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1934 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1934
January 6, 1934

  • Island Baby Second To Appear In 1934 – Seattle papers announcing the first babies of 1934 gave the honor of being second on the list to a daughter born in Seattle General to Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Wegener, of Lisabeula.  The young lady was ushered into the world at 1:30 Monday morning.

  • Co-Operative Hatchery Starts Year’s Work – Having made special preparations to produce early chicks from well-rested breeding flocks the Vashon Co-Operative Hatchery opened its 1934 season by setting the large incubators on January 3.  While the members had to forego the high fall egg prices in order to start molting their breeding flocks the latter part of September, the seeming loss is compensated by the trend toward early chicks on the part of many of their customers.

  • McMurrays Entertain On New Year’s Eve – The Beachcomber’s Club was entertained at a delightful New Year’s Eve party by Mr. and Mrs. F.A. McMurray.  A number of clever stunts were featured, and the New Year ushered in the Scotch manner by clasping hands and singing “Auld Lang Syne.” The refreshment table was gaily decorated with flowers and confetti streamers.  After the first meal of the New Year, the guests joined in singing until 1934 was several hours old.  (Editor’s note: It must have been pretty good stuff to keep them singing for several hours.)

  • Twelve More Men Put To Work This Week On Island C.W.A. Projects – With twelve more men put to work this week the Island now has 92 working, which is in excess of the quota of eighty.  Members of the committee which have been instrumental in having local men put to work on the C.W.A. program feel that the Island has been dealt with kindly in this manner.  Additional funds may be available later and more men given jobs.  The justice of giving men with dependents work can plainly be seen, although it is regrettable that a number of single men anxious for jobs cannot be taken care of.  Investigation shows that none of the unmarried men who have registered are suffering, practically all of them living at home with some other wage earner in the family.

  • Vashon State Bank Has Savings Security – Officials of the Vashon State Bank were notified early this week that the bank was included among those eligible for federal insurance.  The local bank is one of 13,423 banks in the nation now under the new federal system of insurance.  Only three per cent of the banks were found ineligible.  Under the new system deposits up to $2,500 are guaranteed in full from January 1 to July 1.  After that deposits up to $10,000 will be guaranteed 100 per cent; those up to $50,000, 70 per cent; those over $50,000, 50 percent.  This action was consummated less than ten months after the close of the national banking holiday last March, a holiday which saw the doors of every bank from coast to coast closed.

  • Merchants Feel Effects Of Money Being Put to Use By Men on CWA Projects – Approximately $1,500 was paid out last week to men recently put to work on Island projects.  Island merchants report that already they are feeling the effect of the money being put into circulation through the C.W.A. jobs given to local men.  This is a heartening sign and indicates that there is still loyalty in our community.  Every person who have been forced into debt during the past year or two knows how strong the tendency is when money begin to trickle in, to spend it where there is no accumulation of debts to cause embarrassment.  It is only natural to feel about the new money as a miser feels about his gold and to resent the fact that someone else has a prior claim to it because of value received.  The Island merchants have had a desperate struggle to keep going and were slow to clamp down on credit, realizing that it was absolute need that made the customers, who were also friends and neighbors, slow in meeting obligations.  It is a certainty that the merchants have now on their books hundreds of dollars they will never receive.  To them is due with improving times the loyalty of all.  Until the obligations are completely discharged all money possible should be spent with the local merchants who have stood by in times of stress and need.  Debts for the necessities of life are honorable debts, but those who have extended the credit should profit in every possible way in return for their faith in their fellow citizens.

  • Additional Teacher Given Under C.W.A. Project – Notice was received by Professor F.M. Robertson Wednesday that an additional teacher for work in the high school would be available, wages to be paid from C.W.A. funds.  Just who the new teacher will be has not been decided, but if possible a local person will be employed.

  • Bobbie Harmeling, who was so badly burned several weeks ago, was unable to return to school as had been hoped.  There is grave danger that an operation will be necessary before complete recovery is possible.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – We are sorry that there was no Cove and Colvos news last week.  The reason was that the Cove correspondent lost her voice and wasn’t able to collect any news over the phone.

January 11, 1934

  • Sanitary District Project Being Planned for Vashon To Give C.W.A. Men Work – At an enthusiastic meeting of the Vashon Business Men’s Club last Thursday evening a proposal was made for the formation of a sanitary district of the village of Vashon.  For a long time the necessity of a sewer system for the locality has been felt.  Due to the slope toward the north and west the drainage from practically the entire village collects back of a group of residences.  This drainage includes not only the surface water but the overflow from numerous septic tanks as well.  The fact that the condition has not been called to the attention of county health authorities before is that those most interested could see no practical remedy.  The proposed system would consist of two lines on the east and west sides of the pavement, starting approximately from the Prigg and Dann residences, running through alleys back of stores and residences, north to the King road and following it down to the bay.  It is probable that a large septic tank would of necessity be a part of the proposed system.  Labor and 20 per cent of the cost of materials can probably be secured under the CWA program, as there is a dearth in many rural localities of projects that are of permanent value.  As only a certain part of the work can be provided by a road program, other suggestions for providing labor for our men will be given every consideration, according to information received from Olympia.  The Vashon business men feel that the project they are proposing is of undeniable benefit and will at the same time furnish means of employment.  Committees were appointed to make the necessary investigation as to the procedure of forming a sanitary district, securing engineer’s survey, possible costs, etc.  If present plans work out, the work may be begun in five or six weeks.

  • Baker Injured in Auto Crash Saturday – Louie Stockmeier, owner of the Island Bakery, was very seriously injured Saturday afternoon in an accident, when his Chevrolet delivery truck, driven by Harry Janney, was completely wrecked in a collision with a Hudson touring car belonging to and driven by Bill Hakk, of Burton.  The accident occurred a short distance east of McIntosh’s at the junction of the Dockton and Maury roads.  Ralph Jensen, regular driver for the bakery, had been called to Bremerton on business and Janney, a former employee, had been hired to assist Stockmeier, who was unfamiliar with the Island, in making his deliveries.  Hakk, coming from the south and with the right-of-way, supposed that the other car would make the turn onto the Dockton road.  The two cars came together with a terrific force that wrecked them both, and Stockmeier received most of the force of the impact.  He was taken from the wreckage to Dr. McMurray’s office.  Examination showed that both bones of the right leg were broken above the knee.  He was suffering so intensely that a complete examination was impossible, so the Rodda delivery truck was converted into an ambulance which took him into Harborview on the 2:30 boat.  Late reports indicate that the outcome of the accident is still very doubtful.  The accident is the climax of an unfortunate venture and comes at a time when Louie was just beginning to feel that his business here might weather through the better times.  He has made friends through his sheer pluck in carrying on and has the respect and sympathy of all who have come in contact with him.  The business of the bakery is being carried on in the usual manner with Mrs. Mary Croce, of Seattle, in charge of the store; Louie Mocco and G. Esterle in charge of the baking and the regular route men.

  • More CWA Funds Allocated to Island – Local CWA supervisors have been notified that additional funds have been allocated to the Island, which will furnish sixty additional days employment for CWA workers.  Due to the fact that the quota for the Island has already been exceeded it was stated that no additional Island men would be given work, but that workers who have been employed in flood relief on the mainland would be brought here.  Work will be done, not on projects applied for, but in making repairs on roads and repairing the damage done by slides, washouts and storms.  Five thousand dollars will be spent on each of the three districts consisting of Maury Island and Vashon Island north and south of Center.  The work on the North End project will consist, at the beginning, of tiling various side roads and diverting water now running onto the pavement.  On the hill above the dock tiling will be laid and the west side of the road filled in from the bottom up to the Biloxi road.  The hill which obstructs the view at the entrance to the Biloxi road will also be cut down.  New provisions have been made allowing 20 per cent of the money for materials and truck hire, 80 per cent to be spent on labor.  Suggestions for worth-while projects which would effect permanent benefits will be welcomed by those in charge of the work.  There are certain limitations, but even so the wide possibility of work permissible should result in a number of permanent improvements to our Island.

  • Wild West Carnival Under Auspices of Local Business Men’s Club Set for Feb. 10 – Committees have been appointed to make arrangements for a Wild West Winter Carnival to be held Saturday evening, February 10, under the auspices of the Vashon Business Men’s Club at the Island Club.  Naturally the one and only Tim Clark will be master of ceremonies, so lots of fun and entertainment is assured.  Axel Petersen and H.C. Cronander are the other members of Tim’s committee and between the three of them they are planning an evening that will make every person who attends feel that they are again living in the good old days when the West was wild and wooly and depressions were unheard of.  Conditions last summer made the usual carnival seem inadvisable, but there have been so many insistent demands for a winter carnival, that the Vashon club was finally persuaded to stage one.  The proceeds from the carnival will be spent in making certain replacements in the fire protection equipment and for the upkeep and maintenance of the street lights.

  • Maury Notes – Mrs. Kilpatrick was painfully injured last week when she was hit by a bicycle.

  • Bobby Harmeling Recovering – Bobby Harmeling is slowly recovering from the burns suffered at Thanksgiving.  He was taken to a specialist in Seattle Saturday at the request of the attending physician, who reported the arm as healing excellently.  On Monday the scars on the elbow were cut so that his arm would straighten out, and he now carries it in a splint.  It will be some weeks before he returns to school.

January 18, 1934

  • Contract Between Transportation Co. And County Given – On page four of this issue of The News-Record will be found a copy of the much discussed contract between the Kitsap County Transportation Company and King County.  We are publishing this with the knowledge and consent of both the ferry company and the office of the prosecuting attorney.  Some will feel that entirely too much space is taken up in this manner, but we feel that in justice to all concerned it is a good thing.  Allegations concerning this contract have been made.  A careful reading will show that many of these are unjust.  This contract has been shrouded in much mystery.  The editor of The News-Record felt that the best way to unshroud it was to publish a copy of the document.  Hence we feel justified in publishing the contract that has caused so much discussion in regard to ”equipment received by the Kitsap County Transportation Company from King County.”  No doubt those who read it will find much enlightenment from the text, and that a number of popular beliefs are not entirely founded on fact.

  • Louie Stockmeier Improving – It gives us great pleasure to report that in spite of various rumors to the contrary Louie Stockmeier, owner of the Island Bakery, who was so badly injured in an auto accident, is recovering as well as could possibly be hoped.  Apparently there were no internal injuries.  His broken leg is mending nicely and although he will probably be confined to the hospital for five or six weeks and on crutches for some time, the accident could so easily have had fatal results.

  • Magazine Combination At Bargain Price – Attention is called to an advertisement in this issue of The News-Record which announces to our readers that during the month of February we will be able to offer a splendid combination at an almost unbelievable price, consisting of a year’s subscription to The News-Record, Pictorial Review, Delineator and Sunset Magazine.  If you are about to renew your subscription to any of these periodicals it will pay you to wait until February.1.

  • Road Committee Holds Meeting on Wednesday Eve – A meeting of the road committee of the Vashon Island Commercial Club was held last Wednesday evening at the Island Club.  The committee for 1934 consists of J.F. Shaw, chairman, H.C. Cronander and George McCormick, Vashon; L.P. Black and Royce Wise, Vashon Heights; George Davis and K. Van House, Burton; George Sheffield and R.K. Beyer, Southern Heights; Adolph Hiersch and F.J. Shattuck, Lisabeula; J.D. Liggett, Glen Acres; Frank Born, Maury; C.M. Rhulen, Dockton; George Walls, Colvos; T.G. Dunn, Portage.  There was a general discussion of road conditions and proposed projects to be taken up under the CWA program.  It was pointed out that larger projects were preferable to smaller ones as the latter were often not of sufficient benefit to warrant the expense entailed.  Among the projects proposed Wednesday evening for consideration was the paving of the road from Burton dock to Judd Creek bridge, this to be divided into two projects.  The conversion of the land owned by District 211 around the Burton-Southern Heights grammar school, extending from Judd Creek bridge to south of the building and from the road to the beach, into a public park and play ground was discussed.  A similar program may be carried out at Vashon provided the Island Club can be turned over to the community.  A swimming pool and play ground equipment would probably be built if the trustees of the club decide that proposition is feasible.  L.P. Black gave a report of the work of the CWA program on the Island.  He corrected the impression that men would be brought over from the mainland to work here.  This would be done only in case more than the number now at work is required, and only an unlooked for emergency would make this necessary.  The number of local men is sufficient to carry on practically any work attempted in the time allowed.  It is evident that this committee is a particularly capable group and will be constantly on the job looking out for the best interests of the communities of the Island.  It is suggested that the residents having any suggestions or complaints in regard to road work get in touch with J.F. Shaw, who will present them to his committee for careful consideration.

  • Commercial Club Will Meet Saturday Night – Notice is hereby given of a meeting to be held January 20, 1934, 8 p.m., at the high school gymnasium.  The purpose of this meeting is the discussion of proposed changes in ferry rates and schedules.  A meeting of citizens of Vashon Island and Harper was held on December 8, 1933.  After much discussion a vote was taken on the question of whether we shall keep the Verona on the run between Seattle and Vashon-Harper or shall the Verona be taken off the run and an adequate bus service be established between Vashon Island points and the shopping district of Seattle by way of Fauntleroy.  The result of the ballot was 76 in favor of a bus system and 43 in favor of keeping the Verona on its run.  Since that time a certain agitation has developed which favors changing the run of the ferry “Vashon” to the Marion street dock for three trips a day, thus opening up connections between Vashon and downtown Seattle again.  This last proposal would affect several trips of the ”Vashon” to and from Fauntleroy changing the time and cancelling some trips.  The Vashon Island Commercial Club is calling this meeting of citizens interested in the welfare of our Island.  Notice has been given three weeks in advance and it is urgently requested that all persons interested in these proposed changes in rates and routes attend this meeting and express your personal wishes in the matter.  There will be a discussion of the matter from all angles and a vote will be taken to get an expression of the wish and feeling of the residents as well as of summer sojourners.  The time is 8:00 p.m., Saturday evening, gives the summer visitor a chance to be present.  Vashon Island Commercial Club, By J.G. Bennett, President.

  • Apprentice At News-Record – Justin Mace, brother-in-law of the genius of the back office, arrived last week from Glendive, Montana, and will supply a long-felt need in The News-Record shop, an up-and-coming printer’s devil.  Justin will make his home with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Wilder.

  • Buys Home On Island – Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Sexson have moved into their newly acquired home north of Vashon which they purchased last week from Abe Abrahamsen.  The property consists of a comfortable five-room house on several acres of land in the corner of the paved highway and the Cove road.  The Sexsons came here last summer from Oroville, taking over the Vashon drug store and now have further identified themselves with the Island with the purchase of a permanent home.

  • Home Destroyed By Fire – Early last Thursday morning fire, of an unknown origin, totally destroyed the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Campbell, at Dilworth Point.  The occupants of the house were able to save only part of the furniture and a few personal effects.

  • Recent heavy rains have caused settling of the earth along the Glen Acres-Dilworth road from near Swastika Lodge north of the Edmonds summer home.

January 25, 1934

  • Slide Report Is Greatly Exaggerated – The current report that a tract consisting of several hundred acres of waterfront on the east side of the Island is about to slide into the bay and be swallowed up seems to be without much foundation.  There has, however, been enough shifting to cause serious settling of a tract in the neighborhood of Dilworth Point, which has resulted in broken pipes at Swastika Lodge.  The house itself has settled considerably.  The Edmonds house, a short distance north has been very seriously damaged.  While conditions are bad enough it is cheering to know that there is no real reason to fear that further damage will result unless much worse weather conditions develop.

  • Meeting Held Saturday Evening in Effort to Change Ferry Routes – On Saturday evening several hundred people, Island and Harper residents, transportation officials and a few summer residents met in the high school auditorium for a discussion of proposed changes in rates and routes.  The meeting had been called by the Commercial Club, and although disclaiming in any way that it was a Commercial Club meeting, President Bennett presided.  A reading of a report recently made by a special committee of the Commercial Club was read.  This report recommended a 10 cent cash fare between Fauntleroy and Vashon and a fare of 25 cents cash fare for car and driver over the same route.  It also recommended a rerouting of the first morning trip, one at 4:15 p.m. and the last trip at night into Marion street dock for the benefit of foot passengers and those preferring the boat trip to the long ride from Fauntleroy into town by bus or street car.  Certain reductions in this fare was recommended.  As the meeting developed the proposed reduction in fare was lost sight of, but an implied promise of lower rates was given by Phillip McBride, attorney for the Kitsap Co. Transportation Co., in case some arrangement could be made whereby the “Verona,” which is losing money daily, could be taken off of the run.  It was suggested by David Williams, deputy prosecutor, and a summer resident of the Island, that it would be advisable to appoint a representative committee to confer with the transportation company in an attempt to when it became apparent that with the large number present and the diversity of opinion that no progress was being made.  The suggestion to re-route the three trips daily into Marion street was lost as was a motion to table the report until a later date.  A motion was made to endorse the present schedule of the “Vashon” and “Verona” until such time as adequate bus service from the Heights via Fauntleroy could be established.  Opponents expressed the opinion that the term “adequate bus service” was too ambiguous to insure either satisfactory comfort or reasonable rates, while those favoring the change felt that only by eliminating the “Verona” can there be any hope of reduction in fares.  After more or less heated discussion a vote was taken which resulted in a large majority voting in favor of rates and routes remaining as at present.

  • C.W.A. Workers Laid Off Last Friday – Last Friday 52 local men, working on CWA projects, were dismissed.  According to late reports a certain number of these will, however, probably be re-employed at a later date.  Orders were wired to county officials late Thursday night to dismiss 3,000 men immediately, but permission was finally gained to allow the men to finish the week, and they were told not to return to work on Monday.  A general state of uncertainty has been produced, apparently, by the investigations of graft now being conducted in connection with the CWA program, which has resulted in the present action.  It is felt that ultimately the men dismissed will be put back to work.

  • Radio Program Nets Organization Fine Sum – The radio program Friday evening at the Vashon grammar school brought out an appreciative audience which enjoyed the various clever skits, reproductions of favorite radio programs.  Almost $15 from admissions and advertising was realized, which will be applied on the hot lunch fund.

  • Here’s Chance for Island to Display Feminine Pulchritude – Vashon Island is looking for a queen to represent her at the big annual banquet and entertainment to be given by the Consolidated South District Commercial Club, on Saturday, February 24, in the auditorium of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.  As usual there will be a candidate nominated in each community on the Island.  Every one will be given a chance to boost for his queen and Island by voting at the following places: Theo Berry, Dockton; Burton Trading Co., Burton; Vashon State Bank, Vashon; A.J. Marsh, Cove.  The names of those nominated will be announced later.  – Publicity Committee.

  • Author Spending Winter Here – It will undoubtedly be of interest to the readers of McCall’s Magazine to know that John Reid Byers, whose clever story, “Hearts Across the Sea” appeared in the current issue, is spending the winter here, living at Newport Beach.

  • Bus Company Announces Reduction in Fares and New Route and Terminal – A new schedule of rates and fares has been filed with the Department of Public Works by the Vashon Island Transportation Company, which, if approved, will go into effect January 29.  The week-day trips to Vashon Heights only, leaving Burton at 6 a.m. and 4:45 p.m., will be entirely eliminated.  With the exception of a trip north from Burton at 3:30 p.m. and south from the Heights at 6:20 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday all trips to and from the Heights have been discontinued, except as a pert of the trips from Burton into Seattle.  After January 29 the Seattle terminal will be the corner of Third and Virginia.  The route will be up First avenue and the regular stops will be made at the corner of First and Virginia, First and Seneca, First and Yesler.  South of Yesler passengers may be picked up or discharged at any corner.  Fares on single trips will remain the same, but a reduction of ten cents will be made on round trips.

  • Another Slide On Cove Hill – Monday evening another portion of the hill east of the Cove road started toward the bay, blocking the road and making traffic impossible.  Several persons narrowly escaped being hit by the sliding mass.

  • A slide at Indian Point this week took the Brown house, just near the dock, into the bay.

  • Would You Like A Car? – Who wouldn’t like to buy a nice, shiny new car for a dollar?  Louie Rodda insists it will be done and the advertisement of Price-Rite stores all over the Northwest this week explains how it can be done.  Vashon Island purchasers stand just as good a chance as any other purchasers to get a chance at buying a car for 100 cents.  The name of one purchaser from each store will be sent in to Seattle and the lucky name drawn from the number of Price-Rite stores in this district.  Thus the chance of a Vashon Island purchaser will be just as good as a customer of much larger stores.

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February 1934
February 1, 1934

  • Winter Carnival Will be Staged Saturday, Feb. 10 – According to “Tim” Clark, chairman of the committee on arrangements for Vashon Island’s first winter carnival to be held February 10 at the Island Club, plans are going forward which means a lot of fun for all those who attend.

  • Island Beauty Contest to Select Winner to be Feted – The names of the successful candidates are: Burton, Louise Dahl; Cove, Florence Swenson; Maury Island, Eleanor Larsen; Center-Ellisport, Rosalie Therkelsen; Vashon, Ona Nelson.

  • Slide Destroys Boathouse And Contents – A slide on the E.R. NePage property near Glen Acres destroyed the boathouse and contents, including a motor boat and a row boat, as well as a variety of other articles stored in the building.

  • Operetta Cast To Hold Dress Rehearsal Friday – A dress rehearsal of “The Magic Beanstalk,” the delightful operetta to be given by pupils of the Vashon grammar school February 9 will be held Friday afternoon.  The costumes, characteristic of the 17th century, will be not only of the peasantry of that day, but will bring forth some dainty sheperdesses in bouffant frocks.

  • Water System Wrecked By Slide – The property of William Steeple, east of Vashon, was badly damaged by a slide last week which practically wrecked the private system which furnishes the residence with water.

  • District No. 19 Uses A Lot Of Water – According to figures furnished us by T.N. Thompson, meter reader for the Vashon Water District, the patrons of the system purchased during the past year 6,730,740 gallons of water.  This amount was registered by meters ranging in number between 90 and 100.  While the present administration has made us familiar with large figures, on the surface it would scarcely seem that a hundred families would use more than 6 million gallons of water, but we have Mr. Thompson’s figures and added them twice, getting the same results each time – just like an adding machine.

  • Entertained With Trip Through County Jail – While calling with their mother on several friends in the County-City building last Thursday, the Smock youngsters were entertained with a visit through the county jail, seeing everything from the front to the back door, and also listened with great interest to the testimony given in a grand larceny case.  This was made possible through the courtesy of Benjamin T. Hart, of the clerk’s office.

  • Slot Machine Seized – Engaged in one of their periodical clean-ups of the county, officers visited the pool room at Vashon last Saturday and seized a slot machine in operation there.

  • The John Reid family, of the University District, Seattle, summer residents of the North End, are summoning up courage to start work in restoring their lily pond and shrubbery destroyed by a recent slide.

February 8, 1934

  • Ferry Company Announces Changes in Rates and Schedule – “Verona” to be Discontinued After February 15; Fares for All Cars and Passengers Cut – Announcement was made on Monday by Captain William E Mitchell, general manager of the Kitsap County Transportation Company, during a call at The News-Record office of certain changes which had been filed February 1, to become effective on the fifteenth, which will result in the discontinuance of the steamer “Verona” into Marion street to be replace by bus service from Fauntleroy.  Lower transient rates for automobiles will also go into effect on the same date.  This reduction is a step in the right direction and one which has been advocated by The News-Record for the past three years.  Captain Mitchell stated that as soon as further adjustments were made other fares would be reduced if possible. 

  • Commercial Club Committee Meets With Ferry Company – On Saturday morning, February 3, the executive committee, and other members of the Vashon Island Commercial Club, met in conference with the officials of the Kitsap County Transportation Company in their Seattle office.  Those who attended were Charles England, Dr. J.G. Bennett, W.Coy Meredith, J.C. Gabourel, J.F. Shaw, F.J. Shattuck, R.W.F. Martin and Norman Edson.  After considerable debate the ferry company presented a new program of rates and schedules to take effect on February 15.  A proposition of the ferry company aiming at a reduction in the auto fares was that in consideration of a discontinuance of the strip ticket they would make a reduction in the price of the coupon book commutation ticket.  This they assured the committee would have their immediate attention. – Publicity Committee.

  • Will Bring Games For Carnival – Word was received Monday that C.F. Parker, manager of the carnival company supplying the amusements for the summer carnivals of the Vashon Business Men’s Club would be here and supply the games for the winter carnival to be held at the Island Club next Saturday evening, February 10. 

  • Middling and Staples Dispose of Bus Line To Bainbridge Man -  A deal whereby John Staples and C. Middling sold their entire interest in the Vashon Island Transportation Company to Martin F. Zuber, of Bainbridge Island, was announced last Friday.  Through the transaction Mr. Zuber purchased the stock and certificate, effective February 1.

  • Grammar School to Present Three Act Operetta “The Magic Beanstock” Friday Eve – The case consists of Jack, Bazil Canfield; Captain Kidd, Robert Wight; Jack’s mother, Dorothy Wight; Juliana, John Black, Allan Metzenberg; Announcer, Bobby Tjomsland; Gipsy Ann, Elsie Kimmel; Foolemen, Johnny Coffin; Henrietta, a hen, Bluntenbuss, James Mace; Women, Florence Marshall, Margaret Spalding, Ruth Wilson, Dorothy Frost, Martha Matsumoto, Fransu Smock; Men, August Takatsuka, Herbert Canfield, Benny Wilson, Sydney Riley.  Other characters include pirates, magic beans, girls, villagers and entertainers.

  • Colored Singers To Give Program Monday Evening – Monday evening, February 12, the Tennessee Singers, eleven young colored people, will give a varied program at the Island Club.

February 15, 1934

  • All CWA Work to be Re-registered; Work Will Be Resumed Mon., Feb. 19 – Dr J.G. Bennett, president of the Vashon Island Commercial Club, was informed that on February 15 all CWA projects would be shut down, but would probably begin operation again the following Monday, February 19.  It was requested by A.M. Young that recommendations of the most important local projects be filled not later than February 13.  The projects selected by the local officials as being of most benefit are the Burton school grounds, Columbia school high school recreation field, and the highway projects.  The Burton school ground project will consist of clearing the land from Judd Creek bridge around to the southeast corner of the property, down to the beach, for the use of the public for a picnic ground, accessible by the road on the south boundary of the grounds.  Tables, benches and stoves will be built for the only public salt water picnic grounds of the Island.  The work at Columbia school will consist of reshingling the building and making other needed repairs; leveling and clearing the playgrounds and the right-of-way which connects up with the Krokset road.  At the high school the land back of the building will be cleared and leveled for a recreation field.  There will be tennis and volley ball courts constructed for the use of the students.  The fourth project will consist of improvement of the highways of the Island, a careful survey of which has been made by Charles Eddy and Franklin Born, on Maury, and C.M. Rhulen and L.P. Black, on Vashon.  It had been suggested that the Island Club property be taken over for a public playground, but the committee did not deem this feasible, and it was not included in the projects submitted.

  • P.T.A. Barn Dance for Transportation Benefit – For the benefit of the transportation fund the Vashon P.T.A. will sponsor a barn dance in the gymnasium of the school Saturday evening, February 17.

  • Patrons Plan For Playground And Equipment – At a meeting of the Vashon P.T.A. Tuesday of this week plans were made for presenting a project for work on the playground of the school.  Application for CWA help has been made.  Such help is being given in many communities on the mainland, and there is little doubt that it can be secured for our community, as officials seem to recognize the importance of such projects.  The members voted in favor of the purchase of playground equipment, consisting of volleyballs, baseballs and bats, indoor baseballs, etc. that the children may form several teams, and more of them will be kept busy playing organized games.  It was also voted to have a large sandbox constructed for the use of the primary youngsters who are too young for competitive games.  This will be constructed by Walter Steen, the efficient janitor of the building.

  • Changes in Service of Bus and Ferry Companies Go Into Effect Thursday – Delayed by the department of public works in carrying out the proposed change announced in last week’s News-Record, officials of the Kitsap County Transportation Company informed The News-Record Wednesday that the steamer Verona would not be taken off of the run for thirty days at least.  This ruling of the department was determined by the receipt of petitions signed by residents of Harper and Vashon Island requesting that the company be denied permission to discontinue service into Marion street, or at least until after a public hearing some time in March.  In anticipation of the discontinuance of the Verona, plans for the change in the time for departure of the first ferry, a reduction of fares and bus provision had been made.  The plans will all be carried out beginning this (Thursday) morning.  While this duplication of service was unlooked for it will give early commuters a chance to try out both services and to judge for themselves which they find most acceptable. 

  • Quartermaster House Damaged by Fire and Water Monday Evening – Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Brunson, on Quartermaster Harbor have every reason for the gratitude they feel to their neighbors who came so valiantly to their rescue Monday evening and succeeded in saving their home from total destruction by fire.  Going out into the yard after dinner for wood, Mr. Brunson saw a red glow on the roof near the kitchen chimney.  The fire was spreading rapidly when discovered.  Mr. Brunson rushed in and called the family.  They connected up the garden hose and fought the fire through the attic, although at first it seemed to be a hopeless situation.  Neighbors called by Mable Matthews, phone girl, and others attracted by the blaze, came with fire extinguishers and finally succeeded in controlling the blaze.  The house was almost completely emptied of furniture by the time it was discovered that the blaze could be brought under control.  From all indications the night promised to remain fair and the furniture was left out in the yard.  The heavy fog which came up during the night caused a great deal of damage to the finish of practically every piece of furniture.  The greatest amount of damage was done by water, and in three of the upstairs rooms the interior will have to be entirely replaced.  Floors and walls were chopped in getting to the blaze.

  • New 40-Passenger Bus To be Installed on Island Stage Route – Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Zuber were here Tuesday looking over the bus situation.  From all indications they will be residents of the Island much sooner than they at first anticipated.  Mr. Zuber is studying the question of schedules and at present believes it will be possible to give five round trips into Seattle each day.  He is considering a shuttle service with the new bus operating from Fauntleroy and one of the smaller buses being used for pick-up on the Island.

  • Report In Error As To Lunch Funds Being Depleted – Our attention has been called to a serious error of which we were guilty several weeks ago.  It has been reported to us that funds for hot lunches were low and that some of the activities of the Vashon Grammar School P.T.A. were for the purpose of replenishing these funds.  As a matter of fact the hot lunches are entirely self supporting and under the efficient management of Mrs. E.F. Agren and Mrs. C. Cronander, chairman of the committee, the youngsters are being served wholesome, appetizing food at 3 cents per serving.  This in spite of the increasing cost of groceries. 

  • Possibility Of Playground Supervision Announced – It was announced this week that if the matter were properly presented there was a strong possibility that a playground supervisor could be secured through the CWA.  With practically no advantage of supervised play this would be a wonderful thing for the pupils of our grammar schools and P.T.A. circles should get behind the proposition.

  • Pool Room Sold To C. Middling – A deal completed Tuesday whereby C. Middling purchased all interest of Louie Deppman in the Vashon Pool Hall.

  • Purchases Home And Land – A deal was closed this week whereby Carl Castle purchased from Charles England an uncompleted brick veneer house and five acres of land on Maury Island, a part of the Deppman tract.

  • Norman’s At It Again – Norman Edson has again broken into the magazines and his pictures are being shown all over the country.  In the current issue of “Travel” there is an article on “Seagulls” by Ethel Romig Fuller, illustrated by two of Mr. Edson’s pictures, while the editorial page of “Good Housekeeping” is enlivened by a copy of the famous picture of the Mountain taken from the North End.  “Sunset” has purchased several of Mr. Edson’s pictures for use in the near future.

February 22, 1934

  • West Side Man Dies on Virginia V After Seattle Visit – Returning home after a day spent in Seattle shopping and visiting friends, A.L. Hall, 77 years of age, was stricken with heart failure and died on the Virginia V soon after the boat pulled out from the Colman dock.

  • Changes Announced in CWA Preference for All Workers; Projects Will Start Monday – While the new CWA program seems to be still subject to change, and in general uncertainty the present preference is as follows, according to latest instructions received by L.P. Black, local supervisor: 1. Veterans having war service records and dependents on relief, 2. Relief cases (aliens not barred) having families, 3. Veterans, having war service records and dependents, not on relief, 4. Citizens, married.  On Monday, acting on instructions from Seattle the men who have been working on the Burton-Shawnee road were assembled to begin work, only to be informed that the supplemental funds had never been applied for.  According to the committee application had been made to the county commissioners in regular order, and assurance was given by Supervisor Wiltsie that the matter would be taken care of, as would the other projects applied for.  At the present time no one has been able to definitely place the blame, but according to all evidence the applications have been lost somewhere along the line.  According to Al Koch, chief assistant of A.L. Young, head of the CWA work for King County, an application for a $4,500 project, consisting of repairing flood damage, has been allowed for the North End.  Application for this, according to report was made directly by Charles Taylor.  Two of the school projects have been favorably received, but which ones Mr. Koch could not state.  Mr. Koch also stated that the CWA work in this district would be completely mobilized by April 9, cutting 10 per cent of the workers each week.

  • Co-op Hatchery Employs Five Men – Contributing in a small way to the nation-wide movement toward re-employment, the Vashon Co-op Hatchery is now employing five men.  The hatchery has at all times been in compliance with the NRA, but has recently needed additional personnel to handle the peak season business.  Ninety-one thousand, six hundred and thirty-three eggs, weighing not less than 2 ounces each, have been set already this season at the hatchery.

  • Louise Dahl Elected To Act as Miss Vashon Island at Banquet

  • Forty Passenger Bus Now In Operation On Route

  • Cribbage Tournament Decided By Two Points – Maury Island cribbage players are going out after the world championship just as soon as the Island championship can be definitely decided.  By way of proof as to just how good Maury Island players are, a group who play together rain or shine every Wednesday evening, got together as per usual last Wednesday evening.  They played sixteen games, with honors equally distributed and were preparing to go home when one hard-headed Scotchman said to another one, equally hard-headed, “I’ll not stir from this spot till ‘til settled.”  So they sat down for the seventeenth game, and when the echo of “fifteen-two, double runs of five, pairs, etc.” had died away the fact developed that Charlie Merry and Ben Williams had beaten Jim Ogilvy and Bill Rendall to the tune of two points.  And to anyone that knows the game, that’s good crib!

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March 1934
March 1, 1934

  • Car Wrecked On Heights Hill Monday Morning – Ernie Hayes and Jack Coulson, of Maury Island, suffered superficial cuts and severe bruises Monday morning when a small car in which they were riding overturned at the top of the Heights hill.    The car had been stripped and a makeshift body had been constructed on the bottom of loose boards.

  • Theatre Opens Under New Management – It was announced late last week that the Vashon Theatre had changed management, and would be re-opened as soon as the equipment can be checked over and put in first class condition.  W.R. “Bill” Warner the new manager does not come to the Island as a stranger, but returns rather to a field which has always been to him an attractive one.  Six years ago Mr. Garner helped to install the equipment of the show house when it was opened by R.P. Burfield.  Since that time he has been continuously connected with Western Electric, has operated all kinds of equipment, both silent and sound, and has gained practical knowledge not only in the actual operation by in the servicing.  He has always looked upon Vashon Island as a good field, where the patrons would not only appreciate good pictures but were entitled to just as good mechanical performance as they would find in the largest city show houses.  Mr. Warner stated that with consistent and intelligent mechanical care the equipment of the local theatre, with certain additions was adequate for first class performance, and this is exactly what he plans to give his patrons.  Mr. Warner has been associated with his father for several years past and has proven his ability to build up a business from the ground.  He is capable and anxious to make a success of the show business here, and is of the type to appreciate the needs of a community such as this.  Mr. Warner has recently been married, and will establish his home here within a few weeks.  Kenneth Dowling will be associated with Mr. Warner, although he will retain his present position in Seattle.

  • Forty CWA Men Returned to Work – Forty men were returned to work on CWA projects last Friday and there is likelihood that thirty-three more will go to work very soon.  Work is now in progress at the Columbia school on the West Side.  The building housing the lower grades is being reshingled and a new foundation being put under the other building.  Almost two acres of ground will be slashed and burned while the playgrounds will be leveled and a baseball diamond prepared.  At the Burton school work is under progress clearing the grounds from the Judd Creek Bridge down to the water to the southwest line.  In the building carpenters are tearing out a partition converting two small rooms into a large one.  At the Vashon building the gymnasium is being painted and repaired.  A playground at the south of the gym is being prepared for the small children with a large sand pit, double volley ball courts are being prepared and the larger field at the back will be leveled for football and baseball fields.  The sidewalk at the front of the building will be replaced.  Materials are being paid for by popular subscription to which patrons responded to gladly.  Representatives visiting Olympia last Monday discovered that two projects had been pigeon-holed and after various and sundry inquiries succeeded in having them resurrected.  These two were the high school and Dockton projects.  The work on these various projects will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible.  According to the present plan the CWA forces will be retired systematically with the program closing about the first of May.

  • Vashon Japanese Players Win Over Fife, 18 to 12 – On February 25 the Vashon “Asaki” team played an exciting basketball game with the fast Fife team at the Fife high school.  Masa Nakamichi was high point man with six points to his credit.  The line-up was as follows: Ken Yorioka, forward; Glen Miyoshi, forward; Masa Nakamichi, center; Don Matsumoto, guard; Haruo Miyoshi, guard; Substitutions, Yuki Fujioka and Yukichi Nishiyori.  The team was accompanied by a number of Japanese girls who enjoyed the game greatly.

March 8, 1934

  • High Wind Damages Phone Lines – The high wind of Monday evening played havoc with the poles of the local phone line.  Some of them being blown almost to the ground.  Although the wind reached hurricane proportions there was a surprisingly small amount of damage other than to light and phone poles done.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The halibut schooner “Celtic” of Cove left last Wednesday for the fishing banks in Western Alaska.

  • The summer home of Colonel and Mrs. Howard Hansen at Glen Acres is being moved back to solid ground, and they will be able to occupy it again.  At first it was thought that it could not be salvaged when carried away by sliding ground.  The Hansens are among the oldest summer residents judging from the number of summers they have spent here.

March 15, 1934

  • Island CWA Projects Being Hastened to Early Completion – An additional eleven men were employed on grade work on the Bunker Trail at the Heights recently, this numbering a total of fifty-one men now at work on CWA projects on the Island.  Much is being accomplished under the splendid supervision of Mr. Black, head of the CWA work.  The Dockton school is getting a new foundation, and also a new side walk is being laid for the beautification of the school.  A new roof is adding to the attractiveness of the Columbia school, and the grounds are being cleared for a play-ground.

  • Shawnee Road To Be Opened Soon In Better Condition Than Before – Although the last storm caved in some of the bank of the Shawnee Road, it was considered a blessing.  A new road bed is being raised and more soil has been needed to accomplish this.  It has been found necessary to raise the road bed so that the springs coming from the bank will be unable to wash out the road as has been the case in the past.  County officers after inspecting the road assured us that soon men will be put to work and that the road will be opened up in the near future.

  • New Bus to Give Better Service; Makes Three Seattle Stops – We, the residents of Vashon Island should be proud of our fine new bus.  It gives an air of prosperity to the community and is a great advertisement for the Island.  The aluminum, forty-passenger Fageol is equipped with leather upholstered spring cushions, latest type air-brakes, and compressed-air shock absorbers.  In other words it is one of the most comfortable riding facilities ever introduced on Vashon Island.  Mr. Zuber, now owner of the Vashon Island Transit Company, has made Burton the terminal, and at present is erecting a garage for his busses.  Included with the garage will be a workshop for minor repairs.

  • Fishing Season Opened March 1; Many Local Fishermen are Ready – The Dockton fishermen have been busy repairing and making their boats ship-shape for the “big haul.”  Fishing season opened March 1, and several boats have been halibut fishing around the Sound already.  The “Aliktak” belonging to A. Peterson and T. Danielson, left March 7 for a two-weeks’ trip.  The purse-seiners “The Flying Fish” and “Star Heaven” belonging to Mr. Beretitch; “Sitca” belonging to J.Ljubich; “Meridian”, Jack Berry’s boat; “Christine” another of Mr. Beretitch’s boats, and the “Icarose” belonging to Luke Plancich, expect to leave soon for Cape Flattery and Alaska.  A good “run” is expected this season and many extra men have been hired on the boats, which means good times for the fishermen.

  • Souvenir Gavel Made From Ivy Originally Grown by Ezra Meeker – Louise Dahl - In 1879, around the log cabin home of Ezra Meeker, of Puyallup, twined an old and rugged ivy as if to hold together in its sinuous arms the domestic love and felicity of the old pioneer.  How well the family prospered beneath its leafy shade is known by the long and illustrious life of the one who planted first its feeble root.  The old log cabin still stands in Pioneer Park.  Although removed from its original site the ivy still winds its leafy arms around those ancient logs.  Cement pillars, like a cane to an old man, help support the falling limbs – limbs that now measure a full twelve inches through.  J.M McClintock, at that time was manager of the Ezra Meeker Store.  One day he cut a slip from this old ivy, and planted it on his homestead at Ellisport.  It thrived and grew until 1884 when the McClintocks moved to Burton, and started in business.  The ivy like an old friend was brought along and transplanted near the store, by the wood shed.  Many changes have taken place since then the old store no longer stands, replaced by a restaurant, meat market and drug store.  The ivy grew along with the years, until it completely covered the old wood shed, and had its rotting sills beneath a thick of shining leaves.  At last, one Christmas morning, a thick blanket of snow added to the weight of years bore the old patriarch in the last resting place.  Some attempted to raise the old ivy but found it impractical.  An ardent gardener, J.F. Shaw of Burton preserved a portion of the trunk.  A portion of the wood was given to A.J. Lewis, manual training teacher of the Vashon Island high school who proceeded to make it into a gavel.  The gavel was presented by Mr. Shaw to the Burton Improvement Club on March 1 with hope that the good luck and prosperity that accompanied this old ivy through all those long years, will remain, and add even greater good fortune to the Burton Improvement Club.

  • Cove Committeeman Reports – In a phone conversation Tuesday evening Precinct Committeeman S.H. Clements reports that an election was held in Cove precinct without the aid or need of a deputy sheriff.  Nothing occurred to mar the perfect peace of the day.

  • Some of the dolphins at the North End dock have been almost completely destroyed, but they are now being put in condition again.

  • Maury Items – Forty-three persons attended the card party, which was held at the E. Hancock home on Wednesday evening March 7.  The guests had their choices of three games, namely bridge, five hundred or cribbage.  Mrs. Ben Williams, Mrs. L.H. Larsen and Mrs. Elmer Hancock were hostesses.

  • Dockton News - Harbor Pirates to Give Dance – At their semi-weekly meeting, March 9, the Harbor Pirates Club of Dockton discussed plans for a dance to be given March 24.  This dance is to be given in honor of the girls of Dockton.  Glen Willers will play the accordion for the dancers.  A program is being planned and Dockton mothers will provide the refreshments.

  • Dockton News – C. Johnson bought the small house and waterfront lot east of the new dock at Dockton, which was formerly owned by D. Beritich.

  • Ellisport Items – Summer must be here as several persons have been seen swimming at Ellisport.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Tahlequah residents no longer have “to hoof” the county road to the ferry dock.  Last Sunday every Tahlequahite put in a day rebuilding the board walk that was swept away by the high tides three months ago, and built a bridge and runway over the draw on the property owned by the Puget Mill Company.  The entire job, covering a quarter mile of beach front, was completed by four o’clock in the afternoon.  Planks and other materials were pooled by the various families.  “Straw bosses” included R.K. Beymer, Sr. and Jr. C.F. Roberts, D.C. Summers and Dr. David Cook, who is just as much at home on a job like this as he is when elevating molars.

  • Burton News Items – The Can’t-Hardly Logging Company is doing its part in employing men.  They are logging piling at Fisher’s Creek.

  • Southern Heights News – There was a meeting at No. 54 school house Saturday evening to discuss reviving the old Southern Heights Improvement Club.  R.F. Bennetts was chosen chairman pro tem. 

  • New Garage Building Being Erected At Burton – A rapping of hammers and the grinding of a cement mixer awakened the residents of the town of Burton on the morning of March 5.  For some time preparations have been going forward for the new garage which is being erected by M.F. Zuber, owner of the Vashon Island Transit Company.  He is having this garage built for the housing of four buses.  Included in this building will be a workshop for minor repairs.

March 22, 1934

  • Movement Underway to Have Game Preserve on Vashon Island Established – A movement is under way, backed by the Vashon Island Sportsmen’s Club, for the establishment of a game preserve on the Island.  The site selected consists of about 600 acres, surrounding Vashon Lake.  The side includes a tract owned by the state of over 400 acres, some smaller tracts of tax land.  None of the land would have to be purchased from private individuals.  Acting President Earl McCormick is enthusiastic and feels that the Island has every reason to hope for federal aid in carrying out the project.

  • Pheasants Released On Island Last Week – Last week a truck load of grown pheasants, about 50 in number, were released on the Island.  It is altogether likely that at least 1,000 young birds will be released here after the hatching season.

  • Island Rural Routes To Consolidate After March 31 as Ordered – Rather vague information received from the post office department indicates that after March 31 there will be a consolidation of the Burton, Portage and Vashon rural routes, which hereafter will be served from Vashon and Burton.  We are unable to obtain authoritative information as to just what change this will involve, but safe to say, the intricate postal service of our Island system will be further confounded.  According to latest advice Ira Thompson, working out of Vashon will serve part of the territory now served from Burton and Portage.  Russel Carty, from the Burton post office will deliver over a part of his present route, as far on Maury as Dockton, and west into the present Burton territory.  Henry Godfrey has been informed that he will be transferred to Olalla.  “Service” may indicate the delivery of mail within a half mile of a residence.  An attempt will be made to obtain exact information prior to our next week’s issue.

  • State Game Warden Makes Arrest – State Game Warden Harry Tighe spent last week on the Island, and plans to make periodical visits here in the next few months.  While here he made two arrests, one in Paradise Valley, when one of our Islanders was discovered with fish, too small, in his possession, which he had caught out of season.  The season opens April 10, and all fish under six inches in length must be returned to the stream they are taken from.  A second offender was caught at the South End when discovered shooting ducks.  These cases will both be tried in Seattle in the near future.  Attention to parents of children under age is called to the fact that they are responsible for damage which may be done by these children carrying firearms.

  • Local Japanese Team Wins From Tacoma – Wednesday evening, March 14, Vashon “Asahi”, Japanese basketball team, met the Tacoma “Bussei” in the high school gymnasium.  A well-played and exciting game resulted in the defeat of the visitors 19 to 14.  This was surprising in view of the fact that three weeks ago the same team had defeated the Island boys in Tacoma to the tune of 17 to 39.  The team’s lineups were as follows: Vashon, Masa Nakamichi, Ken Yorioka, Haruo Miyosi, Glen Miyoshi, Don Matsumoto; subs, Henry Hoshi, Bob Matsumoto.  Tacoma, K. Kubo, G. Kubo, L. Uyeda, Y. Nakayama, T. Tanabe; subs, H. Tamaki, M. Hayashi, A. Hayashi, Hayashi, M. Uyeda.  Following the game the Japanese Young Peoples Club entertained the visitors from Tacoma, sixteen in all, with a party at the Scout cabin.  A light lunch was served after the game.  Several musical numbers were furnished by members of the visiting team.  A talk was given by Rev. Sasaki, of the Tacoma Buddhist church. 

  • Theatre to Open Mar. 31; W.R . Warner Will Manage House – W.R. Warner, who will manage the Island Theatre beginning March 31 spent Monday here.  Mr. Warner has just returned from Coulee Dam, where he has been installing theatre equipment.  He stated that practically all of the sound equipment of the local show house is being overhauled and will be ready for the opening probably March 31.   For the present there will be two shows each week, but later in the season there will be four each week.

  • Patrons Of Portage Rural Route Asked To Change Address To Meet With Order – Orders have been received at this post office from the Post Office Department discontinuing Rural Route No. 1 from this office, effective March 31, 1934, with a request that all patrons be notified to change their address to the post office which will in the future supply them, which, the order states “will be Route 1, Burton, route 1, Vashon and route 2, Port Orchard.”  On and after April 1, 1934 all mail received at this office addressed to rural route patrons will be forwarded to your new address without additional postage charge, unless same is requested to be held at this office for general delivery.  M.S. Van Olinda, P.M. Portage.

  • Louis Stockmeyer, Vashon’s baker, was brought home last Thursday from a Seattle hospital where he has been confined for the past seven weeks.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The Cackle Club will hold its regular meeting Friday at 12:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. R.K. Beymer, Jr.  Bridge and chatter will provide the afternoon’s entertainment.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Traffic was tied up for a brief period last Friday on the road from Tahlequah to Burton.  A large fir whipped by a stiff breeze snapped, crashing against a bridge.  R.K. Beymer and a friend were driving to Burton, and tried vainly to remove the tree.  Messrs Griffith and Sprouie drove up on the opposite approach and luckily had an axe among the car’s equipment.  The branches were stripped and the fir was heaved over the guard rail.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Wood is a little more plentiful for beach-combers here.  Repairs are being made to the ferry slip and discarded piling is proving a boon to those whose woodpiles were depleted during the winter.

March 29, 1934

  • Ramquist Has Opened Shop In New Quarters At Vashon – O.E. Ramquist has re-opened his tailor shop in Vashon this week.  On Monday he moved into his new location in the T.N. Thompson building, one door west of the bank.  Mr. Ramquist long an Island resident has had many years of experience in different branches of tailoring and cleaning work.  He returns to headquarters in Vashon after an absence of seventeen months.

  • County Will Resume Highway Work on Burton-Shawnee Road – The resumption of work on the Burton-Shawnee road and the possible beginning of another project was the burden of reports received at The News-Record office Tuesday.  The state gas tax fund will finance the work which will be supervised by the county.  A group of county surveyors visited Burton Monday to look over the ground in question.  According to present plans, the work on the shore road from Burton to Shawnee will be continued by the county, CWA workers had partly finished the road.  J.F. Shaw, of Burton, who reported the matter, indicated that probably both hand and machine labor will be used.  The work will be begun in the immediate future.  The county is also considering the construction of the new cut-off on the Burton-Center highway.  Stakes have also been laid out for the cut-off, which will eliminate the steep Quartermaster hill on the road leading south from the telephone office.  Road officials are delaying action for the clearing of titles.  The work will be financed by the state gas tax and will be a regular item on the 1934 state budget.  It will be supervised by C.M. Rhulen.  Mr. Shaw received confirmation of the foregoing on Monday during a conference with county commissioners.

  • Purchases New Truck – A new ton and a half Chevrolet truck was delivered Tuesday to Maurice Dunsford, purchased through the Fuller Service Station, local agents.

  • Burton Patrons Of P.S.P.& L. To Pay Bills At Burton Drug – After March 29 Burton patrons of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co may pay their bills at the Burton Pharmacy instead of at the post office as formerly.

  • Consolidation of Mail Routes on Vashon Isl. To be Effective Mar. 31 – According to information received from Ira Thompson, carrier from the Vashon post office, his new route, effective March 31, will be: Leaving the Vashon office at 10:30 south to Center; west on the cemetery and Lamb roads to Lisabeula dock; back past John Church’s, north to Frances Sherman corner; east and north to Dunlap’s; back to phone office; north to Kirkland corner; east on Laughlin road to Calloway corner; south and southeast to Ellisport; back along the Keplo Beach road to Urquhart corner, south to bridge south of Beall greenhouses; north to John Jones’ on Vashon  Dock Road; then west to post office.  Those to the north of Vashon will be served as in the past, although mail will probably be delivered later than at present.  Only those receiving mail at the Portage post office will be addressed at Portage; all mail of other patrons, except those effected by the changes in the Vashon route will be addressed to Burton.  This consolidation of three routes into two is in keeping with a policy in effect all over the region.  In a telegram received Tuesday from Washington, D.C., Henry Godfrey veteran carrier of Burton, received notification that previous orders for his transfer to Olalla had been rescinded.  Mr. Godfrey has been delivering mail to the Burton district since June 1912.

  • Communities Favoring Liquor Bill Will Profit by Revenues Derived From Sale in State – Any cities or counties voting to remain dry and bar liquor will not receive any money except that for old age pensions.

  • Work Being Done at Burton School Shows Marked Advancement – The last two weeks have seen a great deal of activity centered about the building of the Burton-Southern Heights school at Newport.  The new room is nearly ready for the immediate pupils who have been occupying the assembly for some time.  The clearing being done east of the building and down to the beach is completed, and is a fine place for small picnic groups.

  • High School Notes – The new cement sidewalk in front of and extending the whole length of the Vashon high school building was completed Monday.  This is a project which is being financed by the junior class.  The class had a choice of financing the sidewalk or a tennis court and after taking all points into consideration, decided that the sidewalk would be more satisfactory.  The CWA work is progressing rapidly at the high school under the direction of Charles Merry.  The future gridiron and baseball diamond is being shaped out by aid of a local tractor.  A force of employees have finished spading the lot in front of the school building and with the aid of a little leveling it will be ready for planting.  Accompanying the chug-chug of the tractor was heard the melodious whistling of a worker.  Undoubtedly it was the tune of “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

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April 1934
April 5, 1934

  • Island People Donate Money and Labor to Rebuild School Field – The work on the high school grounds is being expedited by the assistance of voluntary labor, donations, trucks and fertilizer.  Realizing that the CWA hand labor was not going to accomplish as much as was desired, a small caterpillar was rented to help, being paid for by funds donated.  Expensive work has been done in the leveling.  The school has been given the use of the county tractor on weekends, when it is not in operation on county work.  The work has been furthered by the donation of one day’s service of Al Rouen, George Schmidt, E.E. Stone, Buster Clark, T.B. Allison, C.H. Merry, Elmer Anderson, Elmer Miller, Fred Sherman, Dan Landers, C.M. Ruhlen, M.L. Tjomsland, Mr. Urquhart, Dell Smith, Mr. Wanderlich, Mr. Willers, Kirby Prigg, and the furnishing of a dump truck by Otto Therkelsen hauling top dirt for front yard; and gravel for front walk was furnished by Francis Sherman.  With the co-operation of funds and labor, the project will be completed.  Anyone desiring to offer services or donations will facilitate this work further.

  • Tuckie Smith Wins Place in King County Declamation Contest – The selection, “The Union Soldiers” won first place for Tuckie Smith in the South End finals of the King County Declamation Contest at Enumclaw Thursday evening, March 29.  He defeated five other contestants.  Mary Jane Keyes and Stanley Dahl who participated in the dramatic and humorous divisions, gave creditable performances, but did not succeed in winning first place.  Tuckie will compete in the King County finals April 6 at Renton.  In the Junior high school South End finals at Highline Thursday afternoon, Patty Doebbler brought credit to her school by winning second place in the dramatic division with her selection “Inja.”

  • Many Subjects Discussed at Executive Committee Meeting At Island Club Wednesday – The executive committee of the Commercial Club at its banquet at the Island Club last Wednesday evening discussed a wide range of subjects.  Relief and public works projects for the Island stood out as primary topics of interest.  The three-hour session, presided over by Dr. J.G. Bennett, was attended by twenty-five members and guests.  L.P. Black outlined the work which CWA workers have completed on the Island.  This, he said, included the completion of foundations under the Dockton and Columbia schools and the improving of the grounds at the Vashon grammar school.  Speaking of new federal relief, Mr. Black urged that every unemployed Island resident will fill out the work applications as soon as possible.  These applications may be secured either from Mr. Black or from Dr. Bennett.  The committee passed a resolution, at Mr. Black’s suggestion, recommending that an Island representative be placed on the welfare agency which has charge of investigating Island applicants for unemployment relief.  A highlight of the evening came when Charles Carey emphasized the need for an Island Planning Council.  It would be the duty of such a group to investigate and lay out a scheme for public work projects on the Island.  On a basis of its recommendations, government appropriations would be expended more efficiently and wisely.  Mr. Carey pointed out that federal and state planning commissions have already been organized.  The local body, if formed promptly, might act directly with the state commission without interference from county or sectional bodies.  With this in mind President Bennett appointed C.L. Garner to interview the state commission head.  In order to make the executive committee of the Commercial Club more representative of the whole Island, it was suggested that its number be increased to allow at least one member from each community.  The committee finally decided to defer action on the matter, when a resolution for the change in rules will be submitted.  C.F. VanOlinda brought up the matter of a state highway for the Island.  To influence favorable legislation on the matter, the committee decided to join the Washington Good Roads Association.  Much discussion touched on public projects for Island development.  Among these were an emergency airport, a state park, a game preserve, and a public beach.  Maurice Dunsford told of the possibility of opening up the Ellisport Point as an all-Island public beach.  The present owner, he indicated, might relinquish it to the state if adequate policing were provided by the authorities.  Accordingly President Bennett named a committee to confer with the owners, it included Ira Thompson, chairman, Finn Shattuck and Maurice Dunsford.  Before adjournment, the committee decided to invite Governor Martin to its annual spring banquet.

  • “The Nor’wester” Enters Magazine Field Of N.W. – A sprightly new magazine, “The Nor’wester,” published and edited by Janet Haugen, of Cedarhurst, is appearing among the publications of the Pacific Northwest.  The purpose of the magazine is to publish some unaffected material which reflects this Northwest vicinity only, give news of Industrial and civic growth as well as some literary material.  In the April issue there is an informative article on Vashon Island, illustrated with a Norman Edson picture.  Miss Haugen is interested in getting stories of early settler days on the Island and old-time sketches that are authentic.  The Nor’wester of April contains a great deal of information that is of interest including “Crafts and Craftsmen,” which will send you scurrying to attics for forgotten heirlooms, “Northwest Books” which contains an amazing list of writers of this section, Puget Sound oysters – a glimpse of our unique industry told in an entertaining vein, and features that capture the interested and put readers on the alert for similar activities.

  • Community Club To Be Formed At South End – Plans for the formation of a community club for residents of the South End of Vashon Island have been perfected.  The first meeting will be held in the old school house at Southern Heights, Saturday night, April 7.  About one hundred persons will participate, the Tahlequah delegation comprising nearly have this number.  The meeting will be opened by George Sheffield.  Officers for the ensuing year will be elected, and arrangements made to lease the property from the school board for future meetings.  The business session will follow a pot-luck dinner.

  • Island Woman’s Club Holds Election; Gives Program on Mar. 27 – The annual meeting of the Vashon Island Woman’s Club was held at the home of Dr. Nellie Parker Jones on March 27, with Mrs. Lloyd McElvain as assisting hostess.  The president used the new gavel made from the famous old Burton Ivy and presented by Mr. Shaw.  The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. L.S. Robe; vice-president, Mrs. W. McKinstry; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd McElvain; treasurer, Miss Marjorie Stanley.

  • Columbia School Will Have Two-Day Vacation – Coming at the eleventh hour and no doubt with much enthusiasm on the part of the pupils, the Columbia school had decided to have a two-day vacation, starting Thursday of this week.

  • Noted Theosophist to Lecture at Isl. Club On Sunday, Apr. 15 – Iverson L. Harris, regional vice-president of the western district, American section, the Theosophical Society, with international headquarters at Point Loma, California, will deliver a free public forum lecture at the Island Club House at Vashon on Sunday afternoon, April 15, at 2:30 o’clock, on the subject of “The Message of Theosophy,” under auspices of Mr. and Mrs. George Sheffield.

  • Relief Applicants Urges To Plant Gardens – Dr. J.G. Bennett received a letter this week from Mrs. Anelfa Tidball, representative in Seattle of the Nation Relief Agency, in which she outlined recent plans for rural relief.  According to Mrs. Tidball, the new government policy may be to grant relief only to those who plant gardens for their own subsistence.  Each community should select vacant lots for the purpose.  The federal relief organization in Seattle will provide seeds to those in need.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Electricity for Tahlequah within the next few weeks is practically assured.  Following the completion of a survey by engineers of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, blue prints of the proposed line were left by Superintendent
    Garner at the Fry store, where they may be inspected by property owners.  The only difficulty encountered so far is the refusal of some of the summer residents to sign up for service because they spend so little time here.  However, it is believed, concessions will be made so that everyone on both the east and west sides of the ferry slip will enjoy the convenience of electricity.

  • Tahlequah Notes – An April plunge in the waters of Puget Sound may delight some persons, but to Mrs. Arthur Nelson it borders on being a poor April fool joke.  Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rooth were planning to row Mrs. Nelson to Spring Beach to catch the steamer Virginia.  As she stepped on the bow, the rowboat moved out.  So did Mrs. Nelson but in a different direction.  An impromptu bath followed.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Seriously damaging tulip, lily of the valley and other early blooms, a heavy hailstorm hit Tahlequah late last Sunday afternoon, lasting about 20 minutes.

  • Tahlequah Notes – George Sheffield, widely-known bulb grower, lays claim to having the first tulips to bloom on the Island this year.  During the last week he picked nearly 5,000 blooms, the majority of which found a ready market in the Tacoma floral shops.  This is extremely early for commercial tulips, excepting the Kisercroon variety, and proves conclusively that the southern part of Vashon Island is ahead of other sections in both vegetables and flowers.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Louis Brosseau is contributing to the Island’s beautification by constructing a rock wall and strip of lawn along the edge of the pavement opposite the Brosseau store.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Mrs. Agnes L. Smock is visiting relatives in Idaho this week.  Donald Morgan and Mrs. Edward Harmeling are editing this issue of The News-Record.

  • Entertains Club At Luncheon And Bridge – The Klos Tillicums were entertained at the home of Mrs. Finn Shattuck on March 24.  There were eight tables of court whist in play.

April 12, 1934

  • Diplomas Arrive For Graduating Class At H.S. – The diplomas for the graduating class have arrived, which makes everyone realize that another group of our boys and girls are about ready to go out to meet life’s problems.

  • Tuckie Smith Wins In King County Finals – In the King County finals held last Friday in Renton, Tuckie Smith, the Patrick Henry of our institution, emerged winner in the oratorical division of the high school declamation contest.  His selection, “The Union Soldier,” was presented in a masterful and inspirational manner.  His reward, a banner of purple and gold, is temporarily complementing the main hall of the building and has been the incentive for many ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs.’  We may indeed be proud of Tuckie and also do we wish him even better success in the coming district contest.

  • High School Board is Reorganized at Meet Held Tuesday, Apr. 3 – The board is faced by new problems of finance and change in course of study, which will tax its resources and management.  A heavy warrant indebtedness mortgages taxes which are coming in slowly, and the necessity of further retrenchment is a serious problem.  Composed as it is of conservative taxpayers the board will meet these problems in the best manner possible.

  • South Island Group Meets With County Commissioners To Discuss Road Projects – Believing that Vashon Island is entitled to its share of funds that will be expended by the government to relieve the unemployment situation, a delegation of business men went to Seattle Monday to confer with the county commissioners, and government representatives.  The result was that road projects aggregating $10,000 were assured the Island.  Work to be done on two projects in the Burton and Maury Island districts, and some improvements made on the Pohl road on the south end of the Island.  Included in the delegation that conferred with County Commissioners Brinton, Stevenson and Nash, and Tom Wiltse, road supervisor in the South District were Theo Berry, L.P. Black, W.H. Morrissey, Thomas Dunn and Charles G. Eddy.

  • Walter Spinning Named As President of South End Improvement Club – Confident conditions are improving generally, and that by united action full advantage can be taken of the upturn for the better, one hundred residents of the southern portion of Vashon Island assembled Saturday night in the old school house near Tahlequah, and organized the South End Improvement Club.  R.S. Bennatts, assisted by George Sheffield, acted as chairman pro-tem, and conducted an election that saw every candidate nominated swept into office by unanimous vote.  Walter Spinning is president; Kenneth G. Fry, vice-president; John Miller, secretary; R.S. Bennatts, treasurer; George Sheffield, R.K. Beymer and Ira H. Case, trustees.  While the vote was conducted on Mr. Bennatts, Charles G. Huhn occupied the chair.  R.K. Beymer, Jr., was appointed chairman of the entertainment committee, and Mrs. Kenneth G. Fry, chairman of the social activities.  C.R. Roediger was named chairman of the publicity committee.  President Spinning expects to bring the membership to at least 150 by the next meeting, and an active campaign will be launched immediately.  Dues were set at the nominal figure of 50 cents per year for each family, and a two-bit piece will give bachelors and “unencumbered” women all the privileges of the organization for the next twelve months.  A resolution sponsored by Fred Smith directed the trustees to lease from School Directors P.N. Smith, Bert Lewis and George E. Bucknell the present unused building in school district No. 211 for the community house.  The organization agrees to maintain the structure in its present state of repair or improve the four acres in any manner it sees fit.  The directors addressed the meeting individually, expressing gratification at the formulation of the organization.  The building will be open to all members in their various districts for any mode of entertainment or business sessions.  The building at present is equipped with an electric stove splendid heater and other features that provide the right atmosphere for a community house.  A pot-luck dinner that failed miserably in its moniker preceded the business session.  Five tables, laden with good eats, were arranged so that everyone could sit down to dinner at once.  A radio provided by Will Evans supplied the music during the dinner hour.  Following the business session, there was a program of entertainment.  J.W. Evans gave a recitation entitled “The Uplifter.”  Jack and Dick Beymer, sons of Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Beymer Jr. held the spotlight in a novel fresh egg battle.  The lads were blindfolded and on their head was lashed a “hen fruit,” the idea being to see with the aid of a folded newspaper who could knock the egg off first.  Jack won the “concrete bicycle.”  Dick received an egg shampoo without charge.  Arnold Spinning and Bill Hansen followed with a feeding contest that drew scores of laughs.  Dancing and cards rounded out the evening’s entertainment.  The following signed as members on the opening night.  W.H. Reed, Bort Sprowls, Gilbert Smith, Fred Pugh, Clayton I. Thomas, Edward J. Holmes, R.K. Beymer, C.P. Roberts, Charles G. Huhn,. Dr. David B. Cook, Harold Pohl, S.H. Berry, R.K. Beymer, Jr., Bruce T. Hall, G.W. Richards, C.W. Hall, J.W. Evans, W.E. Bachelor and Fred Smith.

  • Power Line To Be Extended At South End – Preliminary work is being done on an extension of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company’s lines to the south end of the Island from Sheffield’s to the dock and east and west from the dock.  About thirty-five additional patrons will be served.

  • Changes Announced In High School Course Of Study – Information recently received by F.M. Robertson, superintendent of the Island high school, indicates that a drastic change will be made in the high school course of study next year.  These changes include a guidance program, health and physical education for the ninth and tenth grades and a home relations course for girls who do not meet certain minimum home economics standards.  How to provide adequate teaching facilities without increasing the cost of administration is giving the school board much concern at the present time.  Needless to say, however, these problems will be met in some manner not apparent at the moment.

  • Looter of Cottages Arrested; Names Aid; Hearing Thursday – Culminating alleged thievery over a period of several months, Jim Smart, of Vashon was arrested last Wednesday morning on the Heights dock as he was about to board the 8 o’clock ferry with a load of household goods he had stolen from beach cottages on the West Side.  A check-up revealed the fact that Smart had already taken to Seattle three loads of goods on January 31, February 3 and 12, which he had disposed of at an auction house.  Smart has been living for the past two years at the home of a Mrs. Blair west of the old Wilhight place.  Two caches were found in the woods on the place and a number of stolen articles were in use in the house.  When arrested Smart plead not guilty, but at the preliminary hearing on Monday changed his plea when unmistakable evidence of his guilt was apparent.  He named a neighbor James Strong as accomplice.  Strong was arrested Friday but plead not guilty.  Houses entered and from which stolen goods in Smart’s possession was found, were the beach summer cottages of John Metzenberg, H.C. Cronander, Ira Thompson, Norman Sunde, Anna Erickson, Ted Brooker, O.A. Sandhelm, Thomas O’Neil, Naomi Nelson and W.M. Anderson.

  • Just A Year Ago Tuesday – For fear Vashon residents will fail to take note of the anniversary we call attention to the fact that next Tuesday will mark the anniversary of the disastrous fire of a year ago.  With few exceptions those who were burned out are still here, doing business in a fairly satisfactory manner.  Those of us who experienced the fire felt at the moment that Vashon would be a long time recovering from the disaster, but the speed with which adjustments were made indicates that we are made of stronger stuff than is ordinarily supposed.

  • Pal Night To Be Feature At Local Show House Soon – Beginning in the near future the Vashon Theatre will operation four nights each week, and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings will observe pal night, when two friends can attend the show at only a little more than a single admission.

  • Harbor Heights – We as an isolated small settlement thrill to the hope of being connected by an auto road with the main Island road some day.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Fred Smith, whose estate east of the ferry dock, is one of the show places in this vicinity.  He has corn in his garden four inches tall.  No bad, Mr. Smith.

  • Friends Build Fence After Pot-Luck Dinner Sunday – Twenty-four friends of Garner Kimmel realized that he needed to be fenced in and spent Sunday building a modern picket fence at his Cedarhurst estate.  After completing the fence they painted two boats, and all this on the strength of a pot-luck dinner provided by the women folk.

April 19, 1934

  • Seek Help for Landing Field At High School – There will be a meeting at the high school Friday evening, April 20, at 8 o’clock to formulate plans of ways and means to convert the large field back of the high school into an emergency landing field.

  • Island Displays Feature Of Seattle Flower Show – Vashon Island was beautifully represented at the huge Seattle Flower Show held this week at the Civic Auditorium.  An unusual red Trillium lily, exhibited by Alex Stewart, attracted the attention of many flower fanciers, and elicited much interest and comment among those who were not familiar with the type.

  • Vashon Island to Have Own Essay Contest for Youths – With many national and district contests in progress, Vashon Island is to have its own, it was announced this week.  Due to some persistent sleuthing on the part of our local Deputy Sheriff F.J. Shattuck, last fall several Island youths were found guilty of a wholesale destruction of road signs as part of Hallowe’en activities.  Mr. Shattuck was later awarded the reward usually given by the A.A.A. for information which will lead to the apprehension of persons guilty of the destruction of signs posted by the association.  When he received this reward Mr. Shattuck decided to share it with Island school children.  In conjunction with the Commercial Club arrangements were made for an essay contest on the subject, “The Purpose and Value of Our Road Signs.”

April 26, 1934

  • Island Chapter, O.E.S., Celebrates Day of Anniversary at Meet – More than a hundred members, old and new, were present at the Masonic hall last Wednesday to celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of the founding of Island Chapter No. 170, O.E.S.  Those who have served Island Chapter as matron and patron during the past are: 1920 Lillian Marsh, Thomas Ogilvy; 1921 Maude Morris, Thomas Dickson; 1922 Hattie Ogilvy, Frances Sherman; 1923 Arletta Hayes, Elmer Stone; 1924 Gertrude Wiman, D. Mackie; 1925 Ethel Weiss, F.A. McMurray; 1926 Julia Sherman, F.A. Weiss; 1927 Annie Mackie, Terkel Hansen; 1928 Cora E. Stone, T.G. Phillips; 1929 Kathran Hansen, Zene Whittemore; 1930 Nettie Whittemore, Axel Petersen; 1931 Elizabeth Hearst, Arthur Poultney; 1932 Lillian Williams, Martin Tjomsland; 1933 Grace Petersen, Maurice Dunsford; 1934 Dollie Tjomsland, V.C. Coutts, deceased.

  • Officer Snider Located On Island Permanently – Captain Harry Snider, now permanently located on Vashon Island, calls attention to the fact that a check-up will be made very soon on both vehicle and drivers’ licenses, and urges that Island owners and operators renew both before the time expires in which leniency can be exercised.  Officer Snider, a member of the State Patrol Department, now operating in the capacity of state police, is permanently located here, with the Island as his headquarters.  Officer Snider’s duties will include all of the police duties for law enforcement provided for under the new system.

  • Harper Dock Damaged – Repairs, probably to the extent of several hundreds of dollars will be necessary on the Harper dock, the result of a recent accident.  According to witnesses, in an attempt to enter the cradle before the Verona landed at the side of the dock, the captain of the Vashon misjudged the proximity to the slip before giving the signal to reverse.  The ferry was carried ahead by its own momentum, tearing out several large piling in the dolphin.  The float which supports the slip sunk entirely out of sight.  Fortunately no serious damage was done to the ferry.

  • Elmer Stone Meets Death Rescuing Companion – Well Known to Island Residents; Was Active in Civic and Social Activities – In attempting to save the life of a fellow workman Monday morning Elmer E. Stone gave up his life.  That he could have saved himself had he not attempted to drag one of his companions to safety there can be no doubt.  The accident which claimed the life of Stone occurred about nine o’clock at the county gravel pit near the top of the Ellisport hill.  Three workmen, Stone, pit boss, Matt Radin, helper, and W.S. Calloway, had begun to morning’s work of loading gravel.  As the loader started all three noticed that small chunks of earth had begun to drop from the top of the high bank a short distance from where they were working, and all realized that there was danger of more, as the supporting bank had been dug away.  Calloway and Stone apparently saw the earth starting to break at the same time.  Calloway, who was standing on the running board of the truck, jumped in to start the engine and pull it out of the way of the descending earth, so there was no actual witness of the manner in which Stone went to his death.  All that is definitely known is that he reached back and grasped Radin, who was at the end of the loader nearest the bank, and started to drag him to supposed safety.  The descending gravel, and large chunks of hardpan caught them just as Stone was even with the back wheel of the truck.  Apparently he was caught by the gravel and fell, while Radin was pushed by the force of the falling earth in between the loader and the truck, and completely buried with the exception of his head and one arm.  Recognizing immediately that Stone was beyond help, Calloway worked frantically to free Radin.  He was afraid to leave him and go for help as they were entirely out of sight of the road he realized that passersby could not see nor hear him.  By a mere chance two county mechanics from the mainland shop arrived to check over equipment.  One went to the telephone office to summon help, while the other man assisted in freeing Radin, who when finally dragged from under the earth was found to be apparently unhurt with the exception of body bruises and a broken finger.

  • Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club Gets Under Way Mon. Eve - Based upon the principle that united action is necessary to carry forward projects of major importance, the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club non-partisan was formed Monday night at a meeting held in the Vashon Community House.  The new organization, which has as its aims, the promotion of legislation and projects for the betterment of Vashon and Maury Islands, has the backing of the business men,  It will work in harmony with the Vashon Commercial Club and with other organizations that have the interests of the two Islands at heart.  The membership will embody women and men regardless of their political faiths.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The trolling boats Anne, Pauline and Bernice, left for the fishing grounds last Saturday.  They will sell their fish in Neah Bay and Seattle.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – There has been a lot of work done in Beulah Park this spring.   Work has begun on the new tabernacle to be built there.

  • Tahlequah Notes – More frequent ferry service between Tahlequah and Point Defiance will be sought from the Washington Navigation Company, according to plans being formulated by members of the newly organized South End Improvement Club, which will meet Saturday night for its second regular session in the old Southern Heights school house.  A resolution will be introduced by Dr. David A. Cook, seeking to obtain an extra ferry trip at 11:30 p.m. and if the transportation company accedes to the club’s wishes, residents of Vashon Island will have an opportunity to spend many pleasant evenings with Tacoma friends.  The last ferry for Tahlequah from Point Defiance now is at 10:30 p.m., and does not give Vashonites sufficient time scarcely to attend an evening show, or spend an evening at cards.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Tahlequah was a step nearer today to having electricity.  Everyone on the west side of the ferry dock has signed up a three-year contract with the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, and it is understood Superintendent Garner is making plans to set the pole line shortly.  There are sufficient patrons, too, it is believed, to assure electricity for those owning property east of the ferry slip.

  • Tahlequah Notes – C.R. Roediger lays claim to having the first green peas on the southern part of Vashon Island.  The peas were planted November 19, of last year.

  • Traffic Heavy On Sunday – North End ferries were doing a land office business on Sunday, with the Vashon carrying capacity loads and the Washington doing its best to handle the overflow.

  • Cross’ Landing Notes – Frank Smith visited with the Frost family one day last week and reported that Miss Dorothy Frost is the champion “scare-crow erector” of Vashon Island.  Mr. Smith says the birds were so scared that they didn’t stop flying until they dropped from exhaustion.

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May 1934
May 2, 1934

  • Fire Destroys Brooder House Saturday – Fire completely destroyed a small brooder house at the F.C. Park place at three o’clock Sunday morning.  Fortunately a large number of chicks had been moved a few hours earlier and only about a dozen perished in the flames.  While the brooder house itself did not represent a large loss, had the wind been in a different direction undoubtedly the barn and outbuildings would have been consumed.

  • Cars Collide Tuesday Evening At Mace Corner – A small Overland car driven by Abe Abrahamsen was almost completely demolished in a collision Tuesday evening with the Packard sedan of Louis Beall.  According to reports a part of the windshield of the smaller car had been replaced by a board which obscured to a certain extent the vision of the driver.  Mr. Beall, accompanied by R.W.F. Martin, was coming from the north, and as he rounded the Mace corner he saw the other car approaching and realizing that a collision was unavoidable he drew out to the side with the wheels on the right side entirely off the pavement.  In some unexplainable manner the Abrahamsen car swung around to the outside of the other car, tearing off both fenders and the running board on that side.  Fortunately no one was even slightly injured.  The larger, heavier car was able to proceed on its own power, while the smaller one was practically a complete wreck.

  • Want Interesting Data For Mother’s Day – For a feature of our Mother’s Day number we would like to have a list of all Island residents who have reached or passed their eightieth birthday.  We would like these phoned to the office if possible by Tuesday noon of next week.  While primarily we want the names of the mothers who have seen four score years of life, we would appreciated the names of the fathers, too.  In getting these names we would like to know the date and place of birth, length of time on the Island, and any points of particular interest.  We realize the time is short for this, but we feel sure that our readers will co-operate with us in this simple tribute to the wonderful older residents of our Island.  Surely no community is more blessed in this respect than ours.

  • Governor Martin to be Guest at Commercial Dinner Saturday – On Saturday evening Island residents will have the opportunity of hearing Governor Martin speak on various topics of interest to all.  He is to be the principal speaker at the annual banquet of the Vashon Island Commercial Club, which will be held at the Island Club.

  • Vashon Peas Received First On Market – According to all reports 300 pounds of peas received on the Seattle market Saturday from a garden in Paradise Valley were the earliest local peas ever sold in the city.  This is the earliest season in the memories of even the oldest inhabitants.  As early as Sunday April 15 Mrs. Olive Jones, living east of Vashon, picked six boxes of strawberries from her field, and on the same day had new potatoes and peas from her garden.  Growers expect to begin picking gooseberries by the fifteenth of this month, and all other small fruits are developing far ahead of their usual season.

  • Rock Dumped At Heights – This week a large amount of rock will be dumped at the end of the Heights slip in an effort to check the washing away of the sand at the base of the concrete piers.  It was discovered that the action of the propeller of the ferry was stirring up the sand to such an extent that eventually the piling around which the concrete was poured would be exposed.  County Bridge Engineer Tom Blum has had this under observation for some time, and felt that something must be done to prevent further exposure.

  • Smart Case Set For Monday, May 14 – According to word received early this week from Seattle, the James Smart case will be heard on Monday, May 14.  Smart was arrested several weeks ago and plead guilty to grand larceny charge, but when bound over to the superior court changed his plea to “not guilty”.  Smart was charged with looting a number of West Side beach cottages.  Some of the goods taken from the cottages had been sold in Seattle, while a large amount was found in caches on the Binir place, and a number of stolen articles in use in the house.

  • Fishing Improving At Vashon Heights – The fishing is improving at Vashon Heights, according to advices received from Louis Brosseau.  Louis reports that several sizeable cut-throat catches have recently been made, though two hours spent on the end of a line last Sunday netted him only three strikes and a bull-head.

  • New Type Float For Heights – Motorboat enthusiasts of Vashon Heights will learn with interest of the new mooring float soon to be completed at the Heights dock.  Tom Blum, engineer for the county, who was on the Island last week, outlined plans for its construction.  Durability, permanence and convenience will mark the new float.  It is to be 12 feet wide by 24 feet in length, with a plank platform which will be supported by steel pontoons.  Installation of the float, which is being constructed by the Isaacson Iron Works of Seattle, will be made within the next ten days.  The float will be moored between four piling with a superstructure arranged so that it can be raised for an annual scraping and painting.  The floats made entirely of wood have proved entirely too expensive, as replacement was necessary at least every two years because of the destructive work of the teredo.  It is interesting to note that these worms are more active where the current is swift, and do little damage to the floats at Dockton and Burton in the quiet waters of Quartermaster Harbor.

May 10, 1934

  • Governor Martin to Speak to Columbia School 8th Graders – Although the class graduating from the eighth grade of the Columbia school may not be great from the standpoint of numbers, it has every right to feel considerable importance.  For probably no other eighth grade in the state will have the honor of having a speaker of such importance as will the Columbia eighth grade on the occasion of their graduation on Monday evening, May 21.  The exercises will take place at 8 o’clock.  Governor Martin has accepted the invitation of W.T. Foster, principal of the school, to deliver the graduating address to this class.  His particular interest in the rural schools of the state has been evident from the beginning of his term in office, and in accepting this invitation he has evidenced that the sentiments he has expressed are not just words, but are founded on a real interest in the youth of the state.  The group of boys and girls to be thus honored consist of Charlotte Anderson, Ned Brainard, Marie Ellingsen, Thelma Kvisvick, Earl Rose, Arthur Sovold, Ariel Stockland and Milton Walls.

  • Governor Martin Gives Citizenship Talk to Island People Sat. Eve – With praise for the quality of citizenship in this state and a promise of further federal relief, Governor Clarence D. Martin outlined his views before the Vashon Commercial Club at its annual spring banquet in the Island Club House Saturday evening.

  • Tribute Should be Paid to These People Who Have Reached Age of Four-Score – To take the place of our usual Mother’s Day editorial we felt that this year we would follow a different plan, and present to our readers an editorial of lives, rather than words.  We doubt that if in any community of our population it would elsewhere be possible to find as many citizens who had reached the four-score mark as here on Vashon-Maury.  And without exception these men and women have retained their mental faculties along with remarkable physical vigor, and are still pursuing useful lives, doing good to those about them.  We take real pleasure in introducing to the readers of this paper so many of these who have seen eighty years or more of life.  We have made an effort to get a complete list, but if our readers know of any persons of this age who has been overlooked, we would appreciate the facts in the case so that we can publish their names next week.  C.A. BARTON – It is but fitting that C.A. Barton should head the list, for he is the oldest living pioneer.  Mr. Barton was born January 11, 1850, in Akersville, Pennsylvania.  He served during the last year of the Civil War, a boy of only fifteen, and is the last surviving member of the Island G.A.R.  He came with his wife and family to the Island in March of 1883, and taught one of the first schools in a log cabin a mile west of Vashon.  Several of his former pupils, now grandparents, still live on the Island.  Mr. Barton, who now lives with his youngest daughter, Mrs Maloney, keeps an interest in the news of the day as it comes to him over the radio, failing sight making reading difficult. MRS. MARY BITTINGER – Mrs. Mary Bittinger was born August 16, 1847, in the state of Ohio.  She came to the Island over forty years ago to make her home at the South End, where she has always been a vital factor in the life and interests of those about her.  Almost 87 years of age, Mrs. Bittinger does the housework for herself and her one son remaining with her, and is a marvel to women much younger than she.  Three other children live in this vicinity, and their mother keeps an interest in them, and her grandchildren that makes it hard for one to realize her age.  A.T. TJOMSLAND – A.T. Tjomsland was born in Oslo, Norway, April 23, 1851.  He came to America more than 50 years ago, becoming an Island resident about 41 years ago.  Here he took an active part in building up the community and was one of the charter members of the Methodist church, to which he recently added a substantial addition, consisting of Sunday school rooms which he built with very little help from others.  He is active in mind and body, and this spring is doing the work on his farm north of Vashon. – MRS. ELDA WHINERY – Mrs. Elda Whinery was born May 4, 1854, in Howard county, Indiana.  She has been a resident of the Island since 1909, coming here with her husband and their one daughter, now Mrs. Cumae Pettelle, with whom she makes her home.  “Grandma” Whinery is the center of the household, and takes just as active an interest in the welfare of her six grandsons as do their mother and father.  She has learned the art of living and loving and keeping useful, and interested in a wide circle of friends.  MRS. KATHERINE H. HANSEN – Mrs. Katherine Helene Hansen, eldest of Vashon’s residents, was born in Skodborg, Sanderjyland, Denmark, on October 1, 1841.  She was married to Jeppe Hansen May 23, 1867.  With their family they came to America in 1886, and after living in Iowa four and a half years came to the coast, establishing their home at Center in 1891.  Although she has been called upon to lose her husband and a son in her later years, she has kept brave and sweet, showing by her life and example the faith that has brought her to a beautiful evening of life.  Still mentally alert she is the beloved companion of her daughter, Sine, who lives with her.  Mrs. Hansen is reliving her youth through her interest in her grandchildren and their children.  MRS. ELIZABETH STAFFORD – Mrs. Elizabeth Stafford was born January 19, 1853; in Johnson county, Missouri.  As a young girl and woman she saw the making of history in Texas and Oklahoma.  A pioneer in spirit and training it was but natural that she should look to the West and in 1901 established a home, with her husband and family, in Walla Walla.  In 1926 Mrs. Stafford came to the Island, where she became “Grandma” to every man, woman and child in her neighborhood at Vashon.  Her unfailing sense of humor and sheer grit keeps her one of the busiest individuals of the community in which she is an important factor.  Some day some author is going to put Grandma Stafford into a book, and immortalize her as she should be, to preserve her type for humanity to come.  No better example of the pioneer spirit exists today.  W.V. GARVIN – W.V. Garvin was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, April 16, 1846.  Left motherless when but a little chap he saw a great deal of life as the constant companion of his father.  The authentic history he is able to relate is much more interesting than any text on the subject.  With his family, he came to the Island in 1905 and has grown to be so much a part of the community that he, too, has been adopted as a grandparent to the entire village of Vashon.  Mr. Garvin still keeps busy turning out beautiful wood work and furniture such as one sees now only in museums, and manages to find time for reading on topics of the day, as well as gardening and lawn mowing in season.  MRS. B.V. O’NEILL – Mrs B.V. O’Neill was born in Buffalo, New York, February 5, 1850.  When she was three months old her family moved to the Middle West where they experienced all of the vicissitudes of growing up in a new, sparsely settled country.  Mrs. O’Neill grew to womanhood and was married in Wisconsin, where she continued to live until the death of her husband in 1911, when she came to the Island to live with her daughter, Mrs. John Matson.  She has a remarkably quick, dependable memory.  Writes a clear steady hand, and is able to make occasional visits to her other children, and brothers living in widely scattered places in the West, Middle West and Canada.  MRS. ELIZABETH SWAN – Mrs. Elizabeth Rosseau Swan was born March 10, 1852, at Fort Madison, Iowa.  She became a resident of the Island only nine years ago when she came to make her home here and to be with her daughters, Mrs. Hildebrand and Mrs. Pavlovich, with whom she lives.  She has endeared herself to all who have been privileged to know her and inspires them with her kindliness of spirit and the beautiful philosophy of living that she has developed through a life of experience rather than by the theories on which people are today too prone to rely.  GEORGE CARTY – George Carty was born in Ireland February 3, 1849.  As a young man he came to the United States, settling in the state of Michigan, where he lived until coming to Maury Island in 1913.  The years have not robbed Mr. Carty of his happy Irish wit and a joy in living that is as keen today as when he first came to the Island.  He recently wrote a sketch of his early school days in Ireland for the benefit of his grandchildren, but that was merely done in the odd moment he could spare from his daily tasks of keeping his ranch going.  To know Mr. Carty is to realize how full of satisfaction a life well-lived can be.  MR. AND MRS. W.A. DAVIES -  Going down the years together has been the marvelous privilege of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Davies, now both past 80 years of age.  Mr. Davies was born in Oakfield, Jackson county, Ohio, September 24, 1846, and Mrs. Davies began life at Gallipoli, Ohio, February 23, 1854.  They met and were married while still in Ohio, coming to Maury Island 21 years ago.  Both are active, mentally and physically, and find that life after 80 may be full of good things.  Recently Mrs. Davies stated, “It would be foolish to say that there had never been any difficulties in our life together, for there have been, as in all lives.  But I can say truthfully that our life together has been wonderfully happy, and that today it is full of so many good things for which we are thankful.”  Mr. and Mrs. Davies have one son and a granddaughter, but they have an interest in a large circle outside of their family, and are active in the community life of Maury Center.  Mrs. Davies frequently attends Island Chapter, O.E.S. of which she is a member.  STEPHEN G. STEWART -  Stephen G. Stewart was born in Quebec, September 5, 1844.  Coming to the U.S. in 1857, he was in time to serve two years in the Civil War.  He has been a resident of the Island for the past 26 years and served as its first scoutmaster.  Some of the boys who were members of that troop later served in the World War.  Mr Stewart has played an important part in the affairs of his neighborhood and is Uncle Steve to a wide circle of friends.  No greater tribute can be given than the remark of one who knows Mr. Stewart well, when she said, “Well, all I can say about him is that he is just the grandest old man that ever was,” which certainly says much.  MRS. ELIZABETH ZARTH – While Mrs. Zarth has not quite reached the eightieth milestone, she has so nearly qualified that we cannot omit her name.  She was born in Germany July 4, 1854, coming as a young girl with her parents to the United States.  With her husband and their children, Mrs. Zarth came to the Island in 1904.  She is active in mind and body, cares for her house and her three sons in a thoroughly efficient manner, and still goes to the market in Seattle as she has for many years past, refusing to change her activities with the years.  She has a keen interest in her children and grandchildren and enjoys nothing better than cooking a meal for the entire relationship, all of whom are in this vicinity, and avail themselves frequently of visiting in the Zarth home.   MRS. ANNA G. STEFFENSON -  Mrs. Anna G. Steffenson was born January 24, 1850, at Bondjus, on Hardangerfjord, Norway, where she grew to womanhood, coming to the United States in 1881.  She lived for nine years in the Middle West, coming to the Island with her husband and family in 1890.  Mrs. Steffenson, in spite of her 84 years of busy living is still active about the home, and interested in the lives of her grandchildren.  This spring Mrs. Steffenson refuses to allow her son and his wife to usurp her prerogative of getting the spring work started out, and is as busy as ever.  She is active in the work of the Vashon Methodist Church and frequently attends services.  MRS. HANS HAMMER – Mrs. Hans Hammer celebrated her 80th birthday last November.  She was born in Norway and has been a resident of the Island for many years.  We regret that we cannot obtain the exact data, but we know that what is of far more importance is that Mrs. Hammer is well and active, doing her own housework, helping her neighbors, and spreading sunshine into the lives of all of those about her.  Her mind is bright and she takes a great interest in the community and church life.  MR. AND MRS. RICHARD BECKES -  Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beckes, of Ellisport, are splendid examples of a couple who are able to find happiness in later years, and dear people of whom much could be written.  Mrs. Beckes was born in Nauvoo, Ill., February 22, 1851, living there until 1895, when she moved to Kansas, where she met Mr. Beckes.  Mr. Beckes was born in Vincennes Ind., November 16, 1847.  He moved to Kansas in his early boyhood, previous to the Civil War.  Mr. and Mrs. Beckes came to Washington in 1909, becoming Island residents in 1919.  They maintain their own home, near the home of Mrs. Beckes’ daughter, Mrs. C.E. Woods.  Mr. Beckes spends his time busily about their home, while Mrs. Beckes, in her odd moments, writes poetry far above the average.  STEPHEN J. HARMELING – S.J. Harmeling, the Burbank of Vashon Island, was born in Wisconsin, March 8, 1851.  He early decided to enter the ministry and after graduating from Rudgers Seminary served for many years, preaching in the Middle West and in the Northwest in the classical ministry of the Dutch Reform church, perfecting new organizations in nearly all of the states of the Northwest.  The Harmeling family came to Vashon Island about 30 years ago, after Mr. Harmeling’s retirement from the ministry.  Here he has endeared himself to old and young and has created a character that is unique.  His intimate knowledge of botany has resulted in his being regarded as an authority, not only in our community, but all over the state.  MRS. L.C. BEALL, SR. – To few young people is given the opportunity of such a diversity of interest as is enjoyed by Mrs. L.C. Beall, Sr.  Despite her 83 years she holds office in several organizations, and performs well the duties of those offices.  Mrs. Beall was born in Virginia, April 2, 1851.  With her husband and children she came to Vashon Island about 34 years ago.  Her deep appreciation and gentleness has made her a very vital part of our community.  She keeps in touch with all that goes on about her, and in community affairs no one responds with help and effort more readily than does Mrs. Beall.  At the same time she keeps in tough with each member of her family from her eldest child down to the newest great grandchild, and with an ever-widening circle of friends.  REV. AND MRS. R.E. DUNLAP – Rev. and Mrs. R.E. Dunlap have successfully solved the problem of growing old gracefully through useful living, and at their home near Center are finding that life is still so full of opportunities that it is still too early to lay down the burden.  Rev. Dunlap was born in Sangemon County, Illinois, January 27, 1850.  His wife was born in Carter County, Kentucky, November 30, 1851.  With her family she moved to Illinois when a young woman, meeting Mr. Dunlap while there.  Her family returned to Kentucky, and it might reasonably be supposed that she was the reason for Mr. Dunlap’s going, as a young teacher to Kentucky.  Be that as it may, they began their life’s work together, and in his busy life as a minister Mrs. Dunlap has played an important role.  They came to Seattle in 1891, when Rev. Dunlap accepted the pastorate of the First Christian church.  They have lived on the Island for the past six years, intending to retire, but after sixty years in the service Rev. Dunlap is still in the work of his Master, whose word he preaches at Maury Center each Sunday.

  • Paul Revere? – A strange mounted figure was seen galloping down the highway from the ferry Tuesday night.  Investigation disclosed it to be Donald Kirkland returning from Seattle, where he had effected a barter – for the goodly mare had gone a batch of Island Co-op chicks.

  • Buddy Poppy Dinner Sponsored by Veterans Of Foreign Wars May 19 – In each May for the past twelve years the Veterans of Foreign Wars held a Buddy Poppy sale.  These poppies are made by disabled veterans in hospitals throughout our country, who are paid for them, that they may purchase incidentals for their comfort and pleasure, which are not supplied them by our government.  These poppies are sold by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, its Auxiliary and the Auxiliary of the American Legion just prior to Memorial Day.  The disbursement of the proceeds of these sales are as follows: For the aid, benefit and comfort of ex-service men and their dependents.  For maintenance and expansion of the V.F.W. National Home for widows and orphans.  Hospital relief, individual relief for ex-service men, their widows and orphans and hospital entertainment.  Special equipment for hospital patients, or for the use of hospitals.  Service bureau work including Veterans Bureau liaison.  Military funerals for deceased ex-service men.  Acquisition, improvement and maintenance of burial plots, and decoration of graves of ex-service men.  Realizing the difficulty in canvassing our widespread community to sell poppies, the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is giving a spring chicken dinner May 19 at the Island Club to raise funds for this worthy cause.  Vocal and musical selections will be offered during the dinner which will be from 5 to 8 p.m.  Everyone who feels even a little grateful for the sacrifices our veterans of foreign wars have made to preserve our nation and to maintain our freedom should give to this cause and help make these men a little more happy, and assured that we have no forgotten them as they lie on hospital cots, sit in wheel chairs or hobble pitifully on crutch or cane.

  • Up And Down The Pavement – (Ed. Note – They drove me to it)  CHAS ENGLAND getting the mail – SNUGGLES there too – GEO. McCORMICK tidying up the town – RALPH STEEN looking worried – VES COUTTS washing his hands – EARL WATSON losing flesh – H.C. CRONANDER talking religion – THOS. DUNN quoting Hoover – COY MEREDITH hurrying – GRANDMA STAFFORD buying some paint – IRA THOMPSON reading a letter – OLLIE VANOLINDA smoking a cigar – MRS. HANSEN setting our flowers – MISS BELL going to school – JACKSON CORBET on the bus – GUS BACCHUS quoting poetry – TIM CLARK planning a party – MOLLIE SHARP going for a Coca-Cola – GARNER KIMMEL getting excited.

  • Tahlequah Notes – A final drive to obtain sufficient signatures to warrant the Puget Sound Power and Light Company installing a line to Tahlequah will be made this week.  Ninety per cent of the residents have already agreed to a three-year contract with the company, but a few names mores are necessary.  Tahlequah is one of the few beaches in this territory having no electrical service, and a determined effort will be made to come to an agreement with the power company by the end of the week.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity - Dr. and Mrs. Frank Grandy and son, Jimmie, will return for permanent residence in Burton.  They will occupy the apartment above their former office.

  • Island friends this week received word of the birth of a daughter on April 28, to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Linton, of Belmont, Mass.  The baby has been named Betty Ann, and is the second child of Dr. and Mrs. Linton.  Dr. Linton is now practicing in Boston.  He will be remembered as the younger son of Dr. Linton who practiced for many years on the Island at Burton.

  • The F.A. Weiss store is this week boasting a roomy, new vegetable rack, the creation of Earl Watson’s brain and hands.

  • At The Bog – The editor and her family were introduced last Sunday morning to the “Bog” through the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. McMurray.  It is indeed a charming spot, and should be, by all means, kept intact for future generations.  It is as utterly different from the general run of scenery on the Island as could be imagined, so much so that there is an atmosphere of unreality.  Incidentally a visit to the bog means seeing the old Vermontville school house, where some of our leading citizens learned readin’ and ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmetic.

May 17, 1934

  • Island Program to Be Given Over KVI Friday Eve at 8:30 – Vashon Island will have its hour over the radio Friday evening of this week over station KVI, beginning at 8:30.  Norman Edson, whose extensive experience has given him marked success along this line, has prepared the continuity for this program.  A talk on the Island to be given by Charles Covey, of Maury Island, will be filled with interesting and important facts concerning Vashon-Maury.  Miss Nadine Everett will accompany for musical numbers and will also be heard in a piano solo.  A chorus under the direction of Miss Mildred Bell will give a group of numbers.  Those who will sing are: Marion Maloney, Betty Lee, Phyllis Shattuck, Donna Lee, Patty Doebbler, Mary Jane Keyer, Robert Snow, Robert Wells, Don Canfield and Kenneth Beall.  Amos Frombach and Glen Willers will be heard in accordion and guitar duets.  Alec Campbell, popular KOMO star, will sing several Scotch numbers.  Needless to say practically every Island radio at 8:30 p.m. Friday, May 18, will be turned to KVI, Tacoma.

  • Island Democrats Attend County Convention – For the first time in its history Vashon Island was represented by a complete delegation to the Democratic County Convention held in Seattle, Saturday, May 12.  Those who composed the delegation were Richard Stafford, John Steen, Mrs. H. Hasken, A.H. Hiersch, Cleo Saunders, Carl Kolstad, John Staples and W. Clough.

  • Round About The Island – THEO BERRY collecting bets – J.F. SHAW calling a meeting of the road committee – HARRY SNIDER getting things organized – JOHN METZENBERG talking about his garden – CHESTER SAWYER handling Democratic funds – S.J. HARMELING on his way to Seattle to make a speech – NINA GARVIN hurrying -  JO STEWART planting more flowers – LOUIE RODDA smiling – MORGAN DOEBBLER boarding the “Verona” – DR. MCMURRAY looking over his farm – DICK STAFFORD out feeding the chickens – FLORENCE CORBET going to the library – JOE LINDSTROM driving to work – BOB POLHAMUS telling how it happened – NORMAN EDSON writing poetry – PAUL THORSEN looking at furniture – AXEL PETERSEN cultivating his flowers – TIP SOIKE giving the latest report – CHARLEY MERRY looking for a plane – FRANK ROBERTSON making out reports -  ELLA G. COVEY interviewing teachers.

  • D.W. Fitzpatrick Is Building Ice House – Not that there is any likelihood that he will ever be able to harvest ice on Vashon Island, but for the storage of artificial ice, D.W. Fitzpatrick is building a modern house that will hold several tons of ice.  Mr Fitzpatrick is adding to his increasing dairy business this service which will enable him to sell ice at a very reasonable price, to either the wholesale or retail trade.

  • Please Help In Making List Complete – A surprising number of favorable remarks resulted from the census in last week’s paper of our Island octogenarians.  Several names were called to our attention of those who have been overlooked, despite our earnest effort to the contrary.  Sketches of several have come into the office this week, but that everyone may have an opportunity to co-operate with us in a complete list, we will make the list of those who were not included in our Mother’s Day issue, a feature of the issue preceding Father’s Day.  The names of Mrs. Letilia Jacobs and Jasper Therkelsen have reached us.  There are others past eighty living on the Island, and with your help our list can be completed.

  • James Smart Pleads Guilty – Those who were to appear at the Smart trial on Monday had their trip to Seattle for nothing, as Smart pleaded guilty.  He will be sentenced in all probability some time next week.

  • Graduation Exercises To be Held at Island Schools Next Week – Graduating exercises for Island eighth grades will be held early next week, beginning with the exercises of the Columbia school Monday evening, May 21, at the Cove Community Hall, and continuing with the exercises of the other Island grammar schools the following evening in the high school auditorium.  With Governor Martin the principal speaker, each member of the Columbia graduating class will have a place on the program.  Admission to the exercises will be by special invitation because of limited space.  The members of the Columbia eighth grade are Arthur Sovold, Ariel Stockland, Milton Walls, Earl Rose, Charlotte Anderson, Marie Ellingson, Thelma Kvisvick, Ned Brainard.  The pupils graduating from each school are as follows: Burton – James Butler, David Davies, Maude Edson, Lowell Hansen, Kuzwo Kunugl, Joe Little, Pauline Penny, Margaret Rees, Dorothy Rolando.  Center – Stafford Evetts, Masado Miyoshi, Constance Ofdenkamp, Kenneth Pemberton, Violletta Pemberton, Eugene Sherman, Claire Solke, Clifford Solke, Henry Solke.  Dockton – Marjorie Hake, Bartol Ljubich, Frank Martin.  Lisabeula – George Steed, Alice Wegener.  Maury Center – Alfrieda Fillinger, Blanche Petree.  Vashon – Tom Bacchus, Roy Bailey, John Black, Herbert Canfield, Martha Fukioka, Dorothy Frost, Gerald Garrison, Otto Jacobson, Mary Frances Jenn, Florence Marshall, Martha Matsumoto, Woody Rose, Jeanne Saunders, August Takasuka, Dorothy Wight.

  • Young Raleigh Coutts Breaks Arm – Young Raleigh Coutts believes that to be great one must be determined.  Monday evening, while climbing a cherry tree near his home he fell from the tree and cut his arm.  Later he returned and climbed the same tree.  Called by his mother at bedtime, he started down the tree, and when about halfway down lost his hold and fell again, this time fracturing his right arm just above the wrist.  The arm was set by Dr. McMurray and an X-ray taken the following morning showed that there was apparently nothing to prevent a rapid recovery.  The young man is just about as gritty as they make them, and is bearing the pain with Spartan bravery.

  • Commencement Week Begins Sunday Eve With Baccalaureate – Members of the class of 1934 are: Mildred Castle, Margaret Clare, Sadie Edwards, Alice Ensing, Selma Fitzpatrick, Elsie Garvin, Aslaug Guthead, Bertha Hauge, Dorothy Hoshi, Ragna Huseby, Laura Johansen, Clara Johnson, Dorothy Martin, Ona Nelson, Elizabeth Pemberton, Dorothy Pemberton, Gretchen Tanimura, Kenneth Bitle, Robert Calloway, Rayder Fjeldal, Yukio Fujioka, Perry Hansen, Leslie His, Andrew Jensen, Glen Lewis, Lawrence Libby, Robert Matsumoto, Hottawa Miyoshi, Chester Olson, Harry Rodstel, Henry Rodstel, Richard Single, Alexander Smith, Glen Willers, Richard Harmeling, Elton Stone.

  • Island Game Reserve Gets Official Okeh Of State Commission – Lou Overton, state game commissioner gave his official authorization Thursday of last week to plans for a state game reserve on Vashon Island.  He received the plans together with signed petition from Earl McCormick, Frances Sherman and Dick Fuller, all members of the local Sportsmen’s Club.  The new reserve according to Earl McCormick, president of the club, will include an area about five square miles and will occupy the west central portion of the Island.  Its boundaries are the following:  Beginning at Vashon, they run west to the beach, then south to the Lisabeula dock, then east to Fitzpatrick’s corner, then north to Frances Sherman’s corner, then east again to the telephone office, and north back to Vashon.  This will be an official state area with protection given to all game birds and animals, and song birds. Hunting in the territory will be prohibited the year round.  The farmers in the area will, in spite of fears to the contrary, be allowed the use of their firearms in protection of home and crops.  As the next step in its game reserve program, the club is now seeking federal funds.  Earl McCormick reports the club will apply for a part of the $50,000,000 recently appropriated for the development of game areas throughout the nation.  Such funds, he indicates would go for improving the game reserve by the construction of an artificial lake.  It would also provide employment for Island men.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Construction of the pole line to transport electricity to Tahlequah was begun Monday by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company, with Superintendent Garner directing activities.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Mr. Summerville, chemist at the Tacoma Smelter, is residing in the Lewis cottage here while his family are in quarantine in Tacoma for scarlet fever.

  • Harbor Pirates Entertain Dockton Community Club – The Dockton Community Club held a meeting Saturday evening, April 28, with the Harbor Pirates boys club of Dockton entertaining.  The meeting was turned over to the Harbor Pirates at the end of the business session.  President Glen Willers played an accordion solo, and then gave a brief history of the club.  There are fifteen active members.  The club started in 1931 with hikes, weekly meetings, programs and parties.  The boys have their own club house and at the holiday seasons the boys’ club has taken an active part in welfare work.  Mrs. Peggy Harmeling, original sponsor for the club, gave a talk and a reading, followed by a fencing bout between Glenn Willers and Vernon Greer.  Gordon and Bobby Plancich vied for honors in a boxing contest, and Henry Nass and Bartol Ljubich put on a fast display of footwork in a three-round bout.  Alex Hidell and Glenn Willers concluded the boxing matches with a draw decision.  The younger boys staged a nail-pounding contest, with Louis Radin winning.  As a finale, the boys had a cracker-eating contest, won by Clarence Petersen.

  • Burton News Items – Like fruits and vegetables, picnic parties come this year out of season.  Mother’s Day brought three of them to Burton Beach.

May 24, 1934

  • Now Vashon Island Grows Lemons – Lemons as large as naval oranges are being grown on Vashon Island.  Sounds unreasonable, but never the less ‘tis a fact.  Persons interested in horticulture and those who enjoy unique sights will do well to visit the R.D. Fuller greenhouses, Paradise Valley.  There they will see a five-year-old American Wonder lemon tree with a dozen or more fruit ornamenting it.  The tree, which has grown from a slip sent from the East, is a prolific bearer, and one may obtain a water glass of juice from one lemon, Mr. Fuller declares.  Two years ago it was badly scorched when an explosion and fire wrecked the Fuller greenhouses, but the set-back did not prove serious.  Another interesting sight in the Fuller greenhouses is a splendid vine of while Niagara grapes that will be ripe within two weeks.

  • Round About The Island - WILL QUICK looking for a letter – ANNA MCCRARY leaving for Port Orchard – KELLY WEISS with a new pipe – MRS. J.W. ROBERTS talking Orthopedic – ROSWELL JOHNS giving advice – AL SUNDBERG thinking about lumber – EVE METZENBERG going to a committee meeting – OPAL CRONANDER taking “Cro” for a ride – HARRY LAUDER RODDA making a hole in one – MARGE STANLEY and the boy friend – GEORGE DAVIS playing with fire – ANNA TJOMSLAND delivering papers – BILL HIERSCH up early – MRS SHAW relieving JESS – RUSSELL HALL talking radio – CEPHAS RAMQUIST and his black bag – C.L. GARNER looking lonesome – ALEX SMITH writing poetry – ED ZARTH  going home early

  • Captain Snider Receives Strict Orders – We are requested by Captain Harry Snider to state that he has received orders from Olympia to cite into court all not having 1934 license plates.

  • New Island Agency – In addition to handling the agency of General Petroleum Motor Oils, C.J. Ramquist has added the selling of Knapp Brothers shoes, and is canvassing the Island, offering to local men a fine line of shoes.

  • Broadcast at Tacoma Friday Evening Gives Island Much Publicity – Island listeners tuned in with much enjoyment on the Commercial Club program on KVI Friday evening.  For 45 minutes they heard their home Island praised in work and song.  Following we are please to give in full the talk given by Mr. Carey, which told the radio world of just what we have to offer:  Vashon Island, second largest island in the Puget Sound waters, lies about equidistant between Tacoma and Seattle and is claimed by each city as a residence suburb.  It is 15 miles in length, and from three to five miles in width, and being surrounded entirely by salt water, holds a government record of nearly 10 degrees warmer climate and many more sunshiny days than the adjacent mainland.  The scheduled ferry service connecting Vashon Island with both Seattle and Tacoma makes it a desirable residence section for business and professional people in both cities.  The genial climate is conducive to the growth and propagation of poultry and some will be interested in knowing that there are 100,000 hens on the Island busy filling 1,000 cases of eggs weekly, not including the L.C. Beall pedigreed poultry ranch, known the world over.  Four hatcheries are in action, doing the tiresome detail work for this army of hens.  Vashon Island is further favored with very productive soil, which together with its nearness to market, renders it ideal for the fruit and vegetable industry.  It is fast becoming known throughout the United States for its luscious strawberries, from 300 acres of cultivated fields, producing 600 tons of large, finely flavored fruit.  The famous strawberry festivals held occasionally on the Island, are events to be looked forward to by the whole Northwest.  This Island also produces many tons of loganberries, youngberries, gooseberries, currants, cherries, peaches and pears, of superior quality, which add more than 800 tons to the annual output.  Its vegetable production may be represented fairly by the fact that it ships over 155 tons of green peas annually, earliest on the local market.  Flower lovers will be interested in the fact that Dr. Griffith, government expert on the growth of lilies, has designated Vashon Island as the most favored spot in the United States for lily culture.  There are now more than 25 acres of Regale lilies under cultivation on the Island.  This comprises millions of bulbs each producing a cluster of shining white lilies, and from the middle to the last of June, these fields will be ablaze with glory.  Our annual Lily Show occurs at the Club House on June 23 this year, and this will repay many times, a trip to Vashon Island for the occasion, while the numerous small gardens along the way will delight the tourist, the prospective home buyer, or the casual visitor.  This Puget Sound area is found also to be peculiarly adapted to the growth of the holly tree, and many small ranches are being given over to this product.  While these groves are still comparatively young, they show an unprecedented growth and development.  An acre of figs has also been planted and splendid results are being shown; while a large hydrating farm at Burton, growing the medicinal plant, Golden Seal, is proving very successful.  But Vashon Island excels not alone in the culture of plants and poultry.  Its various well-taught grade schools, with its fully accredited union high school; its numerous churches and live Sunday schools, furnish a wholesome environment for the rearing of children, while its strong Commercial Club and various literary organizations render it a fitting place for adults to spend a lifetime.  Then it maintains a golf course which will delight the eye of any golfer, and a very active Gun Club, aside from its many, natural advantages of swimming, boating and fishing, arising from its location.  Its salt water fishing is an unfailing joy to all the Isaac Watsons, and should any come unprepared, Mr. Bates, of Paradise Cove, will cheerfully provide the essentials, while the West Channel rarely fails to yield a fair quota of salmon, trout and other varieties.  We are extending a cordial invitation to tourists from all over the world to prove the truth of these statements by taking the easiest and least expensive of side trips from the Pacific Highway, entering either from Tacoma or from Seattle, and making a brief tour of Vashon Island.  A trip on the coast road around the Island will lead you through Ellisport, with its white sand bathing beach, Cove, Lisabeula, and many charming little communities, with always the wide expanse of the sea, bordered by green forests, while the distant snow-clad mountains form a glorious background to all the essentials of a perfect picture.  Then, there is the highway expending the length of the Island, presenting a panoramic view of Vashon Island, with its various products and scenic beauty.  On an imaginary trip, we shall approach Vashon Island from Tacoma, landing at Tahlequah, its southernmost point.  Starting out over the new 60-foot highway, do not fail to look back at the City of Tacoma, where, looking as an intimate background you will see the rosy-tinted mountain dear to every loyal Washingtonian.  In fact this snow-covered mountain, rising in all its majesty from an apparent plain, is of so much importance to the people of the state, that it doubtless merits the two names which it bears – Mr. Rainier and Mr. Tacoma.  A few miles further travel brings you to an elevation of 500 feel, from which the view rivals that of Chuckanut Drive.  Here you catch sight of the picturesque town of Dockton, well known in the early history of the Island as the shipbuilding and drydock center of the Northwest.  Here, too, you will get your first view of Quartermaster Harbor, a silvery sheet of water extending into the land about five miles, moderating the temperature of all the bathing beaches within its enclosure.  Burton, an attractive summer resort, half hidden by towering madrona trees, is located here, with its expansive bathing beaches, colorful in summer from bathers-guests from all parts of the state.  The drive around Quartermaster Harbor brings you to Portage, located on a small neck of land, uniting what were formerly two island, into one island community, known as Vashon Island.  Then on through Center to Vashon, a live little town with its churches, schools, up-to-date stores, and printing press, which issues our welcome newspaper, The Vashon Island News-Record.  From here to Vashon Heights dock, heading to Seattle, the highway presents a series of inspiring views.  At times you can see the Cascades stretched out in a line of snowy peaks, the rugged outlines of the nearby Olympics, the elusive Mr. Baker, and our own favorite mountain – all at their very best, while intervening are the deep blue waters of the Sound, dotted with graceful sails, sturdy fishing smacks, and heavy freighters, making an unforgettable picture.  Scattered here and there over the Island are spacious homes of retired citizens, with beautifully landscaped gardens, each chosen for its wide-spreading views, and seeming to reflect the prevailing spirit of the Island – Contentment.  Visit Vashon Island.  You will find its people hospitable, and helpfully informative.

  • Stores Open Until Six – At a meeting of the Island merchants held recently it was decided that the stores would be open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., effective until Labor Day.

  • Smart Sentenced To Penitentiary – This week James Smart was sentenced by Judge Howard M. Findley to serve not less than three years nor more than 10 years in the state penitentiary at Walla Walla.  Smart plead guilty to a charge of grand larceny on May 14.  He was arrested on April 14.  In possession of goods stolen from West Side cottages over a period of several months.  Much of the stolen goods had been sold to auction houses in Seattle under an assumed name.  The cottages burglarized were those of John Metzenberg, Norman Sunde, M.W. Anderson, Anna Erickson, Naomi Nelson, Ted Brooker, O.A. Sandhelm and Thomas R. O’Neill.  This is Smart’s second term in Walla Walla as in 1928 he was sentenced to serve not less than 2 ½ nor more than 6 years in the state penitentiary, having been found guilty of the attempted robbery of a Japanese in Seattle.

  • To Hold Annual Strawberry Festival On Saturday, May 26 – The Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will hold its annual Strawberry festival on the church lawn on Saturday afternoon and evening, May 26, commencing at three o’clock.  It the evening the lawn will be lighted and a good program will provide entertainment.

  • Weiss Store Has Improvement Added – Under the supervision of Clarence Weiss, the Weiss store was able on Tuesday to boast an enlarged and improved system of electric refrigeration.  Henceforth, the store will carry a complete line of fresh meats.

  • 48 Pupils Graduate From Eighth Grade At Vashon Schools – For a community the size of Vashon-Maury much pride can be felt in the size of our graduating classes, both high school and eighth grade.  The choice of the principal speakers for these two occasions was particularly fortunate.  Governor Clarence D. Martin, chief executive of our state, addressed the pupils of the Columbia eighth grade, while Rev. R.E. Dunlap, rounding out more than sixty years of service and contribution to the good of humanity, addressed the graduates on Tuesday evening.  Addressing himself particularly to the eight boys and girls, Governor Martin spoke of the fact that the class, in contrast to so many of today, was equally divided as to sex, saying that in too many instances the girls completing eighth grade outnumbered the boys. 

  • Tahlequah Notes – Refusal of a property owner to grant an easement temporarily halted the construction of the electric line to Tahlequah last Friday, but arrangements have been made by Superintendent Garner of the Puget Sound Power and Light Company for a different routing.  It is hoped the delay occasioned will be slight, as residents here are anxious for the work to be completed as soon as possible.  Electric stoves will be installed in several houses, and a modern refrigeration plant has been purchased by Fry’s Grocery.  Then, too, the old battery radios will give way to modern ones, and scads of brooms will be replaced by vacuum cleaners.

May 31, 1934

  • Present Mail Schedule Under Fire; New Line Asked by Residents – Believing that this section is entitled to a bus line and a more adequate mail service, Thomas P. Dunn, president of the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club, addressed a protest to William H. Hawes, second assistant postmaster general urging that a contract awarded the West Pass Navigational Company to carry mail to Cove for distribution to points on the Island be cancelled and new bids open.  According to data compiled, a bus line for points on Vashon and Maury Islands from Tacoma and Seattle would be possible with a mail contract subsidy.  Residents of the two Islands have no means of transportation to Tacoma at present, unless by private automobile, and it is difficult, too, for scores of residents to even get to Seattle.  Another problem will be presented if the boat service from Quartermaster Harbor points to Tacoma is discontinued.  It is declared that this will probably be the case as the Vashon Navigational Company has suffered the loss of its mail contract.  It is generally recognized that none of the small navigational companies can operate without the revenue obtained from mail contracts, as a serious problem is presented.

  • Bayview Pavilion To Be Open For Summer Dancers – Starting this Saturday night, Bayview Pavilion will present weekly dances every Saturday evening for the next three months.  This popular dancing resort has been renovated and with its excellent floor, dancers are assured of the best in music to make these dances enjoyable.

  • County Republican Meet Attended By Island Men – A conservative note dominated the county convention of the Republican party, held in Seattle last Saturday.  Those who attended from the Island were Charles Van Olinda, Frances Sherman, R.K. Beymer, Harry Keating, Frank Enochs, Ira Case, I.M. Krokset, James Ogilvy and C.A. Wilder.  Three Island men, Ira Case, Charles Van Olinda and C.A. Wilder will attend the state convention to be held in Yakima Saturday, June 9.

  • Beachcombers Meet At McMurray Cottage – That incomparable organization, the Beachcombers Club, spent a lively Sunday at Dr. F.A. McMurray’s cottage at Newport.  Approximately 30 members were in attendance to join in such exploits as barnyard golf and swimming.  For sustenance, the customary community dinner was produced by the wives of the ‘combers.

  • Docktonites Picnic In Tacoma – The Dockton school picnic was held last Sunday at Point Defiance, with about 150 in attendance.  They were accommodated by the S.S. “Concordia” which made a special trip for the picnicers.

  • Tahlequah Notes – With all obstacles eliminated, the Puget Sound Power and Light Company is rushing to completion its electric line to Tahlequah.  The first “juice” will be turned on June 6, according to plans made by Superintendent Garner and will serve Fry’s Store.

  • Dockton Community Club Meets – The Dockton Community Club enjoyed a pleasant evening at the hall Saturday, May 26.  A program of tumbling stunts was put on by Ida Radin, Louis Radin, Helen Harmeling, Bobby Harmeling, Mary Begonovich, Ruth Danielson and Goldie Roncevich.

  • L.C. Beall Named Director Of New Chick Association – L.C. Beall was appointed one of five directors of a newly-formed National Co-operative Chick-Sexing Association at a meeting of hatchery owners from all over the state held in the Chamber of Commerce building in Seattle Tuesday, May 15.  The new association is designed to serve hatchery owners by more economic and efficient segregation of pullet from cockerel chicks.

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June 1934
June 7, 1934

  • Rev. E.G. Randal Quits As Local Church Head, Will Teach Bible Study

  • Beautiful New Hybrid Lily Is Attraction at Harmeling Open House – The S.J. Harmeling household held open house for gardening enthusiasts, who last Sunday called to see and admire the beautiful new hybrid lily, Mr. Harmeling’s latest and best achievement.  The new flower was produced from the Washingtonianum and Pardalinum lilies, and has the best features of both parents.  The general shape of the flower is similar to the Washingtonianum.  The petals are thick, and beautifully curved.  The color is a rich cream, deepening to ivory in the throat.  The tips of the petals are overlaid with rose, while toward the throat they are thickly speckled with a deeper rose tinged with purple.

  • Island Lily Show Will Be Held June 23 and 24 At Island Club House

  • C. Middling Dies In Seattle – The community was deeply shocked with the announcement Wednesday morning of the death of C. Middling which occurred at 6 o’clock at the Seattle General Hospital, where he had been taken about three weeks ago.  Few men are granted the sincere respect and affection of such a wide circle of friends, nor realized so little just the place in the community he occupied as did “Bob” Middling, and all who knew him were praying for his recover.

  • Thomas Nederman is recovering nicely from a broken right arm, suffered when a Dodge car refused to submit to cranking.  He has been busy saying “No, it wasn’t a Ford.”

  • Jim Cronander is assisting in the Radio Shop and learning the difference between a long and short wave.

  • June Odion has taken over the management of the hamburger shop and from all indications is making a real success of it.

  • Here’s Chance For All Bobby Jones Aspirants To Take a Look-see – On Friday evening, June 13, at the Vashon Theatre, there will be shown movies of Vashon Island.  There will be movies of the golf club, never shown before, taken two years ago.  These will be followed by the splendid six reels of the Bobby Jones golfing sound movies.  And then complete pictures of “Way Back When” Vashon celebrated her carnival of queen day.

  • Progressive Club Helps With Game Preserve – Urging him to assist in obtaining a game preserve for Vashon Island, a letter from the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club was sent last week to Congressman Wesley Lloyd.  In his letter, Thomas P. Dunn, president of the organization, stressed the advantages of establishing a game preserve on the 4,000 acres available in this district.

  • Harbor Heights – We have all been wishing there were more bees about to pollenize our fruit blossoms.  Last Thursday a small cloud of bees arrived from somewhere and swarmed on a tree in Kliner’s orchard.  Mr. LeFevre built a hive and finally, with no human casualties, the swarm was transferred to the hive.  The following morning, Friday, another and different variety of bees appeared.  Much excitement while Mr. LeFevre hurriedly built a second hive and captured the second swarm.  Now we boast too many bees for perfect comforts.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Cut-throat trout are running plentifully now, and are bringing forth a number of Tacoma anglers.

June 14, 1934

  • Sign Essay Contest Participants Given Sight-Seeing Trip – The contest was sponsored by F.J. Shattuck, and the prizes were a part of a reward Mr. Shattuck received for the detection of those responsible for the destruction of road signs last October.  The essay winners were Dorothy Wight and Sherburne Heath.

  • Sentiment Voiced Against Influx of Negroes to Vashon Island Districts – Judging by the sentiment expressed Tuesday evening at a meeting of the executive committee of the Commercial Club, the citizenry is decidedly incensed over the influx of Negroes who have taken up their residence on Vashon Island in the vicinity of Burton and Lisabeula.  A committee was appointed to take whatever action in the matter seen fit.  Although, according to a statement made by F.J. Shattuck, deputy sheriff, one family of Negroes, living near Lisabeula, are on their own property and within their own rights in occupying it, this family has succeeded in bringing more, the exact number undetermined, eleven of whom are legal residents of the state of Arkansas, and for whom arrangements have been made for transportation back to their legal residence.  With the exception of the one family all of these colored people are occupying houses on which they pay no rent, although only a small proportion are actually on relief it is believed that the groceries provided by the relief vouchers is shared commonly.  While some Negroes are picking berries others are without visible means of support, according to report.  While a certain few advocate allowing matters to remain as at present the majority felt that at least the eleven Negroes who are not legal residents of Washington should be returned to a locality where authorities have the knowledge of handling the race.  Just what final action will be taken is in the hands of the committee, consisting of executive of various civic organizations.

  • Father’s Day, June 17, Observed by Giving Courtesy to Aged Ones – Jesper Therkelsen – JESPER THERKELSEN is still hale and hearty at the age of 87, and lives next door, at Center, to his sister, Mrs. J. Hansen, who will celebrate her ninety-third birthday next October!  Mr. Therkelsen was born in Skodborg, Denmark, January 25, 1847, one of eight children.  He made his first trip to America in 1870, remaining here five years before returning home for a visit with relatives and friends.  A year later he returned to the United States and made his home in Iowa, where he married, to become the father of five children.  Fifty-four years ago the Therkelsens came to the Island, establishing a home at Center, where Mr. Therkelsen set up a blacksmith shop which he operated for many years.  A few years ago he retired, only in several years to suffer the loss of his wife in the fiftieth year of their life together.  Mr. Therkelsen is robust, and interested in his children and grandchildren, as well as in the development of a community which he has seen grow from a wilderness to the Island as it is today.  LETITIA JACOBS – Forty-six years a resident of Vashon Island, where for the first time in her life she saw strawberries ripening on the vine, is the record of Mrs. Letitia Jacobs, still living, east of Vashon, on the farm on which she and her husband settled in June of 1888.  At that time the only communication with the Island was a weekly boat from Tacoma, and a letter mailed by her mother in Maine took just about two weeks to reach Mrs. Jacobs.  Mrs. Jacobs was born in Portland, Maine, May 26, 1851.  As a bride she lived in Wisconsin, then becoming fairly well settled, but sharing with her husband the urge of pioneering chose our own Island for her final home.  She served as a member of the school board for a number of years and was successful in obtaining the graded school ahead of many larger communities.  She has worshipped at the Methodist church during its growth from the first little old Log Church to the present time, before there was any instrument other than a tuning fork available for music.  Mrs. Jacobs enjoys good health, keeping well informed on topics of the day, and is happy and content in the companionship and devotion of her two daughters who live with her.  C.H. HACKETT – Although Mr. Hackett has not lived as many years on Vashon Island as some of our older residents, he is none the less an ardent enthusiast and booster.  He was born May 14, 1852 in New York state and now lives at Ellisport with his daughter, Mrs. W.A. Trousedale, and her husband.  Two years ago Mr. Hackett paid a visit to his native state, taking with him the old flint-lock musket that his great grandfather carried at Bunker Hill.  With it he fired a salute at the unveiling of a monument to the Revolutionary soldiers of his old neighborhood.  Mr. Hackett leaves the more strenuous activities of life to the younger generation, but he enjoys sitting where he can watch the shipping and fishing on the Sound and writes many letters descriptive of this beautiful country to his friends in less favored regions.  JOHN B. STEWART – John B. Stewart, “Uncle John” to nine-tenths of those who know him was born August 1852, in New Brunswick, Canada, coming to the United States in 1858, when his family took up their residence in Wisconsin.  He has been a resident of Washington since June 5, 1889, and of Vashon Island since 1902, when he became a resident of Lisabeula.  He makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. F.J. Shattuck, and has helped her bring her children through their babyhoods and now finds a lot of fun in watching his great-grandchild starting along the way of life.  Mr. Stewart is one of the happiest individuals that could well be imagined, and his outlook on life is one that if cultivated is bound to insure not only a long life but a tremendous satisfaction in living.  He is an incurable gardener, beats all of the neighbors with his vegetables, and raises flowers that would make a professional envious.  In short, Mr. Stewart has learned how to convert his efforts into those things which make life brighter and better for those around him.  ELLEN SYMONDS AKEHURST – Mrs. Ellen Symonds Akehurst, a resident of Burton, was born April 5, 1854, in Greenport, Long Island.  She has an interesting family history, her ancestors coming from England on the “Ranger” which followed the Mayflower.  Their descendents fought in the Revolutionary War.  Her mother’s ancestor owned part of the original Trinity property of New York, which it is claimed was never legally purchased from the owners, which makes her one of the Trinity heirs.  Her childhood was spent in Burnside, Connecticutt, near the estate of J. Pierpont Morgan, Sr. and she shared many childish escapades with his niece.  Her father fought in the Civil War and she remembers the receipt of the news of Lincoln’s assassination.  In her later years she taught school.  With her husband she came to Burton to live in 1905.  “Grandma” Akehurst has a keen mind and enjoys reading, particularly histories and biographies.  She states that she is anticipating a journey soon into far countries via “Anthony Adverse.”  She is deeply interested in her neighbors and friends, and attends church regularly, keeping in touch with all that goes on about her in the village of Burton.  WILLIAM A. SPALDING – William A. Spalding, D.D. now a resident of Cedarhurst, after 84 years of life, was born in Beaver country Pennsylvania, July 20, 1850.  As a young boy he became a resident of Iowa, where he grew up, later attending Monmouth College, Monmouth, Ill., where he studied and prepared for the ministry of the United Presbyterian church.  His first pastorate was in Oshkosh, Wis., where me met and married Miss Margaret Bell in 1879.  In 1890 Rev. and Mrs. Spalding located in Spokane, where through their efforts, the First U.P. church was built.  During his active service in the ministry, Dr Spalding has built other churches at Seattle, Spirit Lake, Idaho, Pullman and Olympia.  In 1901 with his family he camped for the first time on Vashon Island, later buying the property at Cedarhurst, where his son later located.  Dr. Spalding was too busy to retire until four years ago when he built a modern home for himself and Mrs. Spalding and which they now occupy though both keep surprisingly busy and interested in their children and grandchildren, and in the progress of national and religious affairs.  JAMES McINTYRE – James McIntyre, for the past seventeen years a resident and booster for Burton, was born at Inverness, Scotland, May 24, 1851 having passed his eighty-third birthday and still hale and hearty.  Mr. McIntyre came to this country when about 21 years of age, and has spent an active life, following for many years the machinist trade.  Although born in Scotland Mr. McIntyre at times has hard work convincing his friends that there isn’t a bit of Irish somewhere in his ancestry, for no one loves a joke better than he, and he can appreciate it just as well if it happens to be on himself.  He is a gardening enthusiast and can attribute his physical fitness to the exercise he gets in his fine garden.  In addition to his interest in the outdoors Mr. McIntyre is an inveterate reader keeping well informed on the news of the day.  While Mrs. McIntyre has not the years to her credit being only in her mid-seventies, she manages to keep abreast with her husband and they enjoy life together with their daughter, Mrs. Stewart and her family happy in the certainty of a life well lived.

  • Progressive Club Asks Lowered Ferry and Bus Rates for Vashon Isl. – Lower passenger fares and reduced tariffs for automobiles on ferries plying from north and sound ends of Vashon Island, and a through bus service from Seattle to Tacoma via Vashon Island, with feeder lines to important points, including Maury, are sought in appeals made to the Kitsap Transportation Company, the Washington Navigation Company, and the Vashon Transit Company by the Vashon-Maury Island Progessive Club.  Letters were sent last Friday by Thomas P. Dunn, president of the club, and C.R. Roediger, secretary-treasurer.

  • Island Visitors Sunday Estimated at 4000 by Officer Harry Snider – It is estimated that at least 4,000 tourists from Seattle, Tacoma and way-points visited Vashon-Maury Island on Sunday according to Officer Harry Snider.  About two-third of the visitors came via North End ferry, a goodly number from the South End, while still more came by Burton and West Side boats and quite a few on private yachts.

  • See Yourself In Movies – Considerable interest is being expressed in the benefit movie show Friday evening, June 15, when not only golf enthusiasts will have an opportunity of seeing and hearing Bobby Jones, but many not so interested in golf will be able to see themselves in motion pictures as they looked several years ago, as one of the last strawberry festivals.

  • Filipino Ordered Off Of Vashon Island – Wearied by repeated complaints from Island parents in regard to alleged irregular conduct on the part of Filipino berry pickers, F.J. Shattuck, deputy sheriff, has served notice that all Filipinos must be off the Island before the end of the week.  While this will no doubt work a tremendous hardship on growers of small fruit it is, according to the opinion of many reliable citizens, the only recourse remaining to clear up a situation which should never have existed.  According to the opinion of many it will be only a matter of time until some incident will occur which will make us regret inaction in this direction.  On Wednesday of last week B.D. Mukai received a badly bitten finger while attempting to remove a Filipino from his plant.  The man became abusive and refused to leave when ordered off of the place, and when Mr. Mukai attempted to forcibly remove him the Filipino employed teeth and nails in a attempt to assert what he apparently considered his right.  He was escorted off of the Island by Officer Snider.

  • Ten Years Ago – From the News-Record of June 13, 1924 – Candidates for Queen of the Strawberry Festival are Pauline Weiss, Ethel Whitfield, Jean Shipley, June Cowan and Lillian Larsen.

  • Stephen Landers was surprised Friday night to see a cougar spring across in front of his car.

  • Market For Surplus Berries – Island berry growers, facing actual need through failure to harvest remaining strawberries can dispose of them through relief channels, and will receive 90 cents per crate, according to J.G. Bennett, president of the Vashon Island Commercial Club.  It is urged that all growers desiring information phone Dr. Bennett at once, as the berries are needed in feeding the indigents now being taken care of at the county kitchens in Seattle.

  • Thirty-Eight Families Still On Relief – Although, according to the report of relief workers, charity is costing less on Vashon Island than in any other section of King County, there are still 38 families, with individual membership of 175 still on relief here.  This was reduced from 45 families, 210 individuals, receiving food vouchers last week.  According to records some of the families are receiving as low as 45 cents per person.  Despite persistent rumor to the contrary all of the cases now on relief have good gardens, and are canning fruit and vegetables against next winter’s needs.  As a whole the Island has always shown a distaste for all phases of relief work, and has been much less sympathetic toward it than more congested localities, where cases of habitual pauperism exist.  This, the relief workers feel certain, has created a sentiment which tends to make all but a few anxious to remove themselves from relief as soon as self-help becomes at all possible.

June 21, 1934

  • Relief Program Closed For Present – It was announced by Miss Elsa Shubert, relief agent for this district, that the relief program on the Island has closed for the present.  Those in charge feel that a number on relief are depending entirely on public funds rather than making any personal efforts to earn a living.  Strange as it may seem the action was taken as the result of strong protest from merchants and others who are receiving business through the relief channels.  Repeated efforts have come to Miss Shubert of refusals of work offered to able-bodied men who report themselves unable to find work.  Recognizing that the seasonal work now available is, perhaps, difficult, it is never the less a means of earning enough for the necessities of life.

  • Madrona Lodge Will Open Under New Management – After being closed for two years, Madrona Lodge, at Ellisport, will re-open July 1, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison.  The fourteen cabins are being completely cleaned and renovated, while the Lodge has been thoroughly gone over and is in perfect order.  Mrs. Morrison reports that already a number of the cottages have been rented and there have been many inquiries from prospective summer residents.  She will accommodate boarding guests and will feature chicken dinners.

  • Campfire Official Seeks to Organize Troop on Island – Miss Bishop, head of the Campfire movement in Seattle, called on a number of mothers last Sunday in an effort to learn what response could be expected to an attempt to organize a troop of teen age girls here.  There is an utter dearth of activity of this nature for our adolescent girls who have passed the little girl state yet who have not found a sphere in a more mature advancement.  The girl at this stage often makes mistakes that could be avoided were there a wholesome and natural outlet provided for the activities that must find expression, good or bad, in the normal development of a growing girl. 

  • Ten Years Ago – From the News-Record of June 20, 1934 – Jean Shipley was elected queen of the Annual Strawberry Festival.

  • What Youth On Vashon Has The Most Freckles? – Some freckled-face Vashon Island boy or girl under the age of 14 years may be selected as “King or Queen Freckles”, according to L.R. Rennings, chairman, University Post No. 11, American Legion contest committee for its annual picnic rally and Independence Day celebration.

  • Even though the strawberry season is ending it has its compensations, for the growers with late berries are receiving $1.25 per crate.

June 28, 1934

  • Garden Club Makes Pilgrimage to Island To See Local Gardens

  • Large Enumclaw Delegation Visits Lily Show

  • Grand Flower Display at Lily Show Draws Large Crowd; Many Prizes Won

  • Snohomish Part Visits Lily Show

  • New Rock Wall Adds To Appearance – The new rock wall which has recently been built along the front and side of the W.M. Matthews place, north of Vashon, is an addition which has been noticed by many.  The work was done entirely by Mr. Matthews and his son.

  • Boat Loses Propeller – Much interest was created at the North End last Sunday afternoon when an excursion boat from Tacoma lost a propeller, and drifted helplessly about in the bay.  Finally the signal of distress was noted by the ferry which took off about 75 passengers, landing them at Fauntleroy.

  • Plant Authority Gives Instruction for Control Of Infested Berries

  • Attends Governor’s Reception And Ball – Mrs. V.C. Coutts was among those present at a reception and ball given by Governor Martin in the Crystal Room of the governor’s mansion last Friday evening, honoring officers of the National Guard and their wives.  Mrs. Coutts was a guest of her brother-in-law, Captain Charles Goodwin.

  • Installs Ice Cream Cabinets – Last week installation was completed in the Center store, of ice cream cabinets.  The Price-Rite store has added another line, Sunfreze brick ice cream.

  • Tahlequah Notes - Tahlequah is now electrified! – The “juice” was cut in Tuesday by Superintendent Garner, of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, who deserves a great deal of credit for his persistence in overcoming a number of obstacles that were encountered before rights-of-way could be obtained.  The lines are complete in every detail, supplying electricity to both the east and west sides of the ferry slip, which is also lighted, providing a welcome relief for those using the ferry service at night.

  • Glen Acres – Mrs. McClary, of Seattle, will summer in the Nelson Beach property until her Glen Acres summer cabin can be made safe again.  The property was damaged in last winter’s slides.

  • Ten Years Ago – From The News-Record of June 27, 1924 – Vashon Island was host to 2,400 visitors who enjoyed to the fullest the strawberries and cream served to them.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvas Items – The “Pauline,” “Anne” and “Bernie E,” trolling boats, are in from a fishing trip.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Bobby Harmeling underwent a minor operation on his arm June 22.  He is getting along nicely, though his arm is in a sling over his head.  The operation was the result of a burn suffered last fall.

  • Extensive alterations are being made in the Brosseau store at Vashon Heights.

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July 1934
July 5, 1934

  • New System for Mail Delivery in Effect on Vashon-Maury Now – On Monday morning M. Larsen formerly of Southworth assumed the duty of carrying the Island mail. Mr. Larsen has secured a four-year contract and will move his wife and four children to Burton within the next month where he has already secured a house.  The present arrangement and routing is from Magnolia Beach to Cove via Burton, Dockton, Portage, Ellisport and Vashon.  The West Pass Transportation Company has secured a four-year contract, which will insure the service now rendered by the Virginia V for a like period.  It is reported that the owners of the boat operating between Tacoma and Quartermaster Harbor points did not desire a renewal of their contract.  All Island mail is now discharged at Cove.  For the present the same cumbersome system is in effect whereby a letter from Burton to Vashon must go via Tacoma and Seattle before being delivered at Vashon, but we understand that the post office department is working on a plan whereby pouches will be exchanged between the two offices and other Island offices, eliminating the plan now in operation.

  • Raleigh Coutts Injured By Firecracker – Raleigh Coutts suffered severe burns when a firecracker exploded in his face Monday evening.  Powder burns in his eyes were at first thought to be particularly dangerous, but responded well to first aid administered by Dr. McMurray. 

  • Second Planting Of Trout Here – A planting of brook trout was released this week in Judd and Shingle Mill creeks.  There were about 50,000 small fish in the consignment which should provide future sport for anglers.

  • Elsie Mitchell Accepts Pastorate of Vashon Methodist Church

  • School Warrants Now Good At Par

  • Co-operation Develops As Relief Is Cut Off For Island People – The spirit in which the Island people are co-operating in the temporary closing of the relief program is a matter for congratulation.  Some from whom relief has been cut off had been receiving help for months.  Apparently they have seen the justice of the action which was taken and have gone out to work in the berry fields, or have found other means of earning the necessities.

  • Fire Destroys Garage At Kingsbury Lodge On Friday Morning – Fire discovered early Friday morning totally destroyed the garage and two cars at Kingsbury Lodge.  Insurance partially covered the loss sustained.  The fire was discovered by Fred Kingsbury, who occupies a cottage near the Lodge.  He aroused Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and their guests, who were asleep in the Lodge.  The fire had made such headway that nothing could be done further than to watch the other buildings.  In an attempt to save a practically new Dodge coupe, George Davis was so severely burned that he is still confined to the house.  He also suffered some rather deep cuts on his feet.  As usual, under such circumstances, a member of the P.S.P.& L. crew was on the scene.  Burnt wiring had resulted in blown fuses, and the private pumping system was entirely out of commission until the arrival of John Calhoun, lineman.  The Lodge, water tank and fruit house were effectually kept wet, and the fire was confined entirely to the burning garage.

  • Mrs. Clyde Smith Injured in Elevator Accident at Tacoma

  • V.F.W. Auxiliary Unit Instituted On Island – The Vashon Island Ladies Auxiliary of V.F.W. Corporal Alfred Roberts, Post No. 2826, was organized and installation ceremony was held on June 20th, at the Community Hall at Vashon, when a number of ladies were initiated.

  • Grand Officers Visit Island Chapter O.E.S. Last Friday Evening

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Island dwellers were interested in a plane which flew over and about the Island on Monday.  It later developed that one of the occupants of the plane was Al Roen who is rapidly progressing and who will soon become a full-fledged pilot.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – While the Seattle papers have grown much excited over regale lilies with a mere fifty or sixty blooms to a stem, Mrs. Josephine Stewart had one in her garden produce 86 blooms on one stem.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Beach pirates fired the opening gun on their customary summer thieving expeditions last Friday when they raided the home of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Halbert, residing midway between the entrance to the West Pass and Spring Beach.  The marauders battered open a lock and stole everything in the place that was not easily identified, proving that they were no novices.  The loot included canned goods, coal oil, grocery supplies, gasoline, shells and unmarked linen.  Fleeing the Halbert home they moved to the ferry dock, where they smashed open a locker between the cock-pits on Chuch Huhn’s speedboat, stealing gasoline and cylinder oil.  They also obtained a few gallons of gas from the Fry boat.  Their stay here was short as Dr. David B. Cook heard them smashing open the lock, and notified the Huhn family next door.  Charles G. Huhn staged a night shirt parade, and made it to the ferry slip in “nothing flat.”  The thieves heard him sprinting to the dock, and beat a hasty retreat in their rowboat.  Deputy Sheriff F.J. Shattuck is investigating the case.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The pyrotechnic display in the Stadium, Tacoma, had nothing on the July Fourth celebration here.  For a while residents thought hostilities had been renewed in a big way on the Tacoma docks or that the Dillinger machine-gun artists were pausing here on a tour of the Island.  Fireworks were very much in evidence, and the grown-ups as well as the boys and girls joined in the festivities.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The first corn on the southern end of Vashon Island is credited with coming from the writer’s garden Sunday.  This is about a month earlier than usual.  (by Mrs. C.R. Roediger)

  • Ten Years Ago – From The News-Record of July 4, 1924 – Officers of the Cove Republican Club, organized June 27th, include S.M. Shipley, president; L.M. Krosket, vice-president; S.H. Clements, secretary; A.J. Marsh, treasurer.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The yearly conference of the Evangelical church will begin next Sunday in Bethel Park.

  • Notice – There are rumors that I sold my former shop to Mr. Quick, of the Vashon Barber Shop.  But the truth is that I never had any business deals, contracts or verbal agreements with Mr. Quick.  I sold the shop over four years ago to Mr. De Zemed, Mr. Garvin signing the papers.  WENZEL LEONHARD, Accommodation Barber Shop.

  • Fourth Passes Quietly Here – Whether it was due to counter attractions, or whether because the holiday fell in the middle of the week the Fourth passed very quietly from the standpoint of tourists.  However, the local youngsters, with firecrackers very much in evidence, managed to keep things livened up sufficiently for their elders.

July 12, 1934

  • Ira Dye Will Speak At Vashon Theatre Friday Eve, July 13th – Ira Dye, candidate for County Commissioner for the South District of King county, will file for office on Friday, the 13th, and the same evening will speak before a Vashon-Maury Island audience at the Vashon Theatre.

  • Up And Down Maury Hill – MR. CARTY beaming over this bumper currant crop – MR. MERRY feeling O.K. again – THE CASTLES enjoying their pretty new home by lamplight – MRS. ESTER LARSEN making a birthday cake – THE MacINTOSHES motoring up to Vashon to see JACK and GEORGE – MR> EDDY fighting fire at 1 a.m. – MRS. GEO. DAVIS mourning over the same fire – THE BEN WILLIAMS family going to a dance – MR. McPHERSON and LOUIE putting up a tent – WILL RENDALL going to a picnic – THE RUSHTONS greeting relatives from California and Alaska – MRS. HANCOCK getting ready for company – THE GORDON RUHLENS waiting for the 9 o’clock show – MR. MATTSON dividing Bing cherries with his friends – MRS. VAN OLINDA talking Orthopedic – MR. RIVERS inspecting his big new water tank – MRS. MIDDLECOFF working in her beautiful flower garden – MRS. KELLOGG waiting for the mail carrier – MRS. DAVIS            listening to her car radio – THE FILLINGERS and FROGGATTS keeping the lighthouse grounds looking like a velvet carpet – THE LARSEN girls all home from school for a holiday on the beach – CHARLES MYERS taking his family for an outing – JOHN CALHOUN hurrying to keep a date – MRS. GARNER planning another airplane journey – THE BURGHDUFFS with a houseful of grandchildren for the summer – MISS WATTS reading an article on National Defense – MISS PARKER watering her gift dogwood trees – MRS. YOUNG cutting pansies and sweet peas for city visitors – BILL FREEMAN painting his motor boat – MRS. PAVLOVITCH admiring her cherry orchard – THE TOKLES wishing for a chance to go gold-hunting, but building a new house instead – EVERYBODY feeling sorry for EVERYBODY who is missing Vashon Island scenery and weather.

  • Reunion Will Be Held Sunday For Former Center School Pupils

  • Island Peaches Are Featured by Seattle Groceries; Fine Fruit – Featured by Augustine and Kyer in their several stores Rochester peaches grown and packed on the Highland Park ranch are attracting considerable attention.  E. Morgan, local grower, is receiving many favorable comments on his pack from commission houses in the city and states that the supply does not equal the demand for his Rochester peaches.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst And Colvos Items – Monday morning Arthur, Carl and Alfred Edwards surprised their families by arriving in Cove by airplane.  The “tender boat” had come to Seattle for ice so they had a chance to make a “flying trip” home, if only for a few hours.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Investigation of the burglary of the William W. Halbert home here has proven that a woman was mixed up somewhere in the case, according to Deputy Sheriff F.J. Shattuck.  All of Mrs. Halbert’s cosmetics disappeared, along with more than $200 worth of groceries, linens, etc.  “No thief,” chortled Deputy Shattuck, “would take facial creams and other aids to beauty unless he had some “cherub” on the string.” 

  • Ellisport Items – Maurice Dunsford has his trucks working full blast these days with the cherry hauling at its height.

  • Lisabeula Items – The annual baseball game between the married and single men was played on the school grounds the afternoon of the Fourth.  On account of the heat, only six innings were played, the single men winning.

July 19, 1934

  • State Officer Makes Arrests; Rigid Check Of Cars Being Made – Captain Harry Snider, acting on orders from headquarters, has been busy the past two weeks and has made a number of arrests of drivers with poorly adjusted headlights, one-eyed motor vehicles, tail light missing, lack of car and driver’s license, and other infractions of the motor laws of the state.  On Wednesday several cases were tried in Judge Martin’s court and fines of $5 and costs of $2.50 were imposed in practically all cases.  Several were unable to pay their fines and were given a short time before their cars were impounded.

  • Hope Expressed That Island May Obtain Jail for Local Use – Petitions are being circulated this week among Island property owners requesting the county commissioners to go ahead with their plans to erect a jail on Vashon Island.  This has been deemed advisable due to increasing law violation.  On a recent Sunday afternoon three young men, residents of the Island, came to Vashon after having consumed more wine than they could comfortably carry.  After one round of beer in the Vashon beer parlor they went out to the street and proceeded to disturb the peace, at the same time taking on more of their private stock.  Deputy Sheriff Shattuck, driving through the village, requested the boys to go home, not wanting to arrest them.  They facetiously inquired as to who was going to make them go home and became so uproarious that it was necessary to arrest them.  They were taken into Seattle, and the next day were released upon payment of a fine sufficient to make them think a second time.  Had there been a jail on the Island the affair would have been much simpler, and the inconvenience of the peace officer, which is in all fairness out of proportion to what he earns would have been much less.  A lot at Vashon, near the water tower has been offered at a reasonable price.  While the petitions request the county commissioners to make a provision in the budget for the purchase of the lot and a building for the cells purchased some time ago and now in storage in Seattle, it is hoped that enough can be secured for a shed to house the road equipment in use on the Island.  A full-time deputy for the Island is also being requested of the commissioners.

  • Baptist Assembly Now In Session at Grounds At South End of Island

  • Island To Have Patrol Wagon Soon – Captain Snider, local member of the state police, will be furnished with a patrol wagon for use on the Island.  The car will be built on the same plan as the ones in use in the cities.  Heretofore when arrests were made by peace officers it was necessary for the officer making the arrests to transport the prisoner in his own car, which often entailed the presence of a second person as driver.  It was felt that the situation here on the Island was such that one of the patrol wagons put into service this week in different parts of the state should be assigned to Vashon-Maury Island.

  • New Phone Directory Has Correct Numbers; No More Name Calls –

  •  Strike News Of 1895 – In these days of strikes, threatened strikes and general unrest, it may be news to the greater number of News-Record readers to know that we once had a strike of our very own.  It was pulled off at Dockton during the first week of June, 1895.  At that time Dockton had one of the largest floating dry docks on the Sound.  It was 102 feet wide by 325 feet long, completed in February 1892, and employed at times eighty to a hundred men.  Dockton was by far the liveliest place, from a business point of view, in this section.  Early in June of 1895, there was a rush of business at the dock, several more hands were needed and three or four of Vashon’s farmers went to work there.  The regular dock-workers were organized and immediately went out on strike.  The farmers went back to pulling sorrel out of their strawberry patches and the strike was settled without the spilling of a single bucket of blood.  O.S. Van Olinda.

  • Vashon Heights Store Invites you to stop at The Beach Tavern for Lunches-Hot coffee- Cold beer

  • Fitzpatrick Dairy MILK – Rich Raw-Pasturized-Chocolate Malted Milk and Buttermilk – Butter – Cream – Cheese – Ice – Sunfreze Ice Cream 

July 26, 1934

  • Tacoma School Teacher Backs Off Grade Near Tahlequah Ferry – Losing control of her car while trying to back down on the narrow Pohl road, Miss Maud Graham, Tacoma school teacher, and her guest, Mrs. Ellen Judd, of Tacoma, narrowly escaped death or serious injury last Wednesday night when the machine plunged over a ten-foot embankment and landed on its side in the creek bottom.

  • Does the Island Need a High School – An Editorial

  • Superintendent Robertson Explains School Situation

  • Two Budgets to be Presented at Hearing

  • Spalding Road Graded – Residents living on the Spalding (Marshall-Armstrong) road are greatly gratified with the improvement made recently when the road crew made several trips over ti with the county grader.  The road is now in excellent condition.

  • Tahlequah Notes – The gun club of Charles G. Huhn, which has been a famous landmark here for years, and a place where one could spend many a pleasant hour in meditation and reading after tiring of shooting, has been razed and a new one with all the modern conveniences erected.  A cement floor and latest type traps are some of the features of the new structure.

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August 1934

August 2, 1934

  • Students of Vashon College To Hold Reunion Sunday At Burton; Many to Attend - Vashon College, the buildings of which have been entirely obliterated, was at one time the foremost school of the Northwest.  It was a military academy, but was also co-educational, and consisted of a preparatory school, also providing a college course as well as instruction for the lower grades and high school.  It filled a definite need of a new country, and conducted on a high plane it furnished an excellent opportunity for young people who have since taken places of trust and responsibility in public life.  In 1892 the school was opened under the supervision of Professor A.C. Jones who was assisted by Mrs. Netta Jones.  These two people exerted an influence over the lives of the young people that will continue to live when they are but a memory.  Prof. Jones passed away more than a year ago in California and at the reunion last year a letter was read which had been to the students whom he had loved and who had been deeply influenced by his life and teaching.  Mrs. Jones is present at each reunion, and though she is now totally blind takes an active part and is instrumental in keeping alive the spirit and loyalty of past days.

  • Will Open Service Station – Ground was broken this week for a new service station to be owned and operated by Fred Stevenson.  The new building will be located on the south end of the Middling lots.  It is to be 20X20 feet, finished in stucco.  John Jensen is in charge of the construction.

  • Pioneers Hold Meeting At Center Last Saturday – The Vashon-Maury Island Pioneer Society held its annual meeting and picnic at Center last Saturday with an even better attendance than usual of home folks, there being sixty-three present.  Not as many “foreigners” returned to the scene of their crime as usual, however.  Mrs. Ashton and Mrs. Rose (Amelia and Zelpha O’Keefe), Mrs. Charles O’Keefe, of Tacoma; Andrew Griswold and wife (Carrie Bovee), Mrs. Charles Foster (Myrtle Fuller) and William Clark, of Seattle; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Risser, of San Francisco, California, were present.  Much to our regret, Mrs. Blackburn, C.M. Griswold and C.A. Barton were unable to attend on account of poor health. – O.S. Van Olinda, Sec’y.

  • Rustic Temple at Beulah Park to be Dedicated Sunday – The building was designed, and the work on it directed by Silas Nelson, Tacoma architect.  Mr. Nelson will be remembered as the designer of the Island high school.  It will have a seating capacity of almost 500.  Designed after a style decidedly rustic, the building has been named the Rustic Temple. 

  • Annual Assembly Of I.O.G.T. Grand Lodge At Ellisport – Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday the Grand Lodge of Good Templars met in their annual assembly in their Chautauqua Hall and camp at Ellisport.  Mrs. Beth Gisebert, of Tacoma is the presiding officer, and F.P. Zent is the secretary.  The meeting this year was enlivened by the presence of a considerable number of young people, who have been recently enlisted and represented also some new local lodges.  They were given special attention and places on the state executive committee.  They rendered interesting programs of music and recitations.  The reports showed an increased number of lodges in Washington and wide awake attention to the new liquor problems the past year.  There is no local lodge of the order on Vashon Island.

  • Iris Sale at Robert’s Home Will Benefit Orthopedic Hospital

  • Island Boy Dies Of Pneumonia Tuesday – Death resulting from pleural pneumonia, claimed the life of Paul Petersen, 15, of Cove, early Tuesday morning.  The end which came after a short illness came as a terrible shock to his mother, Mrs. Anna Petersen.

  • Ben Lyons Drowns in Lake Tapps Sunday; Two Near Tragedies Averted in Week – On Monday Charles Livers, sophomore of Vashon high school, was rescued by Ray Malone, of Portage.  The boys were swimming in Lake Cushman and were on their way out to a float when Livers was seized with a cramp.  Joe Milligan, while getting into a boat from the landing float at the dock, slipped into the water.  Perceiving the youngster could not swim, Mr. Pinkham went to his rescue after he had done down the second time.

  • Pheasant Released – Local sportsmen were much interested in the releasing of 1,000 pheasants, turned loose Tuesday morning by Game Protector Al Roen.

  • A party composed of Mesdames Eva Metzenberg, Opal Cronander, Carol Bacchus, Hazel Menes and Agnes L. Smock left by auto this (Thursday) morning for Mount Baker and all other points of interest thereabouts. 

  • Massa Mukai is breaking ground for a new house on the Colvos road.

August 9, 1934

  • Fred Stevenson to Open Service Station Saturday, August 11

  • Shortened School Term Would Mean Heavy District Loss – by Superintendent Robertson – The question has been asked, “What effect, if any, would a 4 month term have upon the income of the high school district for the following year?”  A shortened school term would not affect local revenue since that is derived from a tax upon the property of the district without respect to the matter of attendance.  Our income from state and county, however, is directly proportional to days of attendance.

  • Local Fishermen In Strike At Anacortes – A number of boats from the Island have been on strike at Anacortes the past week.  The boats affected are the purseseiners, these being held up until an agreement is reached between the fishermen and the employees.  The halibut boats, many of which have their home port on the Island, are not affected by the strike.

August 16, 1934 MISSING
August 23, 1934

  • Candidate Says Island Should Choose Own Men to Keep Roads – Announcement was recently made by Ira Dye, Republican candidate for county commissioner for the South District, that if elected to office he will concede to the Island the opportunity to select the persons local residents consider best fitted to carry out our road program.

  • Sylvan Beach Dock Being Rebuilt – This week a crew of county workers, working with a floating pile driver, tug and crew, are pulling the piling of the old Glen Acres wharf on the east side of the Island.  The piling will be used in rebuilding the wharf at Sylvan Beach.  Each winter the approach of the dock is badly damaged by high tides, due to the fact that the structure when built was at least three feet too low.  This error will be remedied and the wharf when completed will be high enough to escape the battering of the water during coming storms.  County Bridge Engineer Tom Blum is in charge of the work, and has spent several days on the Island.

  • Dr. Cook Takes Advantage Of Opportunity To Buy – Tahlequahites are still talking about the pre-Christmas present received from Uncle Sam recently by Dr. and Mrs. David B. Cook.  They got 165 feet of waterfront, and more than 9 acres of upland here from the government for the small sum of $105.

  • Island Men Replace Seattle Labor – Twenty-five Island men have been put to work on various Island schools, replacing the workers imported last week from West Seattle.  By the beginning of the week it is hoped that the seven mainland workmen still on the job will be replaced by local men.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Estimated by a Tacoma assayer to be between 300 and 400 years old, three bronze spikes, taken from the keel of what is believed to have been an old Chinese junk, are now in the possession of Carl Rooth here.  What remained of the keel, which probably was brought across the Pacific Ocean by the Japan current, drifted ashore near Rooth’s residence, between the West Pass and Spring Beach.  The spikes, he maintained, are worth a dollar apiece, if a person could locate the right curio collector, or the fellow who had sufficient sheckles to invest in such novelties.  However, Rooth decided that he would be overtaken by old age before he found the right party, so he is fashioning them into handles for the drawers of a rustic chiffonier that he is building for his wife.

August 30, 1934

  • Island Schools Have Full Teaching Staff; Will Open Sept. 4

  • High School to Take Up Sessions Sept. 4; New Teachers on Staff

  • Herbert Ward In Charge Of Greenhouses – Herbert Ward has taken over the management of the Van House greenhouses at Burton and will run them during the winter, while Kenneth Van House is engaged in teaching.  Under the capable management of Mr. Van House a fine market for tomatoes and cucumbers has been developed. 

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September 1934

September 6, 1934

  • Everyone on Island Interested in Ferry Situation Should Go – It was announced last week that a formal hearing will be held at 10 o’clock Wednesday, September 19th, in Seattle at the Chamber of Commerce auditorium for the purpose of determining whether the Department of Public Works shall grant the request of Kitsap County Transportation Company to discontinue the service now being rendered by the Steamer “Verona.”  It will be recalled that the Kitsap Company made arrangements for rendering service now furnished by the Verona to its dock in Seattle by operating under contract a bus from Vashon Heights to Fauntleroy, thence via highway to Seattle; such bus making the inbound trip to Seattle in the morning and the outbound trip in the evening.  It was contemplated by the Kitsap Company that this would render unnecessary the operation of the Steamer “Verona” between Vashon Island and Seattle.  Protests were received from so many patrons at Harper and on Vashon Island that the Department advised the Kitsap people that a discontinuance of the service of the “Verona” would not be permitted until the public should have an opportunity to make representation at a formal hearing.  When the petitions were circulated last spring which resulted in the Department of Public Works taking the action and forbidding a discontinuance of the “Verona” several hundred persons living at Harper and on the Island were sufficiently concerned to sign their names to the protest.  The department has given enough advance notice of the hearing which will determine the final disposition of the case that everyone interested can arrange to be present.  It is hoped that those who have been honest in their objections to having the “Verona” taken off will be present at this hearing to state their case.

  • First Graduation Class Of Vashon Hi School Held Reunion Friday – Three members of a class of four graduating in 1913, as Vashon high school’s first graduates, together with their families and guests, enjoyed a delightful reunion and beach supper at the Spalding home at Cedarhurst last Friday afternoon and evening.  Among the twenty-five who sat around the big picnic table was Dr. Spalding, who preached the baccalaureate sermon for the 1913 class.  Members of the class and their families were Mrs. Guy Ernissee (Kate Harmeling), of Tacoma, Mrs. Graham Maloney (Anna Barton) of Lisabeula, and Hubert Spalding, of Cedarhurst.  John Billings, the other member of the class, resides in Portland, Oregon and was unable to be present.

  • Reduced Valuation and Lower Levy Tells Story of High School Plight

  • Injured On Heights’ Hill In Auto Accident – While driving down the Heights hill Monday evening George Schmidt, his small daughter, Elsa Mae, and his sister, Miss Elsa, who was returning to her work in Seattle after the holidays, were injured, fortunately escaping with their lives from a serious accident.  They were riding in a Ford coupe.  Suddenly, without warning the car lurched, rolling over three or four times.  The occupants were thrown out of the top onto the pavement before the car struck a light pole near Brosseau’s store.  The car was so badly demolished that it was impossible to tell just what caused the accident, but the assumption is that the differential went out, causing the driver to lose control of the car which was going at only a moderate rate of speed.

  • New Owners Of High School Store – It was announced this week that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dawson have purchased the high school store from the owner, W.T. Schofield.  They took possession on Tuesday.  Mr. and Mrs. Dawson are well known on the Island, and popular with all who know them.  They are progressive business people and will make a success of the business they have acquired.

  • Morrissey Building At Burton Being Remodeled – Under the direction of John Jensen workmen are putting a new concrete foundation under the Morrissey building at Burton.  It was a rather difficult job as the old timbers which supported the building had rotted, and a tunnel had to be dug before the concrete could be poured.  The second story will be torn away and the entire appearance will by modernized.  Next year Mr. Morrissey expects to stucco the outside, and the result will be a store as modern in appearance as any store on the Island.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – School has again begun at Columbia school.  Those starting in the first grade are Arthur Lorentzen, Jimmy West, Avril Thurston, Donald Fosmark, Daniel Didrickson, Robert Edwards and Joyce Edwards.

  • Local Candidate Can Do Much For Island – With an acquaintance gained during a term in the legislature, and seven years as a state employee, Ira Case, Island candidate for the State Legislature from the 30th District on the Republican ticket, is in a position to do much for Vashon-Maury Island.  Mr. Case has lived for many years at Magnolia Beach, where he resides with his family.

  • New Line Of Business Opened Here – The operation of a tea and coffee route on Vashon Island has been instituted by Ray Freeman, who recently took up his residence on the Island.  Mr. Freeman has a leading article, coffee, of which he is justly proud.  Roasted in the most scientific manner by a large Seattle concern, the coffee is delivered fresh to the customer the day it is ground.

September 13, 1934

  • Island Returns Show Republican Majority; Light Vote Cast – Returns from the nine Island precincts on Wednesday morning revealed the fact that at the primary election more Republican ballots were called for in all except three precincts, the exceptions being Island, Lisabeula and Vashon.  For the first time in the memory of the oldest residents the Island forsook the Republican party in the 1932 landslide only to return with Tuesday’s election.

  • No Need Of The Law – As evidence of the esteem in which he is held in the Cove precinct, R.E. Stafford was nominated for constable, on both the Democratic and Republican tickets at Tuesday’s primary election.  In the future Columbia school district will not need to call on a deputy sheriff at its elections.

  • Four School Levy Elections To Be Held On Island Sept. 25

  • Brinton Promises To Add Yellow Strip To Pavement – Safeguarding the highway from Vashon Heights to Center by marking it with a yellow strip that is plainly visible day or night is the aim of Commissioner W.B. Brinton.  Following a conference with Thomas P. Dunn, president of the Vashon-Maury Island Progressive Club, Commissioner Brinton declared that he would enlist the aid of the state in this work as King County has no funds available for this purpose.  The equipment is in Eastern Washington, but as soon as returned to this side Mr. Brinton will have the strip added.

  • Hunters Must Observe New Season Opening Hour to Hunt Grouse – Unlike other years in all cases the opening of the season will be at noon, rather than at sunrise as in previous years.  It was announced by the local Sportsmen’s Association that the Island will be policed by two extra game protectors, in addition to the local game protector, Al Roen.  The reason there are extra men for this duty is that Eastern Washington has no opening at this time.  The bag limit is three birds per day, or a mixed bag of three birds, or three birds in possession at any one time.

September 20, 1934

  • Hearing Being Held in Seattle Wed. on Discontinuance of Ferry – On Wednesday, as we go to press, a hearing is in progress in Seattle which is of a great deal of interest to Island commuters.  Before a representative of the Department of Public Works, facts, pro and con, are being presented as to why the petition of the Kitsap County Transportation Company should, or should not be, permitted to discontinue the operation of a boat between Vashon Heights and Harper and down-town Seattle.

  • We Wish To Apologize – With only a narrow margin of time in getting election returns from the various Island precincts last week it is surprising that we did not make several mistakes.  Here is one which we made which we are glad to correct, for it’s in favor of one of the fairer sex, bless ‘em!  Receiving 25 out of the 30 votes cast for the office at Maury, Mrs. Alberta Hildebrand was elected Democratic precinct committeewoman.

  • Buses Will Carry Voters to Polls For School Election

  • Dockton News – Captain M. Planchard, Alfred C. Stuckey and J. Radin started for Monterey, California, for the sardine fishing on the boat Liberty Girl Saturday.

September 27, 1934

  • P.T.A. to Sponsor Paper Drive; Proceeds For Emergency Causes

  • Choral Society to be Formed at Island Club Thursday Morning – Under the direction of Mrs. Charles Carey an all-Island Women’s Choral Society is being formed.

  • Island State Park Is Aim of Candidates For State Legislature – It is interesting to know that one of the things upon which Ira Case, local Republican candidate for the state legislature, L.J. Costello, his Republican running mate, and Archie McKinnon, Republican candidate for the state senate, are agreed upon is a state park for Vashon-Maury.  It is hoped that if these three candidates are elected to the state legislature they will be able to have a tract of waterfront purchased by the state and converted into a state park which will attract tourists instead of sending them away convinced that we are inhospitable.

  • Island School Levies Carry by Good Margin; Hi School to Continue

  • Technocrats To Meet – With speakers from the Continental Committee on Technocracy present a meeting will be held at the Island Club Friday evening, September 28, at 8 o’clock.

  • The Vashon Island Bakery has again closed its doors and the owner, Louis Stockmeyer, has opened a shop in West Seattle.

  • High School Notes – Thanks to the help received from the C.W.A. and some volunteer assistants from the road crew, we now have one of the finest football gridirons in the Northwest.  It will be the center of attraction next Friday; the 28th, when our boys meet Poulsbo here in mortal combat.

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October 1934
October 4, 1934

  • Vashon Hi Gridders Play No-Count Game With Poulsbo Friday – The game took place on the new Vashon Island high school’s gridiron, which was constructed by the CWA workers.  It is one of the finest fields in any of our local high schools. 

  • Seattle Musicians To Appear Here October 12th – Sponsored by the Progressive Series Piano Study Club, Phyllis Shattuck, president, Kenneth Lyman, advisor, several Seattle musicians will be heard at an informal recital to be given Friday evening, October 12th, at the home of Mrs. Agnes L. Smock.  Local students who will be heard are Marion Maloney and Phyllis Shattuck.

  • Chink Season to Open At Noon Next Sunday; Deer Season Is Open

  • Charles Livers, who suffered a double fracture of the left forearm during football practice last Monday afternoon, will be confined to a Seattle hospital until the latter part of this week and will probably not be able to return to school for five or six weeks.

  • Caught By Sliding Earth Friday – While working at the Charles Lampert place, just north of the Sylvan Beach dock, three workmen escaped death or serious injury by a very narrow margin last Friday afternoon.  Maurice Dunsford, Ed Hofmeister and Alex Morrison were engaged in building a bulkhead back of the Lampert house and had cut away the bank preparatory to building a wall.  Suddenly, without warning, the sandy bank gave way.  Hofmeister was able to get out of the way, while Dunsford was caught and buried almost to his hips.  Morrison, who was in a trench started to run, but was hit by a wheelbarrow which was toppled into the trench by the sliding earth, and which pinned him underneath it.  A water main was broken and the water pouring into the trench seemed for a short time to threaten Morrison.  Dunsford was able to free himself, while Hofmeister succeeded in raising Morrison’s head above the stream.  Dunsford went farther up and broke the pipe line, diverting the water.  Help was summoned from Vashon and after considerable effort on the part of the six men who responded Morrison was finally freed.

October 11, 1934

  • Orthopedic Auxiliary Formed at Dockton Saturday, October 6

  • Local Business Men’s Club to Hold Monthly Dinners; Active Group

  • History of Columbia School Dates Back to 1893

  • FERA Projects Must Be Furnished to Keep Local Men at Work – With the work on the Island schools being brought nearer to completion, it is imperative that various communities get lined up on new projects which under the FERA will keep local men at work.  To date there has been nothing except the school projects.  Highway work will not be considered.  A project has been brought to our attention which would seem to come within the scope of the limitations imposed, the construction of paths, adjacent to the various schools, which would provide a means of keeping school children off of the highways.  In rainy weather the little folks must either walk on the highways or in the grass, which is the equivalent of wading in a stream of water as far as wet feet and clothes are concerned.  Other projects under consideration include a landing field and an Island picnic ground.

  • News-Record Will Keep List of Community Activities and Dates – It has been suggested that the editor of The News-Record, having little else to do, is the logical person to undertake the responsibility of keeping a calendar of social, civic and private dates.

  • High School Notes – The Bleachers – One of the hopes of the Vashon football fans is about to be realized.  Bleachers are to be built on our fine new football field.  A large crowd can be handled much better than before, and all will be able to see the entire game with a lot of stretching and craning of necks.  The grandstand will be in sixteen-foot sections, and in its entirety, will seat about two hundred people.

  • High School Notes – Student Body Meeting – A Student Body meeting was held during the last thirty minutes of the third period Friday morning.  The students voted that thirty dollars be given to help buy the $60 worth of material to build the grandstand along the south side of the football field.  The work on the grandstand will be furnished by the WERA.

  • Maury Notes – Mrs. Ben Williams was feted with a birthday party Friday evening by fifty Maury Island friends.  Bridge, Five Hundred and Cribbage were played, following which a delicious luncheon was served.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – A perfect sunflower, 15 inches in diameter and weighing seven pounds, was grown on the Renouf ranch on the West Side.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Forty-six cars were left on the dock Sunday evening by the 7 o’clock ferry.

  • Local News Items Of Vashon And Vicinity – Ruben Lovegren was the victim of a hold-up which occurred on the Fauntleroy dock Friday evening.

October 18, 1934

  • Russell Middling Opens New Restaurant – Under the management of Barney Sivertsen an attractive restaurant has been opened by Russell Middling in connection with the Vashon Pool Hall.  The place has been enlarged, newly decorated and booths have been added, making an up-to-date eating place.  “Barney” is recognized as a cook well above the ordinary, as has been evidenced in the food he has served at several Island affairs, and is offering a varied counter menu as well as delicious meals.  This new eating place fills a need of a restaurant that is open long hours, and can reasonably expect a good amount of business.

  • They Do Things In A Hurry – Recently a committee for the Vashon Business Men’s Club was appointed to collect funds for street lights during the coming year.  Accordingly the chairman went out one day last week and was back in his place of business one hour later with the required amount oversubscribed by almost twenty dollars.

  • Another Large Sunflower Grown On Island – Mrs. Charles Eddy says that Maury Island has it all over Cove, when it comes to raising sunflowers.  Interested in the item in last week’s News-Record of a large sunflower grown by C.A. Renouf of Cove, Mrs. Eddy dispatched her father, George Carty, to her garden to harvest the blossom of a mammoth volunteer sunflower.  Mr. Carty returned with the blossom which measured 17 inches in diameter, and weighed 8 pounds.  So again the Irish have it!

  • Paul Billingsley Injured In Explosion – Paul Billingsley was the victim of a painful accident last Thursday, when his eyes were badly burned by an explosion of sodium.  The accident occurred in the laboratory at the high school.  Paul was taken to a Seattle hospital, where he received treatment which enabled him to return home Saturday.  His eyes are still very sensitive, but the doctors who attended him assure him that his sight will not be affected.

  • Not Seriously Injured – Jean Slagle is recuperating at her home from injuries received in an auto accident last Saturday when her grandfather and several cousins was struck by another car.  Suffering from a wrenched back and cut wrist Jean was taken to the Virginia Mason hospital.  It was determined that her injuries, while painful, were not of a serious nature.  On Monday she experienced an attack of chronic appendicitis, but on Tuesday was able to be brought home, where she will be confined to her bed for several weeks.

  • Young Jerry Coutts, aspiring to follow in the footsteps of his elder brother, is going about with his thumb securely bandaged.  He explains with all suitable gestures and proper emphasis that he “just smashed it with an axe.”

October 25, 1934

  • Southern Heights Club To Hold Hallowe’en Meeting Sat. Eve

  • Progressive Club to Hold Non-Partisan Rally Monday Eve at H.S.

  • Wind Wreaks Damage Sunday Afternoon At Tahlequah; Power Line Out – Battering down bulkheads, crashing to earth telephone poles and power lines, uprooting fruit trees and second growth firs, smashing windows, ripping off shingle and shake roofs, sending small craft to cover, and interrupting ferry schedules, the worst storm in the memory of the oldest resident swept Tahlequah for six hours Sunday afternoon.  The complete line of poles and wires erected three months ago by the Puget Sound Power and Light Company on the east side of the ferry slip was razed, with the result that Tahlequahites had to dust off their old coal oil lamps, or resort to candles.  Radios were silent, and the beach was without outside communication after the last ferry at 10:45 p.m.  Damage will run into hundreds of dollars, and it will be some time before residents here can dig out from under debris, and repair or rebuild bulkheads.  The most serious damage was done to property owned by Gilbert Smith, D.C. Summers, R.K. Beymer, John Gilchrist, Dr. David Cook, Charles G. Huhn, Fred Pohl, and C.R. Roediger.  Not a single bulkhead escaped without some damage.  Windows were blown or knocked out by the waves in the homes of Bert Lewis, C.F. Roberts, George Ford, Hilmer Holgerson and Ted Iceberg.  The M.F. Skansonia was delayed by the heavy weather on the 11:30 a.m. trip from Point Defiance.  She berthed here alright, but the return trip of two and one-tenth miles required about an hour.  It was so rough that the propeller was out of the water a good share of the time. And she was blown away off her course.  The launch Ramona, plying between Sunrise and Spring Beaches, sustained engine trouble while trying to make Point Defiance, and was taken in tow by the cruiser Mojo from the Tacoma Yacht Club.  The launch rolled heavily in the trough of the seas, and some of the passengers became panicky, it was said.  The catboat, Invictus, found adrift two days before by C.P. Roberts, and moored in the kelp broke away, and was damaged when she crashed on the rocks.  After a three-hour battle with the elements, the craft was dragged up on the beach by Roberts, Bert Lewis, Roy Swanson, Fred Pohl and Will Evans.  The Invictus was drifting down the West Pass when discovered by Roberts.  There was no one in the boat, but it had been occupied recently as there were provisions and used dishes aboard.  The report was spread that the craft had been stolen, and cut adrift by two boys.  Travel to and from the ferry dock for the next few days will be routed via the county road, as a portion of the main thoroughfare on the beach was carried away by the incessant battering of the waves, which at times were more than twenty feet high.  The float owned by Kenneth G. Fry, and used as a community dock by small craft, was battered against the ferry slip and demolished.  Planks and other bulkhead timbers were strewn along the beach for three miles but it was too rough to venture out to town them back with small boats.

  • Sunday’s Wind Storm Causes Much Damage to Property; 85-Mile Winds – While the damage done on the Island in Sunday morning’s gale resulted in no loss of life as it did elsewhere, enough havoc was created to satisfy all concerned.  Since the velocity of the wind was supposedly 90 miles at Tacoma and 80 at Seattle, some are wondering if the Island was responsible for stepping down the rate.  Under the circumstances it appears safe to say that we experienced an 85 mile gale. 

  • Ferry Unable To Operate – During the height of Sunday’s storm the Vashon-Fauntleroy ferry was unable to operate.  On its afternoon trip the “Virginia V” was badly damaged.  While making the landing at Ollala the boat was in some manner thrown against the dock.  Projecting timbers caught the corner of the pilot house, tearing it and the smoke stack loose, and breaking all of the windows of the cabin.  Until she is repaired the Vashona will make the regular trip.

  • Burton News Items – One of the finest specimens of a calla lily ever seen is at the Burton Pharmacy.  It was grown by Mrs. A. Hunt.  The stalk measures 48 inches long and the bloom is seven inches across.

  • Verona Finishes Run – The Verona was taken off of her run Friday evening, October 19th, and thus closes another chapter of the transportation history of Vashon Island.

  • Mail On Island Delivered Direct Between Local Post Office Stations – It was recently brought to our attention that there are a good many Island people who still think that mail between local points goes off of the Island before being delivered.  Starting at Magnolia Beach and ending at Cove pouches are exchanged between all Island post offices.  Lisabeula is the only post office which received mail from other Island points via Tacoma or Seattle.  This is an improvement over the old system that makes us wonder why it was not accomplished long ago.  While the change was the cause of much objection it was proved to be for the better in practically every respect.

  • Carl E. Armstrong States Island Will Benefit By Tax Reduction This Fall – Vashon Island property owners are going to receive a substantial reduction in their taxes next year, according to an announcement by Carl E. Armstrong, chief deputy assessor.  The lowering of the tax rate coupled with a general reduction in land and building valuations given by Armstrong will result in an approximate average reduction in the tax bill of ten per cent.

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November 1934
November 1, 1934

  • Virginia V Being Rebuilt; Back In Month – We are informed by Capt. N.G. Christenson that the “Virginia V” is now in dry dock and is being rebuilt from the main deck up.  The steamer “Vashona” is taking her place on regular schedule.  It is anticipated that the “Virginia” will be back on the run in 30 or 40 days.  Capt. Christenson is congratulating himself that no one was injured when the boat met with her mishap during the rough weather of Oct. 21st.

  • New Enterprise Will Start First Major Harvest in Two Weeks – The Padilla Point Oyster Company is the acting operating company for several hundred oyster growers who hold these oyster farms in fee simple, many of whom are residents of Vashon Island.  Of interest to the many chicken ranchers of Vashon Island will be the opening, at the same time, of the oyster shell grinding plant, part of the specialized equipment of the cannery, which will again supply ground live oyster shell for use in the production of better eggs.

November 8, 1934

  • Island Hunters Bring Home Seven Deer; Planning Game Dinner

  • 1140 Island Voters Cast Ballots

  • Slide Damages Water System Sunday – A slide occurred some time Sunday night which for a time put the Vashon water system out of commission.  Starting about six feet below the standpipe, the entire face of the hill slipped toward the beach, carrying with it an entire section of the two drive pipes which operate the ram, as well as a section of the water main.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – Columbia has undergone some big changes.  Mrs. Laurel Thompson’s pupils have moved into the large building, where a new furnace is installed.  The other building is converted into an auditorium and a small modern kitchen.  The P.T.A. will serve soup to the children during the rainy and cold weather.

  • Cove, Cedarhurst and Colvos Items – The Celtic has just returned from its last fishing trip of the season.

  • Lewis Schmidt Receives Notice On Varsity Debate – Word was received last week that Lewis Schmidt, a graduate of the Vashon high school, now attending the University of Washington, was named sophomore assistant of the Men’s Varsity Debate, by Horace G. Rahakopf, the assistant professor of English.

  • Advertisement – Now Open – Vashon Island Café (managed by “BARNEY”) – Chinese Noodles – Chili – Hamburgers.

November 15, 1934

  • Pioneer Thanksgiving Celebration Planned By South End Group – Just as nearly as possible the menu will be a duplicate of a pioneer dinner served here fifty years ago.

  • Odd Fellows Will Give Barn Dance Next Saturday Eve

  • Burton Community Church Will Hold Bazaar and Dinner

  • Bacchus Lumber Company Building New Shed – Work Is progressing rapidly on a lumber shed which A.T. Bacchus is building just back of the building which has heretofore been large enough, but which a rapidly expanding business is outgrowing.  The new addition is 30 x 80, and will provide storage space for a large amount of lumber.

  • School Bus Waiting Stations Being Built As New FERA Project – Work has been started on a project which will furnish employment to workmen on relief for approximately three months under the FERA.  Fifty bus waiting stations for children will be erected along the school bus lines.  A shelter six feet wide, eight feet long and six feet high at the eves is built entirely of materials converted from the raw material by the workmen.  The two supporting end poles and rafters are peeled poles and limbs, and the roof is made of hand split shakes.

  • Tahlequah Notes – There was one unofficial candidate in Island precinct that received the endorsement of Democrats and Republicans.  He is R.K. Beyer, and the voters named him constable, writing his name on the ballot.  The office will carry nothing but honor, as the Tahlequah public treasury is worth just about the same as a counterfeit buffalo nickel.

November 22, 1934

  • Business Club Seeks Gravel Walk as Work Project on Island – At a meeting of the Vashon Business Men’s Club held Tuesday in conjunction with the fortnightly luncheon, the report which brought forth the greatest discussion was that of the committee working for a gravel walk from Vashon to the grammar school. 

  • Canned Goods Stolen At Riefschneider Home – One night last week the storeroom at the Walter Riefschneider home was raided and approximately 50 quarts of canned fruits, vegetables and meat was stolen.  With winter coming on and a brood of hungry children to feed the loss represented was a great one, not considering the work which was necessary to raise and can the stolen food.  The goods were stored in a building at the rear of the house, into which the family had moved only a short time before.  There is a word of warning in this case to all who are trusting their neighbors too far, and leaving their winter’s food supply unprotected.

  • All Must Work – It is pleasing to note that the present system of doling out relief is to be changed.  Those who refuse to work must go hungry.  No man who is unwilling to work is entitled to receive assistance at the expense of the taxpayer. (Kent Advertiser Journal)

  • Golf Club to Hold Turkey Tournament Next Sunday Morn

November 29, 1934

  • New Waiting Room To Be Built At Tahlequah – County Engineer Thomas Hunt and Tom Blum, bridge engineer, visited the Island last Wednesday to look over the situation at the South End dock, preparatory to drawing plans for a waiting room.  In view of the fact that eventually there must be a new dock, or at least a new location for the present dock, the new waiting room will be of a portable type.  It is to be 18 feet by 24 feet in size.  Work will begin in about three weeks.

  • Valuable Cockerels Are Killed at Beall’s By Malicious Dogs – Early Sunday morning twenty-five cockerels of the Beall pedigreed flocks were killed by dogs.  About fifty more were injured and will constitute an almost total loss.  These birds were the best on the farm and ranged in value from $20 each, upward.  One of the birds killed was from a dam which last year produced 330 eggs, and which Mr. Beall had repeated refused to sell. 

  • Harry Snider Is Awarded Trophy At Patrolmen’s Meeting at Spokane – A beautiful silver cup is on display at the Vashon State Bank, won by Captain Harry Snider, at the recent convention of state highway officers in Spokane.  The inscription on the cup is “First National Bank of Seattle Trophy, Annually awarded to the member of the Washington State Patrol for presenting to the annual convention the most outstanding paper of general interest and for the good of the service as determined by the vote of his fellow officers.”  Captain Snider chose as his subject “Compulsory Motor Vehicle Inspection.”

  • Noted Dry Leader Will Discuss Liquor Problems Sunday – A meeting which is both timely and interesting to a large group of Island people will be held Sunday afternoon December 2nd at the Presbyterian church at Vashon.  The Hon. Oliver W. Stewart will speak.

  • Scout Dance To Be Given Friday Evening At Local Scout Cabin

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December 1934
December 6, 1934

  • Picks 54 Varieties Of Blooms – Despite the recent heavy frosts which have visited the Island, Mrs. Alex Stewart reports that many flowers are still blooming in her gardens.  On Tuesday of this week she picked 54 varieties of flowers, all in good condition.

  • High School and Alumni Will Battle for Milk and Medicine Fund Benefit – The Vashon gridiron squad will be seen in action once more before hanging up their moleskins.  On Friday, December 7, they are to meet an Alumni team composed of ex-high school and college players.  The game is being sponsored by the Commercial Club under the leadership of Maurice Dunsford.  The proceeds will go to the milk and medicine fund.

  • Co-op Hatchery Group Distributes Dividends – A group of thirty happy people met at the Kirkland residence Monday evening to celebrate the distribution of $1,072 to holders of the 1928 stock of the Vashon Island Co-op Hatchery.

  • To Entertain In New Auditorium – The new auditorium of the Columbia school is being hastened to completion for the big party Friday evening, December 14th.

  • Island Commercial Club Elects New Officers For Ensuing Year – At the recent election of the Vashon Island Commercial Club held at the high school, a complete change in officers, with one exception, was effected.  Maurice Dunsford was elected president; M.F. Zuber, vice-president; C.A. Wilder, secretary, and Charles Van Olinda, treasurer was reelected.

December 13, 1934

  • Help Others to Help Themselves; Give a $5 Job Before Christmas – With that appeal, The News-Record is joining the Washington Emergency Relief Administration in a program hopeful of giving every unemployed family a few dollars to spend for Christmas things.  Their request is not for charity.  Instead, the heads of 10,000 families now receiving assistance from the WERA to the extent of grocery vouchers are asking for the chance to perform a good piece of work for a day or two to earn a little Christmas spending money.  Housewives, merchants, professional men – all are urged to assist in this campaign.  Surely there is a small job in your home, shop, store or office that could be turned over to a capable unemployed man or woman.

  • Virginia V Again Resumes Run – The Virginia V, entirely rebuilt from the main deck, resumed service the past week.  Added to comfortable seats a complete lunch counter has been added and early morning commuters can now have their morning coffee and toast enroute to Seattle.  On Saturday morning a mishap occurred in Elliot Bay during the heavy fog which reduced visibility to a zero point.  The Virginia collided with a rowboat, overturning it.  The two occupants, mechanics at the police garage, were rescued by members of the Virginia’s crew.

  • Berry Growers Will Hold Code Meeting Monday Eve – A meeting of utmost importance to all berry growers will be held at the Island Club next Monday evening, December 17th, at 7:30 o’clock.  This code was drawn up by a group of three men, D.F. Thomas and L. Lutas, of Puyallup, and J.D. Walker, connected with the Tacoma Ledger, all of whom are practical berry growers.  Under its provisions all berries shall be field-run, marketable and acceptable to state and federal inspection. 

  • Vashon Theatre Closes Temporarily – The management of the Vashon Theatre announces that it will be closed temporarily until after the first of the year.

  • Old Landmark Goes Down – On Monday another landmark was removed, when the old prune dryer, cast of Vashon, collapsed.  For some time the old building has been showing the effects of time and weather.  Old residents recall that thirty years ago a thriving little business was carried on in the old building and the adjacent prune orchard which is now a tangle of Scotch broom and second growth fir.

  • Shane Brothers Attend Nut Growers Convention – The Shane brothers were fortunate in obtaining trees and scion wood, with which they intend “top-working” some of their younger trees.  With these new varieties they now have on their place at Center more than forty of the best kinds.

  • High School Notes – Junior Play A Success – The play “Apple Blossom Time” presented last Friday evening, December 7, was a great success.

  • High School Notes – During the study period, so many pupils have been wasting their time in the library instead of doing their lessons that a rule has been made forbidding the use of the library by pupils receiving D’s or F’s on their report cards unless special permission is received from the teacher.

  • Tahlequah Notes – Necking parties and kindred sports made so enjoyable by reason of the warm weather are banned from Tahlequah beach.  At least such is the edict of R.K. Beymer, who was elected by unanimous vote at constable for this district.  Not that Mr. Beymer objects to such frivolities, but he believes the dignity of his new office requires the issuance of such an ukase.  However, Tahlequah has been singularly free from such affairs – at least on the beach.

December 20, 1934

  • Local Men Available For $5 Jobs, Says Relief Officer Black – L.P. Black, relief supervisor, reports that several Christmas jobs have been found for men on relief which will bring the season’s cheer.

  • Former Island Men Are Elected To Office In Olympia – Vashon Island was well represented in the recent city election in Olympia.  Dr. F.A. Longaker, who was elected mayor, was a student at Vashon College in his youth.  Winning by a large majority David Gammell was elected city commissioner on a non-partisan ticket.  Mr. Gammell, now in the mercantile business in Olympia, has a host of friends on the Island.  Coming here in his teens he worked first in logging camps and later engaged in the mercantile business.  He was the founder of the present Burton Trading Company, and after selling out to Coy Meredith, engaged in business at Vashon, selling that business to Petersen Brothers, the store now owned by C.G. Kimmel.

  • WERA Releases Work Projects for Local Workmen – This week a project was released by the WERA, which provides $16,670 for work on the Island, approximately $11,000 of which is for wages.  The balance, which is provided by the county, is to be spent for material and equipment.  This program covers all Island roads, both repairs to existing roads and new construction.  It is in addition to the program of school improvement now in operation, which consists of the building of bus shelters and improvements on the Lisabeula school and grounds.

  • Appointed Deputy Sheriff For The Island – A brief announcement in Wednesday’s Post-Intelligencer stated that Ray Seelye has been selected by Sheriff-elect, William B. Severyns, as deputy sheriff for Vashon-Maury Island.  Mr. Seelye has lived for several years past at Lisabeula.  He is a graduate of the University of Washington and a former member of the University crew.  During the political campaign last fall he worked in Mr. Severyn’s behalf, and his choice as Island deputy does not come as a complete surprise.

  • Hear Talk On Fire Protection – At a meeting of the Vashon Business Men’s Club, at the Sweet Shop Tuesday an interesting talk was given by J.D. Sykes, representative of the Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company.  Mr. Sykes outlined a plan of fire protection through the organization of a volunteer fire company which would materially reduce the cost of insurance.  He stated that the set-up was almost ideal for adequate fire protection in the village, and gave officers of the club a number of suggestions as to how the present equipment could be modernized.

  • Scouts Decorate Streets Of Vashon For Christmas – Although their work has been hindered by bad weather, the Vashon troop of Boy Scouts have made an excellent beginning toward decorating the streets of the village for Christmas.  Fir trees on the light standards and wreaths and festoons of native greens give a holiday air that is augmented by the bright decoration of the store windows.

  • Shelters Being Built by WERA For Shelters Only – A number of shelters for school children have been completed by WERA workers in various parts of the Island.  These are being placed along school bus routes at points where several children wait.  Complaints have already come in as pupils’ attempts to convert these shelters into enclosures, adding seats and even building fireplaces.  These structures are intended primarily to be simple shelters, the officials feeling that children should not be encouraged to make them loafing places.  They are so constructed that they will protect the pupils from the rain the few minutes they must wait for the bus, and for that reason, it is felt that they should not be enclosed.  There is a possibility that if these shelters continue to be defaced that no more will be built.

  • South End Community Club To Have Xmas Tree Thursday Eve

  • Island Game Project Receives Endorsement Of Washington Body – At an all-day meeting held Sunday in Seattle the project of an Island game preserve received the unanimous support and approval of the Washington Sportsmen’s Council, composed of representatives of all of the sportsmen’s clubs of the state, the State Grange, and various hiking clubs.  It is hoped that work will get under way soon as the clearing, building of dams, etc. will furnish several months work for Island men.

  • Tahlequah Notes – An up-to-date waiting room is nearing completion at the ferry dock here.  The interior will be finished in veneer, and all the modern conveniences installed.  The work is being done under the supervision of Maurice Dunsford. 

December 27, 1934

  • Choral Club Entertains Friends at Musical Tea At Island Club Thurs.

  • To Usher New Year In With Fun And Frolic

  • Tuckie Smith On Freshman Debate Team – The news, announced in the University of Washington Daily of December 14th, that Tuckie Smith had been chosen as one of the sixteen members of the Freshman debate team, is deeply gratifying to his many Island friends.

  • Rev. Geo. R. McDonald To be New Minister at Presbyterian Church.

  • John Ober In Business On Island – John Ober has taken over the coffee route established by Ray Freeman who has returned to Seattle.  Mr. Ober will carry a line of coffee, teas and spices.  The coffees are especially roasted and blended, and reasonably priced.  They have proven popular with all who have tired them.  With his knowledge of the Island Mr. Ober hopes to build up a nice business combined with the one he has opened in the Security Market in Seattle.


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