Logging Company has terminated its operation as the South end and is moving away its equipment.

  • The County Commissioners have agreed to string wires to the ferry dock landing at Vashon Heights so that the dock will be properly lighted.

  • The steamer Vashona leaves Burton three times a day for Tacoma, making the trip in 45 minutes.


  • Voters approved a proposition to accept the Vashon Water District plan outlined by the Engineer.- They also approved the issuance of bonds in the amount of $4,000 for the Water District.

  • The Sans Souci Ladies Trio performed on the island at the Community Home.

  • Peter Nystrom an old time resident of Cove was found in his house dead.- The body was taken by the County Morgue officials.

  • The members of the Robert Burns Chapter, RAM, elected R.E. Carty as their High Priest.

  • On December 20th, Mrs. Henry Godfrey brought to the News Record office one flower in blossom from each of the sixteen varieties in blook in her garden, including rose, chrysanthemum, primrose, dahlia, marigold, stock, poppy, nasturtium, snap dragon, sweet alyssium, African marigold, everlasting, cosmos and pansy.- If cold weather doesn’t arrive soon we will be gathering next June’s roses before 1926.

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