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1921 Vashon Island News-Record Summary (Mike Sudduth)

January 1921
January 7, 1921

  • Maury Center – Jeff Hayes with a crew of men and teams have been putting gravel on the road between Mileta and Pembroke.  This seems to be an unusually bad piece of road and hard to keep up.  But if it can be made good we believe Jeff is the one that can do the work.

  • Maury Center – The Ariel has been taken off the Todd ship yard and Quartermaster run, and the Ramona of Seattle with Carl V. Nelson as Skipper, has taken her place.

  • Cove – Lawrence Wall was over last week buying all of Bert Moore’s flock of ducks for breeding purposes.  He intends to go into the duck business rather heavy.

  • Burton – A scow is at the Burton dock being loaded with railroad ties from Pankratz’s Mill, which will be delivered to the boat at Tacoma Friday noon; these ties go through the Panama Canal to some point on the Atlantic Coast, and from there will be loaded on cars and shipped to Pennsylvania.  The shipment consists of 150,000 ft. of ties.

  • Burton – Mr. Pankratz thinks his mill will be running all winter.

January 14, 1921

  • Lodges Install New Officers 8th and 11th – Vashon Camp No. 10059 Modern Woodmen of America, held their regular installation of officers last Saturday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall.  Tuesday evening Island Lodge No. 247 I.O.O.F. and Island Rebecca Lodge held a joint installation in the I.O.O.F. hall.

  • $50.00 Reward – For information leading to the arrest and conviction of chicken thieves who broke into my chicken house – W.C. Whitfield, Burton.

  • Wedding Bells Ring Out Again – Mrs. Gilfillan Marries at Her Home on Vashon Highway, January 7th – Mrs. Amy Gilfillan was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. A.T. Tjomsland.

  • A Change – Mr. J.B. Dahlager, who has been business manager of the News-Record for more than a year has resigned his position as such, and severed all connection with the News-Record.  Mr. Noyes, who has been with the editor for many years, will continue as foreman, and the editor will assume the double role of editor and business manager.

  • Burton – What are the Burton men folks doing about the Burton sidewalk?  Mr. Pankratz generously donated a good lot of lumber and one days work was put in, getting it out for use – then a sudden halt!  Isn’t there public spirit enough in this town to see this thing through?

January 21, 1921

  • Burns’ Night To Be Fittingly Observed – There’ll be “A Skirl of The Bagpipes,” A Haggis, And A’ That – All arrangements are now completed for the proper observance of Burns’ Night on Tuesday next, January 25th, at the Center Hall.  Mr. Smock has secured a piper from Seattle, but with this single exception, everything else will be talent from the islands.

  • Nix Hard Times Says C.F. Deppman – Foundation Being Laid This Week for Spanking Good Garage and Storage – Chas. F. Deppman is one of the many Vashon-Maury Islanders who laughs at the wail coming from the four points of the compass about ”hard times” being on.  At least Mr. Deppman’s works support his faith in the future of the town of Vashon in particular and the island in general.  He has a bevy of men at work this week putting in the foundation walls for a concrete garage and storage building located just north of the hotel.  The building will be 30 x 60 with concrete walls, and will be practically fire proof.  A big skylight will let in the sun’s rays by day and convenient electric lights will dispel the darkness by night.  Chas. Grossman is architect, and the building will be used as a private storage and transfer office.  It will be ready for occupancy by April 1st and will cost about $4,000.

  • Maury Center – The Venture of Burton, Captain Green, is now on the Todd Shipyard and Quartermaster run in place of the Ramona.  The Ariel is now running between Tacoma and North Bay.

  • Maury Center – Pete Manson of Seattle, one of the old timers of Dockton and a large shareholder in the Vashon Navigation Company was a visitor to the islands Tuesday.

  • Maury Center – What will Vashon-Maury do?  What will we say when Seattle incorporates as a county?  Will we stay in King county, join Pierce county, or form a county to ourselves?  Seattle has a bill before the House now, and it is time we were thinking of these changes before the next general election.  What will Maury answer?

  • Burton – The Chess club met at the home of E.R. Stewart Saturday evening.

  • Vashon – There will be a meeting of the Vashon-Maury Island Commercial club held at the Woodman Hall in Burton this evening (Friday).

  • Vashon – There will be a patriotic meeting to celebrate the birthday of Washington on the 22nd of next month at the Portage Masonic Hall.

  • Vashon – Frank Enochs met with a serious accident last Saturday night near Portage.  The steering gear of his automobile got out of kilter and the car jumped into the ditch severely bruising Mr. Enochs and twisting up his back.  Dr. Ireland is attending him and says in a few days he’ll be as good as new.

  • School Notes – Burton – Monday morning Miss Tegland, our commercial teacher presented her best typewriter pupil, Thelma Larsen, with a certificate from the Underwood Typewriter Co.  She wrote 699 words in 10 minutes and only made ten mistakes.  That makes a speed of more than 60 words a minute.  Thelma is the first pupil of B.H.S. to win this prize.

  • New Theatre Company – The Movie Theatre of Vashon is starting on a drive this week to make a better theatre for the people of Vashon Island.  As soon as we are able to fulfill our contract with the Fox Film Co. and Goldwyn Distributing we will bring all Paramount Artcraft pictures as we are certain they are more popular with the people of the island.   – A.W. Bridgman and D.L. Parker.

  • Cove – Conrad Anderson is busy laying out work to utilize the stream running across his ranch to develop power to put in electric lights in his nice new house.  Also furnish juice to O. Johnson and Mr. Edwards his brother-in-law, for the same purpose.

  • Dockton – Harry Manson of Seattle spent several days in Dockton the past week doing some repairs on his piledriver.

  • Portage – F.W. Bibbins is improving his place by putting a stone wall at the front.  The work is being done by C. Christiansen, well known for his fine work along this line and when finished, the fence will add much to the beauty of this pretty home.

  • North End Club Appoints Committees – The North End Club met recently at the east side home of Mr. West and considered public affairs, including the highway to the south.

 January 28, 1921  


  • Burton Building Boom – Not to be outdone by our last week’s story of the Deppman building for Vashon, our southern city of Burton pipes up with a loud “me,too” crow, and upon investigation the editor finds the work there already underway for perhaps the most modern business building on the island.  Mrs. A. Hunt is the owner, and the building will occupy the lot on which the M.O. Brown store was situated before it burned a year ago.  The plans for the new building as drawn by Mrs. Hunt’s son-in-law, M.A. Van House of Butte, Montana, calls for the building 35 ½ feet by 44 feet, built of hollow tile with the outside concreted and the inside plastered.  W.J. Kleoppel of Burton is the contractor, and the man back of the name is sufficient bond and assurance of first class workmanship, to guarantee a well-constructed building.  The building will have a large room in front for the Postoffice, another for the Library, and Mrs. Hunt will have the rear rooms finished off with every modern convenience for her residence.  There will be bath, electric apparatus, kitchenette, and other conveniences.  The building is to be ready for occupancy by April 1st and will cost $4,000.

  • First Burns’ Nicht Was An Unparalleled Success – Said To Be The Biggest Crowd Ever Assembled On The Island Under Roof.  High School Packed To Sidewalk – The traditional feeling that it takes a barrel of booze and an orgy of dissipation to properly celebrate a “Burns’ Nicht” has been disproved, and the high-toned class of people who turned out on Tuesday evening and packed the Burton High School from basement to garret, plainly indicated that the immoral fame of the Ayrshire Singer rests securely in the best hearts and highest minds on earth.  Bagpipes  by Wm. J. Rothnie of Seattle.  It was conservatively estimated that over 500 were served to refreshments.

  • Editorial – If the proposed scheme of Seattle to carve out of King County a new county which will embrace only the city of Seattle, what’ll become of Vashon-Maury islands?  Will we go into Kitsap county, ask to be annexed to Pierce county, unite with Auburn and Kent to form a county which will embrace the territory of the islands and that which surrounds Auburn and Kent, or shall we go after a county all of our own?  This is a vital question, and is no dream or figment of an overloaded imagination.  Seattle is actually in earnest, and if the island inhabitants don’t wish to be left out on a limb, while the limb is being chopped off, it would seem the Development League, the P.T.A. or the W.C.T.U. organizations should take up this question for discussion, and get busy before the medicine has all been mixed at Olympia and the dose administered to the different interests.  It would seem the islands are important enough to at least have a right to select their own “doctor.”  But maybe we are too conceited concerning our island importance.

  • Dockton – Another car load of fish was shipped from the packing house last Thursday.  The employees of that company are laid off until the steamer returns with another load of codfish from Alaska.

  • Dockton – A meeting will be held in the school house Wednesday evening to determine what disposition to make of the old school house.

  • Maury Center – Several of the local fishermen have been making some nice hauls of smelt lately.

  • Burton – F.B. Vye is putting up a Shoup chicken house 100 x 120 ft. to hold 1000 chicks.  Besides filling an order for 4000 day old chicks he is hatching 2000 eggs for himself.  He has running three new St. Helens incubators 500 eggs each, two Cyphers holding 450 each, one Pacific with 350 eggs and is planning on two more St. Helens incubators.

  • Vashon – Vashon Phot9m   6postoffice has now been taken out of the unclassified list and classed as a “third class office.”  This will mean a salary for the postmaster, instead of cancellation, and indicates we are “growin’”.

  • Vashon – Kinnicinnick Farmhouse, formerly the old Price place, is being entirely remodeled.

  • Lisabeula – We had about four inches of snow Saturday night and Sunday and nearly every yard Sunday was decorated with a high snow man.

  • Ellisport – Mr. Richard Fuller is having success with his trapping again this winter, having caught coons and minks.  Although prices are not so high as they were last year the sport is quite renumerative.

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February 1921
February 4, 1921

  • Great Violinist To Be Heard At Burton – The Burton Baptist Ladies and society have arranged for the music recital to be given on Thursday evening, February 10th under the auspices of Jan Russell, a violinist of more than ordinary ability. 

  • Editorial – Vashon County? – Not Now – It is evident our squib last week about a brand new Vashon county was taken seriously by R. Thurston, the Master Violinist.  However, we arise to acknowledge it was written “in our lighter vein” and we doubt the wisdom of even dreaming of such a move now.  We have the necessary area on Vashon-Maury for a county but we have only about 25 per cent enough population at the present time.  The islands have many things in the future – but until we have at least 25 per cent more land of the islands under cultivation, until we have a thousand more families living here, until we get electric lights and telephones installed in every point of our island territory, and finally until we get the ferry system, which bobs up like the ghost of Macbeth, at every meal, settled – let us stick lovingly to the Mother Bird, before spreading our wings in a new county.  We haven’t the statistics but venture the assertion that Vashon-Maury islands as a whole are having more public money spent on them than would be their fair pro rate either in population or assessed valuation.  We hope none will regard this last assertion as treasonable, but we always believe in fair play, whether we are winning or losing the games.  There is much work yet to be done on the islands.  The paving of the highway will not end our needs by a jug full.  There are at least four, and maybe more highways which should be opened or improved, or both.  We refer to the link west of Center to connect with the Lisabeula highway, to the Shanahan-Hutchinson road, to the half mile from Burton to Magnolia, and to a shore line road via of Portage to Dockton.  Of all these propositions, we feel the most deserving is the latter.  Dockton is perhaps the largest settlement on either island and yet she is practically at the mercy of the waters.  We understand it would be an expensive proposition to open a shore highway through to Dockton, but sometime we predict it will be accomplished, and when the time is ripe the News-Record will at least contribute three cheers for the work.

  • Dockton – The past week was moving day in the schools.  The upper grades were the first to begin the work in the new building, commencing Monday morning and the primary room will be ready by Wednesday and as that is the sunniest room, the little folks will benefit by the change.

  • People’s Forum – Vashon County – It only stands to reason that Vashon Island or any other island is handicapped when it has to pay taxes for road work on the main land for there isn’t one person in ten that would use any of the roads on the main land if our ferries run direct to Seattle and Tacoma.  I for one would say make it “Vashon County” – the sooner the better. –R. Thurston.

February 11, 1921

  • A Call For Some Samaritan Work – Applied Christianity Will Now Be Put To Test On Islands – A case has been brought to the attention of the News-Record of a most worthy family living about the middle of the island which is in straitened circumstances, and we offer the chance to anyone to give immediate help.  The mother of the family has borne 18 children, ten of whom are living.  She is now about to become a mother.  The father has been working steadily at a small wage, and is unable to support this large family with good nourishing food and the necessities of life.  Any kind of warm clothing is solicited, any sort of wholesome food, and money is asked for.

  • So. Heights – Mr. and Mrs. Crawford recently of Tahlequah have moved to the old Kirkaboe place south of Harbor Heights with their family and boat building plant.

  • So. Heights – It seems there has not been any great patronage of the Tahlequah ferry recently and a notice appears at the ferry landing that the same will be discontinued on Sunday, February 6th until May 1st.  The Tacoma business men held a meeting of protest but probably in vain.  The light traffic is due to the poor roads, the stoppage of the light traffic and the poor roads.  What are they due to?  Don’t all speak at one – please.

  • Burton – Seven hundred and twenty-five circular letters passed through the Burton post office Wednesday advertising the Sheffield Dahlia Farm on the south end of Vashon island.  Anyone visiting this farm and seeing the array of beauty when in bloom will believe in their slogan, that “Puget Sound dahlias lead the world.”

  • School Notes – Vashon – The High School play “Mr. Bob” was an unqualified success.

February 18, 1921

  • Maury Pioneer Dies – Wm. Huyeke, one of the pioneer settlers of Maury Center passes away at his home on Maury Island at about 8:30 Wednesday morning, February 16th.

  • Samaritans Are Found Everywhere – Loving Hands Are Extended With Aid From Every Direction – Just as we were going to press last week the story came in over the phone of a certain family on the island in destitute circumstances.  The neighbors immediately rendered necessary aid, and suitable care will now be given until time works out what seems proper and best.  Clothing came from all directions.  Also a considerable sum of money has come from all points of the islands.

  • Burton – Last Friday evening several boys met at the Stanley cottage “Burtonia” for the purpose of organizing a Boy Scout Troop under a national charter.

  • Burton – Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Weaver have closed their food shop here and are moving into Seattle this week.

  • Burton – C.H. Bruce has leased the Geo. Taylor store which is being moved over on main street, and will carry a stock of groceries in connection with the feed business.

  • So. Heights – It seems that the Tacoma ferry will run as usual on Saturdays and Sundays.  No announcement is being made to that effect so far as we have been able to learn, but the boat made the runs last Saturday and Sunday, and we understand, have a notice posted to that effect.

  • Dockton - The S.S. W.T. Lake underwent repairs at the Stuckey ways last week.

  • Dockton – A community club was formed last Friday evening and 35 members signed the roll.  A.J. Stuckey was elected president, Mrs. R.F. Scanlon, vice president, Mr. B.F. Scanlon, secretary, and Mr. Berry, treasurer.

  • Maury Center – The people of Dockton are holding meetings and talking over the Dockton beach road.  This is not only a Dockton question, but deserves the support of the entire island.  Vashon-Maury should all join in these proposed improvements.  Pass the good work around, give Dockton a good road, then pass on to the next most needy Vashon-Maury working as a unit for the benefit of all.

February 25, 1921

  • Memorial Monument to be unveiled May 30th, 1921.

  • Vern Covey Seriously Injured – Tuesday of this week W.V. Covey, who operates a shingle mill northeast of Vashon was caught in the machinery in some manner, and the saw cut a lot of the flesh off his left arm, and in trying to extricate himself, he threw his right hand under the saw and lost the ends of his fingers.  The accident, while severe, was soon cared for by Dr. Ireland and no serious consequences are anticipated as a result of it.

  • The Memorial Monument (Editorial) – At last the dream of some of the citizens of Vashon-Maury to see erected a fitting memorial stone in the island cemetery in honor of the noble dead who fought in any of the three last wars, is to be realized, and on Memorial Day 1921 an enduring granite monument will be unveiled, with appropriate ceremonies, which was quarried from the eternal hills of our own loved state of Washington.  The stone will have the first and second base and the shaft, extending from the earth about 14 feet skyward, a good picture of the same being reproduced on the front page of this issue.  The cemetery board of the island is composed of S.J. Harmeling, Chairman; W.D. Garvin, Secretary; and L. Steen, J.F. Dennis, and G.W. Blekkink.  The special memorial stone committee is composed of Mrs. Lucy M. Bibbins, Chairman; T. Hansen and W.D. Garvin.  While all of the members of the board and committee have given unsparingly of their time, especial credit is due Mrs. Bibbins for her ceaseless and indefatigable labor for this great and almost sacred work.  On the face of the second base will be an inscription on each of the four sides.  One side for the veterans of ’61; one side to the Spanish veterans of ’98; one side to the soldiers of the world war, and on the other face, “To the Unknown Dead.”  Three things mark the height and depth of a community’s civilization.  The Public Schools, the Churches, and the Cemetery.  We are proud of our two big modern high schools; we have no apology for our churches; and we must not be derelict in the beautifying, caretaking, upkeeping, and memorializing of the Silent City of our Island Dead.

  • Burton – Pupils in the three rooms of the grammar school, accompanied by their teacher, marched to the Burton Trading store Monday where the proprietor, W. Coy Meredith, very gracefully tipped off the number of pounds each weighed as they stepped on the scales.  To comply with the school law, it is required that the pupils be weighed once a month, to ascertain the normal condition of each.

  • Burton – At a special meeting for the Commercial Club held at the Woodman hall last Friday, it was decided inadvisable to put on a ferry between Tacoma and Burton as it would do away with the boat service.  It would also be impossible to make the stops that the boat now does.

  • Will Debate Idea Consolidate School – Topic of Vital Interest to All Islanders to be Argued Pro et Con – The Burton Parent Teachers Association have staged a big event to take place at the Burton High School building on Tuesday March 1st commencing at eight o’clock.  The question for debate will be “Resolved that one consolidated high school on Vashon-Maury island is practical at this time.”

  • Dockton – The Vashon Navigation Company have several men employed and are getting the yard ready for the building of a new boat which is very much needed.

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March 1921

March 4, 1921

  • Vashon High School – The Seniors composed a very amusing little paper last week which was ready by Francis Blekkink, the editor-in-chief on Friday last an assembly for this purpose “The Spasms” was a rather clever thing, devoted to local happenings.  There were several departments, society, advertising, jokes, personals, and sports.  Each of these departments were very ably and sarcastically managed by a member of the Senior class.

  • Cove – P.A. Petersen, our merchant, met with quite an accident last Wednesday coming up the hill by the M.E. Church when the front axle of his machine broke.  He says he is mighty glad he was driving slow.  M. Dahl with Mr. Holland’s horse snaked the machines home after a skid had been fixed under it.

  • So. Heights – Don’t forget the Tahlequah ferry makes two trips each way Saturdays and Sundays on the winter schedule.

  • Burton – At the auction sale of property belonging to Steve Covich, who is now in the state hospital at Steilacoom, Deputy Sheriff Frank Enochs sold the house to George Hofmeister for $165.  Mr. Hofmeister also bought one net and the boat, the other fishing nets going to P.H. Green.

  • Maury Island – The Vashon Navigation Company are getting ready for the construction of a new boat to be modeled after the Vashon II and will be built at Dockton under the supervision of John Manson. 

  • Local News – Frank Enochs has received his commission as deputy sheriff for another term.  Mr. Enochs is small in stature, like Zaccheus, but when it comes to a race after law breakers, he’s a terror on wheels.

  • Dockton – Fifteen tons of codfish cartons were shipped from the packing house Friday of last week.  The company is expecting more fish from the north in a short time and the packing house will be operating as soon as the fish arrive.

  • Lisabeula – Our merchant is overhauling and repairing the warehouse making a nice public hall of it, where we can have musical programs, ice cream socials, and public speaking and wholesome entertainment for the community.  He is going to build two more cottages for rent to summer visitors.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 21st day of February, 1921 showed total assets of $204,411.18.

March 11, 1921

  • School Election Interested Many – K.J. Fjeld Reelected in Vashon District – Center Rejects Consolidation

  • Gerry Store Changes Hands – Two Old Time Vashon Islanders Bought Store and Took Charge Today – The old familiar sign of “Robert Gerry” painted over the front of the big store will soon be changed to the name of “Weiss and Thorsen” who are the new proprietors.  Mr. Gerry has been in business here for 4 years and has enjoyed a good and growing business.  Mr. Gerry bought out the Weiss Brothers who had been doing business at the same stand for upward of eight years.  Now of the original owners, F.A. Weiss becomes joint owner of the store with Ole Thorsen also an island man.  Mr. Thorsen’s brother was the starter and is now the head of the big Washington Shoe Company which has had a remarkable history. 

  • Local News – Mr. Williams of the Island Transfer Company informs us he has taken over the Pankratz mill and is going to sell lumber at prices that will compete with either of the cities.  Let’s keep our money at home.

  • Local News – The Washington Coast Utilities have installed a gong in connection with the phone of the News-Record office, so no matter how loud a noise the machinery may make in running, the gong sound above all the din.

  • Dockton – At the school election held in District 79, March 5, Mr. Claudius Petersen was elected.  And the vote taken in regard to using the old school house for community center carried.

  • Dockton – The keel is laid for the new boat which is being built by the Vashon Navigation Company to take the place of the old S.S. Vashon.

March 18, 1921

  • Death Reaps Rich Harvest – Takes Heavy Toll During The Past Few Days of Island Acquaintances – Gross Obituary - The obituary of Mrs. Hannah Gross was published. – Another Pioneer Called To Reward – David Rogers, and old time resident of Vashon Island died on March 15th at the age of seventy years. – Rev. Howell Burns To Death – The sad news of the accidental burning and death of Rev. W.R. Howell of Seattle came as a shock to many who knew him on the island. 

  • Paving Work Goes Forward – The Kaiser Paving company, to whom the contract was let last summer, for the Vashon Highway paving, is again on the job and making things move.  The road from Center to the F.E. Gilbert corner is closed and the sand and gravel for the work is on the ground.  As soon as the weather settles this link will be completed, and we are informed the work will then be pushed with all possible speed until completed. 

  • Ellisport – Messrs Pyle and Fisher have just completed a charming bungalow on Prospect Hill next door to Professor Plum.

  • Burton – C.J. Williams of Portage has purchased the Pankratz mill west of Burton and took possession on last Saturday.  George Hofmeister has bought the timber.

March 25, 1921

  • Two More Called To Final Reward – Captain James M. McClintock, aged 82 years, a civil war veteran and a pioneer of Vashon Island, and Hattie Mary Blackburn

  • Will Help Buy The Baby A New Dress – The two dollars for the paper are certainly coming in handy this week, for we have “another back to clothe, and another mouth to feed.”  We have been too busy at diapers and sundry things to pay much attention to the subscription list, so if we have left out your name, kindly call us up and jog our mind about it.

  • This Week’s Issue – No it was last week’s issue we wish to write about.  However we will publish what we write about “last week’s issue” in “this week’s issue” of the paper.  The issue of last week was the first issue of the present partnership, but we sincerely trust it will not be the last issue of the aforesaid partnership.  But the big issue with us this week is that the issue of last week was not up to our expectations in one respect – it was a girl – but it far eclipsed our fondest hopes in many other respects which are really too numerous to mention.  While the News-Record is issued every Friday, the last issue of last Friday was not announced to the public until 7:30 o’clock in the evening.  Inasmuch as it was the first issue of the edition we had to “name it” which we did instanter – Frances Susannah.  That will be the last time we can make reference to that issue as “it” – for at least 18 years.  You see if you want to make parents angry, just call their first baby “it.”  But when the baby becomes a lady of 18 years, it will make ‘em much madder if you refuse to say she’s “it.”  Not that we think the foregoing is funny, but in order to square ourselves with the Mother who is in the Tacoma General with little Miss Fransu, we are publishing a little poem, “To Frances Susannah”, we wrote Sunday addressed to the little strange which expresses the feeling of the editor’s heart better than he could do in a prosy editorial.

  • Dockton – Capt. H. Larsen returned from the north with the schooner Anna J. Larsen which was loaded with fine halibut, that were sold in Seattle.

  • Dockton – Mr. and Mrs. George Pankratz and two sons George and Jack were in Dockton last week looking after property interests.

  • School Notes – Burton – The candy sale held Wednesday by the girls of the “Glee Club” proved a great success.

  • Federated Community Sunday School – The attendance last Sunday was 169.

  • Burton – News was received here of the death of Mr. McClintock, Sr., in Seattle this week.  The McClintock family had the first store in Burton and had built up a fine business here when failing health of Mr. and Mrs. McClintock compelled them to retire.  They moved on their homestead at Ellisport where they lived for some time before going to Seattle.  Mrs. McClintock passed away several years ago.  Miss Gertrude McClintock was postmaster at Burton during the years her father and brother were in the store.

  • Cove – Capt. Arthur Edwards and John and A. Elligsen left last week with the White Star fishing boat, all painted anew.  They were bound for Alaska.

  • So. Heights – Steve and Dan Landers have just purchased a fine donkey engine and also standing timber near their home and will soon start logging.  They are two enterprising young men and we wish them the best of success.

  • So. Heights – Sam and Ross Bittinger are busy this week setting out 4000 Marshall strawberry plants. 

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April 1921

April 1, 1921

  • Burton’s New Store – Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Williams, formerly from Lisabeula, have moved to Burton and opened a brand new grocery store in the Taylor building just north of the new Hunt block.  The new store has a new and complete line of groceries, feed, hay and grain, and their stock is arranged spick and span for their contemplated business.  Since the Weaver Food Shop closed there has been but one grocery store in Burton.

  • Living Heroes (S.J. Harmeling) – Many an interesting story of heroism during the civil war will remain forever untold because of the modesty of the principal actors.  It is not generally known that several of the old boys of 61-65 who live on Vashon Island are in the class of heroes.  Of course all of them are heroes, but these have records which must not remain untold, and moreover, they should be told while the actors in the dramas are living.  How many of us knew the glorious war record of Capt. J.M. McClintock before the review of his life appeared in the obituary columns of the dailies and of the News-Record?  I did not.  It would have given me much more satisfaction had I known all these years while he was living among us what the papers have revealed since he passed on.  Another of these silent heroes is A.D. Kingsbury.  No doubt hid away in the alcoves of that large white cranium of his there is war material for two-volume novel.  T.J. Willhight is in the same class.  C.A. Barton was only a boy like the drummer boy of Shiloh, one year older than I.  I was stopped and could not get in, but he succeeded.  He was one of the thousands of those boys who could not be restrained and cried “we’re coming Father Abraham with three hundred thousand more.”  And there is dear S.S. Heath.  If we could get him to let go some of his epics and tragedies locked up in his memory we would certainly have some interesting reading.  We happen to know vaguely just a little about J.S. Markham.  He was a school mate of Jesse James and the Younger brothers.  These and most of his folks espoused the confederate cause while he was strong for the Union cause.  Markham was a famous scout.  His services to the Union cause were exceedingly valuable.  He knew the topography of the country and could direct the generals in the movement of troops.  The rebels knew it and had set a price on his head.  The Younger brothers wrote him that they would get him.  They got him one time and in ten minutes more he with others would have been taken into the brush and shot like dogs, but just then Capt. E.E. Van Olinda came thundering over the ridge with his company of troopers and scattered the rebels like chaff before they had time to think of shooting Markham.  Capt. Van Olinda saved Markham’s life that day.  How many of us knew of the heroism of these two warriors?  Mr. Brown of Burton is another of the boys that went as Harry Lauder would say.  We have all appreciated the little reviews of the lives of the Presidents of the Union in the News-Record, and I am sure we would appreciate a little interview by our editor of these old warriors.  We are glad they are still with us.  We love them.  They were the saviors of the Union.  While their evening sun is sinking low let us cheer them and get them into a reminiscent mood and we will get something rich from each one of them.

  • Burton – Contractor W.J. Kloeppel has completed his contract with Mrs. A Hunt in putting up the new post office building in Burton on time and the entire satisfaction of all concerned.  The post office will be moved probably Saturday.

  • Center – There has been some much needed work done just east of Center on the Danner Road.  The heavy trucks which pass that way now going to the ferry have made the road a little hard on the passenger car.  It is in fine shape now however.

  • Portage – William S. Sherman has purchased a tract of land on Grand View drive, near Nakayama’s poultry farm and is preparing to build a residence this spring.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Sterret brought 87 tons of codfish to the packing house last Friday.  There are a number of men working now washing and resalting the fish which will soon be ready for the process of packing.

  • Dockton – The S.S. Florence K. is on the Stuckey ways for a general overhauling.

  • Maury Island – Maury Island was stirred up quite a bit Monday night by a very showy brush fire, which even attracted the attention of Tacoma.  The Tacoma News-Tribune called up to find out what all the fire meant.  Such fires are surely quite unusual for this time of the year.

April 8, 1921

  • Night Watchman Burned – F.M. Hazelhurst, night watchman on the Portage-Des Moines ferry, was painfully burned about the face and neck on Wednesday morning of this week.  The accident happened when he was firing up the heating plant.  A defective damper closed the pipe after an oil fire had been built so a gas formed and when the furnace door was opened a rush of flames caught Mr. Hazelhurst, giving him a dreadful burn.

  • Noble Mother Is Called To Reward – Mrs. John Thorsen Of The Cove Neighborhood Dies At 87 Years.

  • We are now open for business, and will be pleased to serve all lovers of good Ice Cream and candy.  The Furbush Co., Ellisport.

  • Burton – Men and boys turned out on Saturday morning and worked hard all day tearing up and rebuilding Burton sidewalks – about 2,000 feet.

  • Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc. of The Vashon Island News-Record, for April 1921 lists P. Monroe Smock as Editor, business manager, publisher and owner.

  • Dockton – B.F. Scanlon and A.J. Stuckey were in Seattle Monday and called on the county commissioners in regard to the proposed waterfront road.

April 15, 1921

  • Gerand “Not Guilty”

  • Eighty Six More Wheels – Final “Macedonian Call” To Clean Up Cost Of Memorial Monument – The monument committee have purchased the soldiers monument for the center of the cemetery and have made arrangements with Major Solliger to give the dedication address on Memorial Day.  The stone is all finished but putting on the inscriptions and they are working on that.  Now friends the committee has raised all but $87.75.

  • Dockton – Mrs. John Manson and son Theodore of Tacoma spent Saturday with Capt. Manson who is superintending the building of the Vashon the III and which will be ready for launching in a short time.

  • School Notes – Vashon – The Botany class made a trip in search of liverwarts.  They succeeded in finding several such specimens in Ellsworth canyon.

  • School Notes – Vashon – At a senior meeting, and after search into past records, Frances Blekkink was found to be Valedictorian and Danzil Cutler Salutatorian.

  • Maury Island – The brush fire on Maury island Saturday night attracted a good deal of attention.  Several auto parties drove around and took a look at the unexpected fire works.  The Seattle Times called up to find out what all the blaze meant.  The generous rain of Monday night and Tuesday put out most of the fires, and everything is lovely once more.

April 22, 1921

  • Like Ivory Soap “She Floats” – Hull of Beautiful S.S. Vashona Slides Down Dockton Ways Wednesday – A mass of people turned out to witness the launching of the hull of the new S.S. Vashona at the Dockton Ways on Wednesday afternoon.  The S.S. Vashon loaded at Burton with several hundred boys and girls and men and women and cousins and uncles and aunts, especially the aunts, who went over at three o’clock to witness the big new boat take to the water – and she did like a huge swan.  The new boat is 126 feet long and 24 feet wide, being 28 feet longer than the Vashon and about 6 feet wider.  The machinery in the Vashon will be used to equip the Vashona and the new boat will be ready for occupancy and use about June 15th.

  • Former Vashon Boy Meets Death – A.B. Burke Dies From Street Car Collision in Seattle.  Cousin Of Elmer Stone.

  • A Side-Walk Needed (Editorial) – Our attention has been called to what appears to be an immediate necessity in relation to the paving now being put in.  That of a side-walk between Vashon and the High School.  When the paving is completed, there will be a strip of road south of the high school, where an embankment has been thrown up, that will necessitate children walking over the pavement, unless some side road is built.  On a pavement 16 feet wide, with autos coming and going in every direction, the average country school child, unused to the city’s street dangers, will only dodge one car to be hit by a car coming in an opposite direction.  One child is worth the whole paving cost, and the News-Record earnestly pleads that suitable walks may be made at once, and then emphatic orders be at once given by the teachers for all children to use such walks at all times to and from school.  Let us prevent the accident before it occurs.  The cost will be small.

April 29, 1921

  • Another Vashon Pioneer Dies – Andrew Erickson, for upwards of forty years a resident of Vashon Island, passed away at a Seattle hospital on Sunday last, April 24th, from pneumonia, at the advanced age of 79 years.

  • Burton – The State Convention of postmasters of 3rd and 4th class will be held in Burton June 15th and 16th.

  • Dockton – The big steamer Wallingford was anchored in the harbor for a short time Monday while a supply of dynamite was taken on.

  • Burton School Notes – Girls of B.H.S. start the first club of Girl Scouts on Vashon Island.

  • Burton School Notes – S.S. Wellington is loading dynamite at Dockton.

back to top

May 1921

May 6, 1921

  • A Good Woman Passes To Reward – Mrs. B.D. Mukai Passes Away May Day Morning From Tuberculosis

  • North End Ferry Resumes June 1st – The North End ferry service will be resumed again on Just 1st according to reliable information gained last week.  It was told us the agreement was to give 30 days notice to the present transportation company plying between Seattle and the Heights, and that such notice was given May 1st.  After our paving is completed and we get the Seattle ferry schedule again from the Heights, just watch the island put on airs and take a new lease on life.

  • School Carnival Great Success

  • Name Your Ranch (Editorial)  – Was it not asked in Romeo and Juliet by the great Shakespeare, “What’s in a name?”  and has not the question become proverbially popular?  Yet we believe there’s much in a name, for the same dramatist says elsewhere that the man who filches from another his good name robs him of that which makes him poor indeed.  However, this preamble is only written to call attention to what we believe is a wise growing custom – to name the ranch.  This is the beginning of national clean-up week.  Let’s also make it “paint-up week” by painting up the mail box anew, and then painting on both sides, at least, the name of the owner of the box – or better still the name of the farm or acres to which it belongs.  We have noticed a number of Vashon-Maury islanders have already given a distinctive name to their home place.  We couldn’t begin to print the names of all we have seen, but taking them at random what could be more charming than “Still Waters” of the Billingsley ranch; or Flowing Spring of the Enochs ranch; or Neverest of the Newby place; or Tuck-a-hoe of the McLean farm; or Highland Park of the E. Morgan hill slope.  We urge every Vashon-Maury islander to give a suitable name to their ranch home.

  • Local News – Mr. Galagen of Seattle was on the island investigating a fishmeal factory site and has several in view near Cove.

  • Local News – F.W. Bibbins of Quartermaster was in Vashon this week.  He informed us the base is completed for the community memorial monument, and the stone will be brought over from Tacoma in about ten days.  The stone is being furnished by D.S. McKenzie, Prop. Of the Pacific Monumental and Cut Stone Works of Tacoma and is a beautiful piece of granite.

  • Local News – Last week was the first time in a year the paper has been a day late.  It was caused by the power being off all night Thursday night on account of trouble on the main line.  Sorry, but such things are beyond control.

  • The Report of the Financial Condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 28th day of April, 1921 showed total assets of $200,275.80.

  • Cove – The ladies of the Cove Community hall have formed an auxiliary body.

  • Lisabeula – Friday night at the church the Strawberry Growers Association met and adopted their constitution and elected as permanent officers – A. Hiersch, president, W. King, secretary-treasurer and Mr. Manku, Mr. Hiersch and Mr. King as trustees.

  • Lisabeula – Saturday night the Seabreezers entertained at a dance at their club house.  Mr. King, Lynn Bedford and Mr. Bowman furnished the music.

  • Report Of Burton Grade – Report of the Burton Grade school for the 5th period ending April 15th, 1921:  Total enrollment – 80.

  • School Notes – Burton – The valedictorian and salutatorian this year are Mabel Hayes and Minnie Hiersch.

  • So. Heights – Who says South Heights is not coming into her own?  The Camp Fire Girls of Seattle have purchased the Luseta Beach property of 158 acres and will commence immediately to tear down old buildings and put up new ones.

  • Maury Island – The latest report of the Mileta Dairy Farm is that it is to be restocked with dairy cattle again.

May 13, 1921

  • Lisabeula Fruit Growers Are Busy – At a live meeting of about a dozen of the leading growers this week a brand was adopted, to be known as “The Island Brand” and two color labels ordered to adorn every package of fruit they ship out.

  • Burton – The brooder house containing nearly one thousand three-week old chicks belonging to W.W. Akehurst, every one of the chickens and twenty dollars worth of feed were all burned Sunday evening in so short a time that nothing could be rescued.

May 20, 1921

  • Dockton Fish House Is Busy Place – A Visit There Opens Eyes Of Editor Who Gets First Hand Information – One of the first men we met at Dockton was the new store keeper, Mr. N. Nelson, who joined the News-Record family of subscribers and he was followed by the postmaster and other store keeper there, Theo. Berry who did likewise.  DOCKTON FISH HOUSE – There we grabbed the subscription of B.F. Scanlon and found nearly everyone else there already taking the paper.  A brief interview with Mr. Knute Andersen, manager of the plant, gave us some very valuable information.  This little plant will ship this season over 200 tons of the finished product and has just commenced getting busy.  The variety of fish is the Behring Sea cod and they are caught by hand in the waters of the Behring sea.  The company operating the plant is mostly composed of Seattle men with L. Mikkelson as president of the corporation and general manager.  Their boats start out in the early fall for the north and as the fish are caught they are dressed and dry salted.  From the Behring sea the boats come into Dockton laden with these finely flavored pick of the ocean, and there they are unloaded into huge vats at the fish house and but in brine to cure,.  After about fourteen days they are taken out of the brine, and stacked into round piles about the size and shape of a cock of Pennsylvania hay and allowed to drain for four days.  They are carefully washed, and distributed to the skinning boards.  Seven men are permanently employed to skin the fish and the skill with which these men work is an interesting to a novice as a small boy watching a three ring circus all at the same time.  From the skinners they go on roller trucks to the bone pickers.  There are sixteen bone pickers, each with pinchers, who carefully bone pick by hand each fish, turning it over as free from bones as an eel – if eels are boneless.  The cutters then take charge of the fish and cut the meat into symmetrical shapes and sizes.  There are two expert cutters, one of these being Mr. Nass a man who can make seemingly shapeless pieces of fish look like a thing of beauty and art.  These pieces are then sorted into two grades – the fancy and extra fancy and are carefully weighed and packed into neat cartons – weighing one and two pounds respectively.  The one pound cartons are the extra fancy and the two pound cartons are the fancy.  The brand is known as the “Icy Region Brand” and the neatly lined and attractively packed boxes made our mouth water to get at one – but we delayed the attempt until a more convenient season.  The company has its own box maker on the ground, and employs about forty hands.  The skins are sold for glue and the bones and scraps are made into fertilizer. 

  • Big Real Estate Deal – One of the biggest transactions closed on the island was a deed recorded last week in King county for 200 acres of land surrounding the Tahlequah ferry.  The grantor was Puget Mill Company and the grantee was the Vashon Island Realty Company.  M.F. Shaw is president, Dr. Caswell is the V.P. and Ira H. Case is secretary.  The company has the tract platted into lots, will record the plat this week, and building activity will start this summer.

  • Memorial Monument Set – The Memorial Monument for the veterans of the last three wars, the Civil, the Spanish, and World War, has arrived and was set this week. 

  • Chautauqua Guarantors Meet – Organize For This Year With Burton Man For President Of Association – The Vashon-Maury Island Chautauqua Association started off this year with a bang.  Monday evening of this week at the newspaper office R.K. Carver occupied the chair and the organization of the committee was perfected by the unanimous election of the following officers:  President, Rev. T.S. Fretz; V. President, W.D. Garvin; Secty., Mrs. A. Hunt; Treas., P. Monroe Smock; Chairman of Grounds, Thos. Steffenson; Chairman of Ticket Sales, Rev. Berringer.  While the north end road will not be opened in time to admit travel to the Chautauqua this year, we believe enough people will suffer any inconvenience necessary to make the movement at least self-supporting.  The names of the guarantors this year are:  R.K Carver, Dr. Torland, Geo. S. Bonnell, Thos. Steffenson, C.L. Tjomsland, E.E. Van Olinda, L.A, Goodman, W.D. Garvin, E.H. Gebert, H. Steen, A.T. Tjomsland, Robt. M. Jones, P. Monroe Smock, E.C. Tompson, M.L. Tjomsland, J.J. Bergoust, J.B. Dahlager, Frank E. Gilbert, W.J. Magowan, W. Zimmerman, Geo. E. Sisco, Robert Gerry, Geo. Pankratz, Milton Prichard, T. Hansen.

  • Center – Mr. and Mrs. Albert Therkelsen have moved in the Thompson cottage temporarily, while their own cottage is being built.

  • Center – The Rebekahs of Center celebrate their fifth anniversary on May 24.

  • Center – Center is very proud of her graduates from high school this year as she claims three – Thelma McCormick, Digby Williams and Wesley Sherman.  The graduation exercises will be Friday evening at the Burton High School.

  • Vashon Heights – On Saturday evening last the Vashon Heights Community represented by the men residents held a third weekly meeting at the residence of Messrs Charles and Sloan Randolph, and completed the organization of a corporation to provide water works for the community and acquire and managed other public property.  There were about 25 members present and reports on organization, and plans for reservoirs and pipe line were considered.

  • Vashon Heights – Henry Brosseau, the enterprising storekeeper, has begun to build an addition to his store building, which will include a dancing floor where social gatherings may be held and music and dancing provided for all those who enjoy stepping to music.

  • Local News – We learn the Virginia III will resume her run on the East Side of Vashon Island on or about June 1st, 1921.  It is the hope of the West Pass Transportation Co., (the Virginia III and IV) that sufficient business in carrying freight will come its way this summer to warrant the Manager in keeping the boat on the run both summer and winter.  They ask the support of the east siders.

  • Local News – The pavement was opened for traffic between Vashon and Center, last Sunday, and from the number of cars which were out to “try it” you would imagine you were on 3rd Avenue of Seattle or Broadway of Tacoma.

  • Local News – If the backers of the public park will follow the lead of such a public spirited gentleman as Francis M. Sherman there’ll be a lot of carryings on at the park site on Saturday, May 28th.  Mr. Sherman asks everyone on either island who can swing an axe, handle a grubbing hoe, or use a scythe to come there on that day and aid in underclearing this tract.

  • Cove – It is said in the matter of a site for a fish meal manufacturing plant, mentioned in last week’s notes, was not entertained favorably by Mr. Statelen.

May 27, 1921

  • Another Noble Soul Passes On – Mrs. Cristman (Sarah Jane Rockwell) Lays Down Life’s Burden at Age of Eighty-five years

  • Center School House Was Torn Down Last Saturday – Many Hands Make Light Work of it – Big Feed Served at noon to Over Hundred

  • More Team Work And Over She Goes Kerbang – Everybody on the Two Islands Are Giving a Push For the Chautauqua Next Month.  After the Chautauqua is over, immediately upon its heels, comes the state postmasters convention at Burton.

  • Another Pioneer Passes Away – The death of Mrs. Fred Fox (Hannah Johnson) was noted.

  • Burton High school alumni association met Saturday evening with a representation attendance – A reception was held afterwards.  Those present were the class of 1921 – Marie and Ruth Tjosdale, Bernice Roach, Gladys Wilber, Scott Sherman, Harry Enochs, Philip Meyer, Ruth Frederickson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Turnbull, Helen Nelson, Kenneth Van House, Selma Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stone, Harold Fretz, Marjorie Stanley, Mrs. Florence Stanfield, George Pankratz, Geo. Bucknell, Prof. Prichard and Mr. Leggett.

  • Maury Island – Our local fruit men say there is no prune crop this year and a very light pear crop.

  • Local News – Phil Green of Burton took over a load of Island folks in his boat to witness the launching of the Cincinnati.

  • Local News – The commencement exercises of the Senior class of Vashon High School will be held Saturday evening, May 28.  The members of the graduating class are Frances Blekkink, valedictorian; Denzil Cutler, salutarian; Nina Garvin, Esther Johnson, Marie Rindal, Garner Steen, Paul Ward and Alva Hutchinson.

  • Local News – Sam Boyd and Rushton Marshall, Pierce county officers, and Frank Enochs, Vashon Island Deputy sheriff for King County, rounded up a beachcomber last Sunday on the west-pass, and landed him in the Pierce county jail.  He was in charge of the launch “Buckley” and we are informed had about $500 worth of goods in his possession consisting mainly of oars, nets and junk.

  • Dockton – The Martinolich Shipbuilding and Marine ways are hauling out fishing boats to get them ready for this summer’s fishing

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June 1921
June 3, 1921

  • Memorial Day Fittingly Observed – Upwards of 1000 People Witness the Unveiling of Memorial Monument – Monday, set apart as a national holiday, was perfect in every way.  The sun shone all day out of a cloudless sky.  The air was warm, the fragrance of spring was in the breezes, and everybody seemed inclined to turn out at the cemetery to pay homage to the veterans of the three wars, and especially to witness the unveiling of the Memorial Monument.  The following program was given at the cemetery, every number of which was entered into in the fullest spirit by the multitude assembled.  S.J Harmeling, Presiding; Song, America; Prayer, Rev. Fretz; Address, Major Sulliger; Song, Star Spangled Banner; Poem, P. Monroe Smock; Address, Rev. Berringer; Benediction, Major Sulliger.  The G.A.R. Post then took charge of the exercises.  Miss Jacobs draped the monument with a wreath of evergreen, after it had been unveiled by Adj. Barton, assisted by two young men in Khaki.  Mr. Saterbo read the address of Lincoln at Gettysburg.  Chaplain J.S. Markham offered prayer and Adj. Barton made some fitting remarks.  All the graves had previously been decorated, and flowers were dropped in profusion as the base of “the unknown dead.”  The monument consists of a concrete base, a second base of granite, and a hugh rough ashler shaft, eight feet high.  The base is inscribed on its four sides – one to the veterans of the civil war, one to the Spanish-American war, one side to the world war, and the remaining face to “the unknown dead.”  The stone was furnished at a very low price by the Pacific Monumental & Cut Stone works of Tacoma.  It is all paid for, and much credit is due every member of the committee for the work they did, and especially should Mrs. Frank Bibbins be mentioned who worked hard and long for this success, which now adorns the cemetery.  The entire ceremonies at the cemetery were dignified, impressive, and in keeping with the spirit of the occasion.

  • The obituary of Mrs. Fred Fox was published.  She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1858, and came to America in 1883.  In 1885 she was married to Mr. Robinson, he passing away two years later she brought her daughter west to Seattle where in 1892 she was married to Fred Fox, coming to Vashon in 1895.

  • State Park Will Now Be Improved – A Start Was Made Last Saturday by a Few – Next Saturday Again – The tract of land embracing five acres, just west of the paved highway at the Gilbert corner, and which has been set apart by the State of Washington as a public state park, is to be improved at once, under the direction of the local superintendent, Francis M. Sherman.  On account of no electric lighting facilities, it cannot be used this year for the Chautauqua grounds but it is planned to have it in readiness for next season.  The state will bear the expense of a big, adequate fireplace, proper latrines, and otherwise assist us in making this site a really community center.  This is one of the finest tracts for a park site in Washington.  Much credit belongs to Hon. Clark V. Savidge, state land commissioner, for his quick work in setting this land apart – it being the first tract turned over by the state for park purposes.  It will be an ideal camp for auto parties, while touring the islands. 

  • New Doctor To Locate Here – Dr. F.N. McHolland and family, of Olympia, were on the island this week looking for a location.  Dr. McHolland has been an osteopathic doctor in Olympia since he left college in 1908.

  • Campaign Closes – We challenge any other rural community in the U.S.A. to furnish as many named ranch homes, for the territory embraced, as Vashon-Maury Island can produce.  We do no claim the credit for this, because it started many years ago.  We have only sought to give publicity to this advanced movement in rural life.  Many more than a hundred far homes have been named.  The campaign closes with this issue, and after a few days the News-Record will be glad to present everyone whose home or ranch has been named in the paper, with a free map of the islands, together with the name of all places sent in, printed on the back.

  • In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of King.  No. 150788 – Notice – In the matter of the petition of Vashon Land Company, a corporation, for dissolution and disincorporation, that the hearing of said petition will be held on Friday, the 8th day of July, 1921.

  • Burton – The “Vashona,” the new boat for the Quartermaster run, has been on the ways at Dockton for several days.  It is reported that she will be put in commission in another week.

  • Local News – The paving will all be laid from Center to the top of the Vashon Heights hill by tonight.  We understand the company will then commence at the foot of the hill and lay south until it is entirely finished.

  • Local News – The caterpillars are pretty numerous these days, but it isn’t every climate that is healthy enough to make ‘em thrive as they do on Vashon-Maury.  Don’t scold about ‘em – they can’t help being wooley nor the fact that they have to creep.

  • Local News – The Vashon Island Transfer and Mill Company desire to thank everyone who turned out to fight the fire last Monday, which threatened their mill.

  • Local News- The steamer “Athlon” is now running regularly on the east pass, and will make her trips on the same schedule as the Virginia III did last summer.  The Virginia III will be back on the run in a few days.

  • Burton – Will the owners of cows in Burton, who tether the animals along the street, please tie them so they cannot reach the new side walks that we all “fought, and bled, and died for?”  For the preservation of the walks, for the sanitary reasons, and for the looks of the think this boon is submitted.

  • Center – Kinnicinnick farmhouse and contiguous out-buildings are being dressed up with two coats of clear white paint, and suitably trimmed.  This is another step toward the goal which the owner hopes to achieve for his property, viz,, to put Kinnickinnick Farm in a high place among our attractive and modern producing properties.  Four modern 20x30 Shoup poultry houses are now being figured on to be erected soon.  The owner of Kinnicinnick lives in New York.

June 10, 1921

  • D.A.R. Organize – A noteworthy event in Vashon island progress was the organization, June 4th, of a local chapter of the society, Daughters of the American Revolution.  The following ladies were appointed officers:  Regent, Mrs. W.C. Whitfield; vice regent, Mrs. Milton Prichard; registrar, Mrs. Ernest Ford; secretary, Mrs. Jas. Mattson; treasurer, Mrs. Huede Bourek; historian, Mrs. Paul Billingsley.  The society’s sole purpose is the perpetuation of the ideals for which the American Soldiers of the Revolutionary war fought, and the furtherance of Americanization.  It is the plan of the local chapter to place markers locally that will establish and perpetuate on Vashon island.  Much of the credit for the organization of a local chapter is due to the initiative of Mrs. Whitfield, and for this reason the society, wishing to express its appreciation of her efforts, have honored her by choosing for the name of the chapter, Mrs. Whitfield’s Revolutionary Grandmother, Elizabeth Bixby who gave five sons to the American cause.  The local chapter has received its charter from Washington, D.C., as “The Elizabeth Bixby Chapter, D.A.R. of Vashon Island.”

  • Alexander Skibinsky At Chautauqua – Noted Russian Violinist Who Has Amazed Musical World by Continued Mastery of the Violin After Explosion Almost Destroys Left Hand - The daily program for the Vashon Island Chautauqua for June 11th to 14th, 1921 was published.

  • Fruit Season Is On (Editorial) – Now is the winter of our discontent on Vashon-Maury made glorious by the ripening strawberry.  Would we could write a fitting ode to this berry which grows to such size, beauty, and deliciousness on these islands.  We have picked the strawberry in Pennsylvania, we have grown them in Iowa, we have bought them in the Black Hills of S.D. and we have sold them in the state of Idaho – but these islands is the first place we have eaten them.  Elsewhere they appealed to us as sour, seeded, hard-cored colicky things which had to be endured, like any other evil, for a few days each season.  But jimminy crickets – the berries that grow here are as much above the berries that grow in the states we have mentioned, as Mt. Everest is higher than the Dead Sea.  Big, symmetrical, blood-red, sweet-all-the-way-through, with the boiled-down essence of a thousand pleasing flavors combined just right.  They are good right off the vines; they are improved somewhat by stemming and covering with sugar for a few minutes; better still made into a short cake – but O, Boy – if you want the humming-bird tongues of Bean Brummell beat forty rods, just select about a dozen of the normal Vashon Maury berries.  Pile them in a pyramid, the base resting on a seven-inch plate.  Let the powdered sugar drift into the cracks and canyons, like snow setting over the crown of “The Mountain.”  Then start several little mountain streams of pure Jersey cream flowing down from the top of your pyramid to its base – shut your eyes and open your mouth and drop one in, and Milton’s Paradise Regained becomes the real thing.  P.S. Use only the Vashon-Maury grown berries, for the best results.

  • Dockton – We are proud of the children who successfully passed the 8th grade examination.  Following are the names of those who received their diplomas: Clifford Petersen, Jennie Nilsen, Ingebjorg Nilsen, Walter Petersen, and Ogot Andersen.

  • Local News – This office has turned out a large order of two color labels for the Cove Berry Growers Association.  Our Cove and Colvos neighbors expect to ship at least 10,000 crates of strawberries.  Besides these they will have a bounteous crop of loganberries, raspberries and cherries.

  • NOTICE – Notice is hereby given that on and after June 10th, all transfer business will come under the operation of the State Public Commission and any changes we make will be at the order of this state board.  North End Transfer, Clark’s Vashon Auto Truck, Vashon Island Auto Freight Co.

  • Lisabeula – Strawberry pickers started on Monday and quite a number of crates were shipped on the association boat Monday evening.  The berries are large and are ripening fast so we will have a busy season.

  • Burton – Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean and two sons left Friday morning of last week on their yacht “Tuck-a-hoe” for a two months cruise in Alaskan waters.

  • Cove – The matter of pickers has become rather serious.  School holding on so long and the berries have ripened very fast the past few days.  It makes one anxious for the outcome.

  • Cove – W.W. Prigg has started the ball rolling for the first one in the matter of mowing the weeds and ferns on the roadside along his ranch.

  • Cove – How many noticed the magnificent sunset last Tuesday evening?  As the sun sank behind the mountains, every peak, crag, cliff and crevice appeared, bordered in fire like a lightening streak in the heavens.  Wonderously beautiful.

  • Cove – Did you ever experience the old saying “It is always darkest before the dawn?”  I was busy last Monday picking two acres of strawberries alone.  About 9 a.m. Grandma Abrams, Capt. Anderson and wife and Albert Abrams appeared on the hill top.  “Came to pick berries,” they shouted to me down the hill.  The two Paulson boys and Mr. Moe’s young son came after school.  Rustle?  Yes, among them twenty crates were picked.  We were surprised to see the skill (for one who has spent most of his time on the water) that Capt. Anderson showed in picking and packing berries.  Well, all the writer can say is the dark clouds rolled away.

June 17, 1921

  • Answers The Last Great Call – Mrs. Charles E. Hammerquist Passes Away After Brief Illness At Vashon Home.

  • Notice To Contractors – Sealed bids will be received by the Directors of School District No. 139 King County Washington, at Portage, Wash., until one o’clock P.M. July 2nd, 1921, for the construction of a school building on the present school site.

  • Washington Postmasters Meet At Burton – Annual Meeting Closed There Thursday With Kind Words On Every Lip – The Annual State Convention of Washington Postmasters met at Burton on Wednesday of this week and closed yesterday.  Mrs. Hunt, the local postmistress had been at work on the matter of entertainment of the delegates for some time and nothing but good words were heard.

  • The Chautauqua Program Closes – A Good Attendance and a Splendid Program is Furnished – The climax for popularity was easily the last night.  The Manilla Quartet was splendid.  Each member was an artist.  The pianist was a wonder.  Oliver and his wife were exceptionally good.  And Fay Epperson was the best child interpreter we have ever heard.  We understand another Chautauqua for next year is assured.  In our opinion, if it could be held during the last of July and was located in the Island State Park it would easily be made self-sustaining.

  • Family Skeleton Comes To Light – Man Appears on Island Who Was Shot at Several Times by A.D. Kingsbury (during the civil war.)

  • So. Heights – We learn with interest that a store and dwelling of considerable proportions is in process of erection at Tahlequah.  More particulars of the development of this thriving terminal will appear from time to time.

  • So. Heights – Road work has progressed from the south as far as Flower Acres and it is hoped to continue to Ely’s place.  This will make at least a fair dirt road from Tahlequah clear to Burton.  Then comes graveling – or paving (?)  Well, it is in the lap of the gods.

  • Ellisport – All this week Good Templar’s Hall has been resounding with laughter and song.

  • Ellisport – Ellisport’s favored location and sunny slopes are certainly bringing forth luscious strawberries. 

  • Local News – Mrs. Morrison of Burton has purchased the lot just north of Mrs. Hunt’s block and is erecting a frame building thereon, to be occupied as a restaurant.

  • Dockton – There were three railroad cars at the fish house wharf Thursday and were loaded with the last pack of codfish to be shipped to different parts of the country.  The bones and skin is shipped to San Francisco where they will be manufactured into glue.

June 24, 1921

  • Near Tragedy On Portage Ferry – Ford, Lizzie Not Henry, Attempts to Rival The Famous Maginty – When the ferry Vashon Island was taking on its usual Sunday load of pleasure seekers who weekly spend the day on our beautiful island one of the first cars on was a Ford roadster driven by E.C. Buchannan with two passengers Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Hilditch all of Seattle.  The car was on the port side of the boat and the deck hand had directed the driver to take the position directly in front of the stairs.  He started to do so and was headed to the starboard side apparently in full control of the machine.  The next thing those on that end of the boat saw was the rear wheels of the car disappearing over the edge into thirty feet of water.  The car occupants were finally rescued by lines thrown from the ferry.  As they stood on the deck and had shaken some of the water off, Mrs. Hilditch who was the calmest of the trio remarked – “I told you fellows we’d get wet today, but I didn’t think it would be this way.”  Aside from the theory that the Ford was suddenly seized with a desire to become a submarine no explanation can be given for the accident.  The Ford was raised and brot ashore by the tug Kathleen.

  • Old Settler Takes Outward Trail – Eugene Hubbard Parker Dies at Seattle After Months of Failing Health

  • Burton – Patrons of the Bay View Pavillion will be glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Swanson have again resumed the management of the dances given there.

  • Local News – Last week Articles of Incorporation of the Vashon Transfer Company were filed.  This is a re-incorporation of the North End Transfer Company formerly owned and operated by E.C. Thompson and C.M. Sawyer. 

  • Movie Slams – Last week’s show was very poorly patronized and again we say we have got to have better crowds if we are to continue giving the same high class films. – Vashon Movie Theatre Co.

  • So. Heights – The Camp Fire Girls have arrived at their new quarters at Luseta Beach.  The building first completed is their dining room, kitchen and assembly hall.  It is 45 x 140 feet.

  • Dockton – A delegation of 18 went before the commissioners Monday in regard to the water level road but did not get any satisfaction.

  • Maury Island – Henry Faulhaber has begun the harvest of his gooseberry crop, and a most wonderful crop it is.  Gooseberries as large as pigeon eggs.

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July 1921
July 1, 1921

  • The wedding announcements of L. Ray Kingsbury to Miss Nina E. Elliott and that of Miss Ruby Korns to Mr. Conrad M.E. Walter were published.

  • Vashon Island Bill Passed By Senate – The Vashon military reservation bill passed the United States Senate Monday and will be signed this week by the President.  The bill is to settle the status of land held by the Vashon settlers, who have been holding it under lease from the war department.  This tract of land lies on the south end of the island had has been surveyed into fifty-two, ten acre tracts.  As soon as the necessary red tape has been unraveled, a fee simple title will be possible, and these tracts will be subdivided, and more families will find homes in one of the beauty sections of the island. 

  • Lisabeula – The strawberry season is nearly over but cherries and loganberries and raspberries are ripening fast.  Quite a number from here will go to Sumner to pick raspberries.

  • Local News – W.L. Schofield and wife have purchased a ten acre tract of land just south of the Kist blacksmith shop (Center.)

  • Local News – A passing aeroplane over Vashon, Portage, Dockton and other points the first of the week created a number of thrills as the driver seemed to see how close he could come to the roofs of several buildings without hitting them.

  • Dockton – A.J. Stuckey has bought the band saw and planer from John E. Manson and is installing it in his machine shop.

July 8, 1921

  • Looking Backward Twenty-Five Years – Gleanings From a Copy of The Vashon Island Press Printed In 1896 – This week, through the courtesy of W.W. Prigg of Cove, we were handed a copy of the “Strawberry Number” of the Vashon Island Press published December 15th, 1896.  Under the masthead appears the name of Oliver Van Olinda as editor and publisher and Chas. F. VanOlinda as Local Editor.  The subscription price was $1.00 per year and it was first issued on July 30th, 1895.  The front page was given over to the exploitation of fruit, especially the strawberry, and a picture of “The Eleanor” strawberry appears in colors of green and red.  On this front page appears also an ad of “Schilling’s Best” tea – roasted in San Francisco, the ad says.  Articles on special subjects appear signed by initials as follows: “J.C.”, L.B.A.”, T.W.”, and C.W.T.”  A map of Vashon Island appears, showing the following places only; Pt. Vashon, Aquarium, Vashon Landing, Chautauqua, Burton, Dry Dock, Pt. Piner, Quartermaster Harbor, Lisabeula and Vashon.  Where was Cove, Colvos, Portage, Center and the Magnolia Beach district twenty five years ago?  Eh?  The paper called the mountain “Rainier” at that time, and had a “directory” of advertisers under both Tacoma and Seattle heads.  Frank C. Hart was selling jewelry then according to his ad, but none of the Seattle names are familiar.  E.C. Thompson wanted the farmers to know he was selling farm implements and berry crates, and S.J. Stephenson was repairing shoes.  C.E. Wyman was “Master” of the steamer Sophia and C.S. Barlow was manager of the Skagit Chief.  E.W. Culver was selling all kinds of strawberry plants at 50 cts per hundred, or $3.00 per thousand.  Under Local News we read that Charles O’Keefe killed a hog that cost him $3.00, clover fed, weighed 437 ½ lbs, and the remark made that Vashon can, in a pinch, produce something besides strawberries.  Under the Burton head we read that Rev. S.P. Brokaw is attending the ministerial association at Port Townsend this week.  Also that Mrs. M.F. Hatch entertained in honor of Miss Hawley Mesdames Sutter, Paterson, Ross, Beaven, Pierce, McClintock, Kingsbury, Greer, Bentley and Leathers.  Under Quartermaster items we read that “Frank Miner has been down this way looking after the roads, and to note the effect of the continuous rains.”  So it rained here 25 years ago – did it?  There was a Vermontville then and we find that “B. Reed returned to the Cedar Mountain Mines to work for a while.”  Also “Mr. Ed Mace, Herbert Start, and Walter Cutler are at work getting out wood for the Skagit Chief at the old wood yard.”  Lisabeula is also represented and we note that “F.E. Bridgman visited Tacoma Wednesday the 9th.”  “Mr. J. Brink, Sr., came home on the boat Thursday from Tacoma.”  A probate notice relates to the estate of Ella L. Masters deceased, with James E. Masters, administrator.  Carrie Blackburn was leader of the Epworth League.  Oliver Van Olinda was president of the league.  Frank Barton was president of the Junior League, and Thos. Steffenson was secretary.  A picture of Vashon College appears.  When we compare the present NEWS-RECORD with this paper of 25 years ago, and the development of the island along other lines, we seriously wonder if there is as much improvement in the newspaper as there has been along other lines.  The Vashon Island Press was a newsy sheet, well printed, and from the foregoing resume, covered the island as completely as the morning dew.

  • A Strawberry “Patch” – Last Saturday we took an afternoon off and roamed about the island.  One of the places we visited was the sixty acre strawberry farm of B.D. Mukai, locally known as “The Strawberry King.”  Mr. Mukai is an agreeable sort of a chap who manages his berry industry with as much system and with as great ease as a circus tent is raised, and then taken down after the show.  He has about a hundred pickers at work during the season, which usually lasts about three weeks.  He is picking on an average 50 barrels of berries each day.  Each barrel will contain 300 lbs of berries and 150 lbs of cane granulated sugar is added.  These barrels are then headed up, trucked to the city and put in cold storage where the berries are distributed to different ice cream parlors and served as “crushed fruit” sundaes.  Mr. Mukai will this year pick upwards of half a million lbs of berries off his patch – and such berries as they are!  We know, because he loaded our Ford with baskets, pails, crates and pans filled with them, until the women folks declare they dream of strawberries at night.  This is only one of Vashon-Maury patches and as soon as the strawberry is gone the logan will occupy the stage of activity for its due period of time.

  • Another Noble Soul Passes On – Helmer Christensen Passes Away At Home Of His Son on West Side.

  • Local News – W.F. Paddock, representing the Peerless Concrete Products of Seattle was on the island this week, inspecting a septic tank system this company has just installed for W.J. Magowan.  This is the company E.C. Thompson represents and their island business is steadily growing according to all reports.

  • Local News – A house belonging to a Mr. McCartney was burned Saturday near Glenn Acres.  It was occupied by Mr. Ferguson.  Unable to get details, but understand it was caused from defective flue.

  • Maury Island – The Maury island currant growers have been busy the past week picking their crop.  Some of them celebrating the 4th in that way.

  • Lisabeula – The strawberry season is nearly over and loganberries are starting.  John Stewart has sold his patch to Mr. Enochs who started picking Tuesday.

July 15, 1921

  • Another Delightful Moonlight Excursion on “Vashon” – Free Trip Over Sound Waters on Thursday Evening, July 21st, via Ferry “Vashon” – The Board of County Commissioners, and Capt. J.L. Anderson, Supt. Of King County transportation, have very kindly consented to the free use of the Ferry “Vashon” for the Annual Moonlight Excursion around the island.  For this occasion the officers and crew are donating their time and services, also the boats fuel and lights.

  • Ford Car Goes Over Embankment – H.L. Penny Has Narrow Escape on Tuesday Afternoon of This Week – H.L. Penny, the island laundryman had a full Ford load of laundry taking it to the ferry, when his car became unmanageable and went into the ditch near the Still Waters farm.  One of Mr. Billingsley’s men helped get it back into the road and Mr. Penny gave the car the once over and started on.  He had only gone about a half dozen rods when the thing started head on for a pool of water at least forty feet straight down.  Mr. Penny stayed with the machine, which turned over, pinning him under the car in the water.  Immediate help was given him, he was extricated, badly bruised, the car was dragged up the bank by a block and tackle and Mr. Billingsley’s tractor, was badly smashed up, but it is one of the wonders of all the neighbors how Mr. Penny escaped being killed. – Another Ford Goes Wrong – The same afternoon, while the Editor was returning from the W.F. Johnson home, with Mrs. Lias beside him, a large Buick collided at the turn of a sharp hill.  The Buick was bruised up some, but the Ford escaped with only a broken windshield, bent fenders, twisted radius rod, sprung axle, and a few other minor matters too numerous to mention.  No one was hurt in either car.

  • Contract Let For Center School – Building Will be 40x50 and Completed by The Last of August – The board of directors of Center district, No. 139, have let to A.G. Nysted the contract for the new building for the price of $2,650.  The contractor to have all the old building material to use in the new building as far as it can be used.  The building will be one story, electric lights, running water, and well lighted and ventilated.

  • Big Celebration At Tahlequah – Complimenting Hon. John Rea for Getting Relinquishment – Celebrating the relinquishment of the U.S. Government to the old military reserve on the south end of the island, the fifty two “squatters” and their family and friends gathered several hundred strong on Saturday night where a wonderful feed was served in the ship-house, especially complimenting Hon. John Rea for successfully getting the results above outlined.  The NEWS-RECORD man was taken along, through the kindness of R.K. Carver and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Bergoust. 

  • The report of the financial condition of the Vashon State Bank at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1921 showed total assets of $197,123.47.

  • So. Heights – Arthur Bachelor of Tahlequah has contracted to transport the children of District No. 54 to and from school the coming year.  Mr. Bachelor will purchase a new Ford truck for use in this work.

  • Local Items – The new schedule of the south end ferry will be of interest to those living at that end of the island.  There are now three trips a day.

  • Dockton – The freighter T.W. Lake was on the A.J. Stuckey ways for repairs several days last week.

  • Dockton – All the fishing boats that for some time have been in the harbor getting ready for the salmon fishing left the fore part of the week for the salmon banks.  They were all large boats and besides the captain there is a crew of ten or eleven men on board.

  • Dockton – The P. Manson Piledriving Co. is doing considerable business in and around Dockton.

  • Dockton – Capt. J. Manson was in Dockton Monday looking after the work being done here on the “Vashon.”

July 22, 1921

  • Connubial Bliss For Vashon Pair – Two Popular Vashonites Are Wedded This Week And Leave For New Home – The wedding announcement of Miss Hazel Magowan to Mr. Willis J. Blekkink was published.

  • A New Meat Market – Elsewhere appears the announcement of the new meat market which will open Saturday in the Deppman block under the management of W. Richardson of Vashon.  Mr. Thomas McDonnell of 1406 Summit Ave., Seattle, and experienced meat cutter will assist for a time.

  • Public Notice - Resolution No. 784 – Creating a district in which it will be unlawful for live stock to run at large.

  • Local News – Through the influence and vigilance of Road Supervisor, K.J. Fjeld, the Vashon community interested in a proper sidewalk to the high school will obtain about 20,000 feet of good second hand lumber gratis for the work.  All that Mr. Fjeld requires is to have the work done by the community.

  • Local News – Notice is hereby given that all fruit growing on the highway adjacent to the Heiberg place is free to the public.  There is plenty of it, it is of good quality, so just help yourselves.  A.D. Kingsbury, Road Overseer.

  • Dockton – A party of six engineers from King county are in town surveying for the much needed road for Dockton. 

July 29, 1921

  • Arrangement For Big Pavement Opening – Time Set For August 12 and There’ll be High Jinks All Day For Everybody – At a meeting of the directors of the Vashon Island Improvement League held at the News-Record office on Monday evening for the purpose of planning a proper opening celebration of the newly paved highway, everything went off with a snap and bang that would indicate there’s at least some pep left in one section of the little old U.S.A. even if the New England factories are silent, and the banks in Iowa are closing their doors.  Vashon Island now boasts as being the only island in all of the Puget Sound with a paved road.

  • Another Meat Market – It never rains but it pours some one said, and this seems to be the case in the Meat market line in Vashon.  Elsewhere we announce the opening of another market in the old restaurant building to be conducted by M.H. Morrisey.

  • Chester M. Sawyer Accidentally Shot – Bullet Goes Through Body, But Chances For Recovery Are Good – About eleven o’clock Tuesday night Chester M. Sawyer, of the North End Transfer Company, accidentally shot himself, but bullet entering the left breast just below the nipple, and passing out near the backbone.  He had been shooting rats in the garage.

  • Sidewalk Progress – The sidewalk committee and others interested met at the News-Record office on Monday evening and started the ball rolling for the construction of the walk.  It was decided to ask each family interested – about 42 in all – to contribute $5.00 in money, or work, for this undertaking.  Mrs. Maccarty was appointed to solicit this fund.  Since the meeting, Mr. Fjeld has offered to donate all the timber necessary for posts, and also a keg – of spikes.  Waken up, you parents of children of school age, and help out in this – a few dollars is cheaper than a broken leg or mangled body.  It isn’t a “donation” party, but a matter of your common duty to your offspring.

  • Cove – Mr. Clements and Thomas Collings have been shipping some fine black raspberries – black caps, commonly called.  They are getting a nice price for them too, as very few are raised.

  • Local News – The Portage Ferry auto accident noted in this paper a few weeks ago was amicably settled by the county allowing Mr. Scofield $90 for damage of the car and Mr. and Mrs. Hilditch the sum of $100 for damaged clothing and injury sustained.  It was a “lucky” accident all the way around.

  • So. Heights – The new store building at Tahlequah being complete, the stocks arrived last weekend, Mr. Lucas has opened up for business.  We trust that Mr. Lucas may soon find himself reaping the reward for his farsightedness in establishing himself in this promising locality.

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August 1921

August 5, 1921

  • Dr. Ireland Gets Commission From War Risk – Dr. Guy O’Neil Ireland, of Burton, received a communication this week from the Bureau of War Risk informing him that he had been appointed medical inspector for this district – which includes the states of Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Alaska.

  • Mrs. Melissa Jaynes – A Living Example – This good woman, who lives in Burton, was born one hundred and two years ago today (August 5th 1819) in New York State.  She has lived on Vashon Island for many years, and bears evidence of the remarkable life-sustaining qualities of this climate.  A noble woman whom we most heartily congratulate upon this her one hundred and second birthday.

  • August 12th Will Be Red-Letter Day – Committees Are Working Like Beavers to Have Everything Spick and Span For The Big Highway Opening

  • The Sidewalk Problem – Vashon is not living up to her reputation for “Public spirited liberality.”  Those who are to be benefited by the proposed sidewalk are not coming forward with the necessary money.  Everyone whose children are to pass over this walk or those who drive cars over the road in this vicinity should be glad to do their part.  Please send me a five dollar bill or state your willingness to give its equivalent in work.  We can not commence this on promises so please act at once, as we can not call upon all of you personally.  There will be a meeting of all who are interested this Friday evening at the News-Record office.  Let’s all be there with our $5.00.  –Mrs. Maccarthy, Vashon.

  • Local News – This office is supplying the Highland Park farm with 1,000 Trap Nest records to be used by this rapidly growing plant, of which Elisha Morgan and his good wife are at the helm.

  • Local News – A good time for 5 cents at the Jitney Carnival the evenings of August 19-20, Cove Community Hall.  Everyone welcome and bring your friends.

  • Lisabeula – Mr. Carpenter has bought the stock of the W.S. Taylor Merchantile Company and leased the building. 

  • Cove – The camp meetings in Beulah Park closed on Sunday evening with inspiring services.  A large crowd coming from the city made Cove seem a metropolis.  It little realizes how famous these camp meetings are making Cove.

  • Center – There has been an extension in the mail route from Portage.  This serves six new families east and south from Center.

  • Maury Island – The county surveyors who have been working on the survey of the new road to Dockton finished up their work last Tuesday.  They announced a splendid grade in the proposed new road.

 August 12, 1921

  • People Speak in Frank But Certain Voice – To the honorable County Commissioners of King County, Washington:  We the undersigned residents and taxpayers of Vashon Island, do hereby most earnestly protest any leasing of the Elliott Bay Vashon-Harper Ferry that will contemplate change or reserving the right to divert the same from Elliott Bay to Fauntleroy.  We believe such a change would be not to improve the ferry system but to destroy it and that it would serve no good purpose, the present terminus at the ferry dock in Seattle being the only satisfactory and logical place to land from Vashon Island and we would earnestly request that your body take steps at once to rescind any action on your part making provision for any routing of the Vashon Heights Harper ferry to Fauntleroy. 

  • Our Red-Letter Day – Thrice Welcome Neighbors! – To Our Guests To-day – Vashon-Maury opens her arms to you on this great day of our history.  Accept of the proverbial “Island Hospitality.”  We cannot receive you in a manner befitting your rank – coming from city sky-scrapers and brownstone mansions, as many of you do – but what we lack in the luxury of modern city life, we will make up in warmth of heart and soul.  We love you everyone, and hope the opinion you form of us to-day will result in oft repeated visits to our “Island of Vision.”  Have a good time, go as far as you like, the sky’s the limit, and the depth of this welcome is measured only by the depths of the ocean which washes our shores.  The News-Record In behalf of 5,000 happy residents of Vashon-Maury.

  • Vashon Island “The Isle of Vision” – In the early history of the territory, Vashon comprised two islands under the names of Maury and Vashon.  Since the date of settlement the two islands have become connected by an isthmus, over which a highway has been built.  As there is now but one island, and it is generally known as Vashon Island, it will be so referred to in this description.  Vashon Island is situated in the heart of the Puget Sound country, lies midway between Seattle and Tacoma, is 12 miles long, about three miles in width, has an estimated permanent population of 5,000 with an additional 2,000 during the summer months, of vacationists who come from different sections of the country, for the cool sea-breezes, the boating, fishing, clamming, and restful shade of the many excellent beaches.  From the north half of the island one can see the city of Seattle, with her third of a million people, and from the south half an excellent view of Tacoma, the City of Destiny, is seen with over 100,000 souls.  The island lies wholly within King County.

  • Vashon Island Has:  A thriving state bank; modern newspaper; a twenty-four hour electric light and power service; local and long distance telephone service; two accredited High schools; many grammar schools; prosperous churches of different denominations; the leading fraternal and beneficial orders are represented; a commercial club; a development league; a five acre state park; over fifty miles of graveled road; six miles of paved highway; eight U.S. post offices and several rural mail routes; about thirty greenhouses, one of which is the largest west of the Rocky mountains; about 200,000 laying hens – the world’s record hen being owned by an island poultryman, record 536 eggs in two years; the strawberry finds its natural habitat here, one man owning a ‘patch’ of sixty acres; raspberries, logans and currants are grown in commercial quantities; three ferry lines – one from Tacoma to the south end; one from Des Moines to Portage, and one from Seattle to the north end which connects with the newly paved highway; one of the largest dahlia farms in the northwest, producing over 300 varieties; an up-to-date nursery; a dozen general merchandise stores; two physicians; while the other lines of trade are well represented such as three meat markets, several garages, drug store, insurance agencies, etc.  Three steamboat lines maintain regular runs – one of the west pass, one on the east pass, and one from Tacoma to the south end, via Quartermaster Harbor; all varieties of tree and bush fruits thrive on the island.  There are large gravel bunkers working full capacity every day of the year; important dairy farms; truck farmers; saw mills and shingle mills; a local fruit cannery and the ordinary restaurants, hotels, and lodges usual to a modern and high-class community.  The slogan adopted by many of the islanders, is not for rhetorical effect, but to establish the fact that this is the best “Island in the best County of the best State of the best Nation on Earth.”

  • Digest of Resolutions Concerning Ferry – Whereas, King County owns, maintains, and operates a public ferry system; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient and for the best interests of King County that the maintenance and operation of such public ferry system be leased for a term of years upon such terms and conditions as shall be designed to secure reasonable public service of such public ferries at reasonable cost to the traveling public, and on such basis that so far as practicable the same shall be self sustaining, now, therefore, Be it Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of King County, Washington, that it is the intension of said Board of County Commissioners to lease the ferry system of said King County for maintenance and operation by private lease upon the following terms and conditions: 1. The terms of such lease shall be for a period of 10 years from the date hereof.  2. The vessels involved in such lease shall be as follows: STEAM ENGINE: Washington.  3. The routes shall be as follows: Ferry Routes: Elliott Bay to Vashon Heights to Harper.  The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right during the term of such lease to change the “Elliott Bay to Vashon Heights to Harper route” to “Fauntleroy to Vashon Heights to Harper,” subject to conditions set forth in paragraphs 4, 6 and 8.  4. Rates on Puget Sound: Seattle-Vashon Heights-Harper route – Passenger Rates:  Single trip – 35 cents (Vashon).  Commutation – 10 single trips – 2.00 (Vashon.)  If the lessor shall during the term of such lease provide a ferry landing at Fauntleroy, then the following schedule of rates shall apply:  Fauntleroy to Vashon Heights to Harper:  Passenger Rates – Single trip, 20 cents (Vashon).  Commutation – 10 trips, $1.00 (Vashon.)  4a. Whenever in such lease the term Fauntleroy is referred to it shall be understood to mean and include any suitable location to be determined by the lessor between Alki Point and Three Tree Point.  5. The lessee shall as its own cost and expense operate and maintain the vessels mentioned in good condition at all times during the life of the lease.  Title to all repairs and replacements shall vest absolutely in the lessor.  6. The schedule of service upon the respective routes shall be as follows: Elliott Bay to Vashon Heights to Harper – Summer schedule: two round trips per day; winter schedule: one round trip per day.  If the lessor shall during the term of such lease provide a ferry landing at Fauntleroy then the following schedule of service shall apply:  Fauntleroy to Vashon Heights to Harper – Summer schedule: 6 round trips per day; winter schedule: 4 round trips per day.  Winter schedule shall be effective during the months of October, November, December, January and February of each calendar year, and summer schedule shall be effective during the remaining months of each calendar year.  Providing further, the lessor reserves the right by providing a wharf at Fauntleroy to eliminate the Marion Street Dock and change the Vashon Island – Harper route so as to make the landing at Fauntleroy instead of Marion Street Dock.  Passed this 1st day of August, 1921.  Claude C. Ramsay, L.C. Smith, Tom Dobson, Board of County Commissioners of King County, Washington. 

  • Old Vashon Students Form Organization – The first annual reunion of Vashon College was held on Sunday, August 7th, at Burton in the McClintock building.  On account of so many being in attendance and such a grand good time enjoyed by all – it was decided to form a permanent organization and proceed to get in touch with many more whose whereabouts were not known at the time, but now are.  Mr. F.C. Leathers was unanimously elected president and manager.

  • Not Fauntleroy – Seattle Only (Editorial) – The above is our living motto and we’ll stick by it until “death us do part.”  There’s no other way about it, so far as the island is concerned.  We believe we speak for 99 per cent of the citizens of the island when we take up the out-and-out policy of a direct line from the Heights on the north end into the city of Seattle.  Nothing else will satisfy the people of Vashon-Maury.  There may be half a dozen people who will disagree with this position – but we know of none.  If any there be, ascertain their reason in favoring the proposed Fauntleroy plan, and then give it such weight as it may command.  But we challenge any one on the island, or off the island for that matter, to meet in an immediate public discussion of the matter, a committee who will represent the “SEATTLE ONLY” plan.  If there’s any peculiar reason why the ferry should run to Fauntleroy instead of into the Marion street landing, let the big powers that be get their speaker, and accept of this unqualified challenge, after which the NEWS-RECORD will agree to abide by the verdict of the judges – the people who shall hear the debate.  The people who are advancing the Fauntleroy scheme don’t dare accept this challenge and agree to abide by the side with the soundest argument.  Everyone of the ‘reasons’ we have so far heard advanced for the Fauntleroy run could be knocked into the proverbial “cocked hat.”  Not that we are aching for a debate, or to get into a quarrel, but that the proposed plan to run the ferry into Fauntleroy is obviously so ridiculous, and a betrayal of the confidence the island people have reposed in those who are in authority, that this little country sheet dares to demand that “the lights be turned on.”  Let’s bare the facts, and then we’ll know just what is behind this unheard of scheme.  The people have the right to know the facts.  The pavement opened today, will cost approximately $200,000 and much of this vast sum will be paid by Vashon islanders.  The dock at Harper was built at a cost of something like $15,000 in order to make the North end ferry possible, and a big slice of this money was contributed by the people of Vashon island.  The ferry ran last year, and was an almost unbelievable success.  Old timers watched it day after day, loaded to the limit, and smiled at the fact that its success outdistanced even their fondest hopes.  They felt they had builded wiser than they knew.  Such a plan would mean a set back for the island of many years.  It would mean no movement in our lands.  It would mean much higher freight and passenger rates to and from the city.  It would mean a fine pavement, but no one riding over it.  It would mean a modern dock at the Heights, with but little use.  The dock bridge would become the haunt of the ghosts of past activity, the dock house would be the dwelling place of bats and owls, and over the face of the slip, the spiders would weave their webs.  Because the people will not travel by way of Fauntleroy.  It would be a lugging of the baby to the ferry, off the ferry, wait for a street car and board it, hand on to a strap, and finally get off, to be run over by a thousand autos going and coming in all directions.  Trucks wouldn’t patronize it, because of the big hill to climb.  Business and professional men wouldn’t patronize it, because it would mean delay and anxiety every night and morning, and that disquieting feeling of anxiety at “catching a street car’ which tire out men wish to avoid.  The people who live on the island must have some way to get to Seattle.  It is a question whether they wish to get on the ferry at the dock and get off in the heart of the city, and pay what is a reasonable fare for such transportation, or whether they wish to get on the ferry at the dock and get off several miles from the city, then board a street car (and pay the street car fare) and get off in some crowded thoroughfare – and reverse the operation on the home trip.  If the present route is maintained, they can have the former – if the Fauntleroy exploit is adopted, they will have the latter.  As one business man of the island put it “if they run to Fauntleroy, we may as well have the pavement dug up and quit.”  A good woman who gets her metaphors mixed said, “if Fauntleroy is adopted, here’s where I pull up my freight.”  The present run is the run for everyone with a vision – the proposed Fauntleroy run is a backward, backward, backward track which leads to financial darkness and community gloom.  Mr. Commissioners – PLEASE LET THE SUN SHINE FOR THIS IMPORTANT LITTLE ISLE!

  • Maury Island – Quite a grass fire has been raging on the south side of Maury.  Some fences on the Pembroke Farm was destroyed, and a number of old buildings on the beach are reported burned.  The fire is still burning, but has quieted down so that all danger seems to be passed.

  • Lisabeula – There has been quite a lot of chicken stealing going on in the neighborhood during the past week.  Everyone had  better put a lock on his chicken house and keep his weather eye open.

 August 19, 1921

  • Highway Opening Was Big Success – Large Crowd Joins In Making Merry and Glad the Formal Opening of Paved Highway – Everybody was happy – at least they looked and acted that way, on Friday, the day set for the formal opening ceremony of the paved highway from Center north to the Heights.  The day was as perfect as though it had been made to order, and everything went off as per schedule from the dawn of the day until dark, with no hitch in proceedings any where along the line.  The boat from Tacoma and the ferry from Seattle brought the most of the guests, although scattering visitors were here from Harper, Kent, Auburn, and Bainbridge Island.  The feed at noon was enjoyed to the fullest, clams, clam nector, sandwiches, coffee, ice cream, cake and other good things thrown in for full measure.  Mrs. Maccarthy, backed by dozens of other good helpers from every section of the islands, worked like beavers all day, but their praises were sung by the hungry multitude in a voice that must have pleased all the loyal workers.  Ample cars were put at the disposal of the transportation committee and were busy the greater part of the day going hither, and thither and yon, as inclination led.  The Kent Motor Company had a big new truck dolled up for service also a fine Buick touring car that came in handy as several different times.  A Ford truck was here also from Seattle and was used.  The grounds were put in good shape by Chairman Fjeld and the big high school building was used from basement to garret.  It was an ideal place for the doings.  A number of private circles was made by certain groups and families, who chose to eat their lunches in that manner – and the boss of this paper and his family were lucky in eating at the spread of Mr. and Mrs. Shanahan, of Swastika Lodge.  A huge banner bearing the work “Welcome” was strung at the entrance gate, the work of Rev. Berringer of the decoration committee, a couple of boys acted as “speed cops,” a tour of the island was enjoyed by many, and after the dinner was served the crowd was called together by A.D. Cowan, and the following impromptu program was observed:  Address of Welcome, P. Monroe Smock.  Remarks by Thos. Hills.  Dedication – Chairman L.C. Smith.  Congratulations – D.E. Ferguson.  Transportation – J.L. Anderson.  Elevation – Engineer Beeman.  Clam Demonstration – S.J. Harmeling.  Inspiration – Col. Howard Hansen.

  • File Fauntleroy Protest On Monday – Last Monday a committee composed of J.A. Corbin, Alex Stewart, G.W. Morgan and J.R. Chambers appeared before the Board of Commission at Seattle, Wash., and formally filed the remonstrance signed by several hundred Vashon-Maury islanders against changing the present Marion Street landing to Fauntleroy Park, or any other inaccessible point on the main land.  A time for the hearing on the remonstrance is set for Monday next, August 22nd, at ten o’clock, at the Commissioners’ Room in the County City building, Seattle.  No doubt there will be a number present at the hearing.  It will be a public hearing, and many hope sufficient facts will be presented to the Board to persuade the members of the said Board to refuse any change in the present run whatsoever.

  • The Portage Ferry (Editorial) – The attitude of the paper toward the Portage-Des Moines ferry has never been weak or wavering.  We believe as we printed in the December Xmas number that this ferry should be maintained.  We now favor its continuation, and always have favored its continuance, and feel that for the small additional cost in taxes, it would be money well spent to keep it on the run.  But nothing has ever been accomplished by knocking the other fellow.  More communities and more business undertakings have been shipwrecked by suspicion, than any other one thing.  If folks would shut up about the north and south end fight, it would soon die down and rot.  This paper knows no north end nor south end.  It has no choice of friends or foes.  It strives honestly to be a paper for the whole island.  And that includes the original island of Maury the same as the present island of Vashon.  We believe the people of these two sections are too intelligent to mistake the buzzing of a bumble bee for the song of a nightingale.  Next time someone whispers in your ear something about this paper being a south end organ or a north end organ, you tell ‘em we’re for the whole smear.  We can’t always agree with the opinions of everyone from either end – and we don’t want to – but we’ll give an ear to everyone, no matter what neighborhood they come from, and use our final judgment as to the policy we should pursue.

  • Columbia School – On Aug. 6, a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Dist. No. 102 was held at the school house.  The work of the year ending July 31st was reviewed and plans for the coming year passed upon.  The entire class of seven who were graduated in June will attend Vashon high school next year.  They are:  Melvin Roen, Hanna Lokke, Eve Sarvold, Ernest Severson, Jessie Huffman, Jennie Johansen, Epley Waldron.  No class ever graduated from this school has excelled this one in scholarship.  Two members did both 7th and 8th grades in one year.  One member obtained a grade of 94% and another 93%.  Two former pupils of this school graduated from Vashon high school at the last Commencement.  They are Esther Johnson and Marie Rindal.

  • Burton – The Burton Trading Co. has bought a new truck not noiseless but less noise than the old one and some of the customers complain because they can’t hear the approach of their deliveries as of old.

  • Local News – The Ferry “Vashon” is still making her regular trip each day as heretofore and all the propaganda spread around that the ferry is off the run will eventually prove a boomerang.  She is still carrying about the same volume of traffic as she has been all summer.

  • Dockton – The Str. “Bacoi” was towed into the harbor last Saturday afternoon where she will be tied up for some time.

 August 26, 1921

  • Vashon Heights Community Meeting – At Brosseau Hall, Vashon Heights, on Thursday evening last the first meeting for the election of trustees of the Vashon Heights Community was held with a large attendance.  Trustees were elected as follows:  C.E. Bragg, C.A. Pinkham, G.W. Grant, Thad Neese and Geo. Bonnell.  By-laws were adopted and plans discussed to take over the water properties by the community.

  • Will Act As Host To Purdue Alumni Sun. – Broadripple Ranch Will Ripple With the Chatter of Auld Lang Syne – Purdue University alumni of Seattle and Tacoma will come to Vashon Island next Sunday as guests of one of their number, Mrs. Nellie Parker Jones, of Broadripple, Portage, and will there spend the weekend.  There will be about sixty in number.  There are two graduates of Purdue on Vashon Island – Mrs. Jones and Miss Elizabeth Campbell of Burton.

  • Hurrah For The Sidewalk – Work will begin on the walk Monday morning, August 29.  Mr. Sorg has consented to take charge of the construction, and we hope to see every man and young man of Vashon there with his saw and hammer and shovel.  We will need teams and wagons so anyone who can help us out in this way will be gladly welcomed.  Then too we need men to go into the woods and get out cedar posts for underpinning.  Let’s all be there ready to put this over with a rush before school opens.  -Mrs. Maccarthy.

  • Wedding Bells Ring At Lisabuela – Hiersch-Hover Nuptials Celebrated In Presence of Family an Friends – At a pretty home ceremony at the residence of A. Hiersch Thursday, August 18th at Lisabeula, Miss Margaret Hover, daughter of Mrs. Emma Dyer, became the bride of William Hiersch, son of Mr. and Mrs. A Hiersch.

  • Who Is Its Mother? (Editorial) – The Seattle P-I in printing the story of the move for “community operation of the ferries” says that A.D. Cowan is fathering the Vashon Island unit.  Hence arises a most important question for the P-I to solve for us – who is mothering the movement?  Maybe it will resolve itself into the system of our poultrymen and have an incubator for the mother.  We are inclined to the belief that such an egg would prove infertile and no live chick would ever appear.  This “community operation” is a fine thing in theory, but it very seldom works out satisfactory to the people.  Every patron would want a schedule to his own particular liking, and if we didn’t get it, there’d be a loud wail.  One thing is certain, when the “community operation” starts with the ferry on the north end we shall insist that no runs be made on Thursday afternoon or evening of the week – for we are always so tied up in the office that we could never patronize it on that day.  Suggestions are now in order from others as to their wishes relative to schedules, and the like, that a system can be evolved in due time to please everyone on the two islands. P.S. – We also wish a pass for the whole family and office crew.

  • Lisabeula – Our Ladies’ Aid will hold a social and sale Saturday night at Webber’s Hall at the dock, August 27th.

  • Local News – A peculiar accident befell the big Case auto of R.B. Hayes on Tuesday night.  Between six and eight o’clock it was removed from his home south of Center and was found on Wednesday afternoon about a half mile west of F.M. Sherman’s residence in Paradise Valley burned to a crisp.  Even the radiator was melted.  The loss is said to be covered mostly by insurance.

  • Cove – The Cove Jitney Carnival was a grand success in a social and financial way.

  • Cove – Everyone will be glad to know that the Carnival at the Cove Community Hall will hereafter be an annual affair. 

  • Last Dance Of Season – Mr. and Mrs. Swanson wish to announce that the last dance of the season will be given at the Burton Pavilion on the evening of September 3rd.  This announcement will come as disappointing news to the many who have enjoyed tripping the light fantastic at these high-toned and very popular Saturday evening gatherings.

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September 1921

October 1921

October 7, 1921

  • Vashon Island Wins Sweepstakes – A.J. Linnestead Was Yesterday Awarded the Sweepstakes – Prize for the Best Plate of Apples Exhibited at the Puyallup Fair.  They Were the Wealthy Variety.  He Also Won First Prize on The Gravenstein

  • Hearing Next Saturday On Jitney Buss Question – Four Applicants to Run Motor Vehicles Between Burton and North End – This department will hold a hearing at Vashon, Washington on Saturday, October 8th, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock with reference to applications for certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for various parties with reference to furnishing of passenger service by means of motor propelled vehicles between Vashon Heights and Burton.  Very truly yours, E.V. Kuykendall, Director of Public Works

  • Former Vashon Girl Weds In Oregon – Arthur A. Ford and Miss Justine M. Beall were married at the Methodist parsonage in McMinnville on Monday, September 26th.

  • Movie Opens Saturday – Wallace Reid Star – The Movie Theater of Vashon is opening again on Saturday evening of this week.

  • Dockton – The chief engineer on the “Str. Bacoi” was quite badly burned while he was working around the engine of the boat and some oil caught on fire.  He was taken to a Tacoma hospital where he received treatment.

  • Local News – This office is turning out 2,000 card indexes for the Burton library this week.  Also 2,000 time cards for the Virginia III.  Also 4,000 remittance sheets for the Vashon State Bank.  Recently 3,000 price lists for the Dahlia farm.  5,000 follow up cards for Mahneke, and smaller jobs to beat the band.

  • Maury Island – Henry Faulhaber reports a light fruit crop on his place this year.  No prunes, and only half a crop of apples.

  • Maury Island – Robt. Smith, one of Maury’s young men has joined the crew of the “Steamer Vashona” and feeds coal into the maw of the furnaces, while the Islanders are riding back and forth to Tacoma.

 October 14, 1921

  • Attention Ye Public Spirited Men of Vashon – Last Call to Those Interested in The Boys and Girls of Vashon – The Vashon Chapter of the P.T.A. will hold an old fashioned bee on Friday of this week.  All able bodied men having an interest in the boys and girls attending the Vashon school are urged to be on the job at two o’clock sharp to complete the work on the sidewalk from the Weiss corner to the High School.  This is strictly a community project and your response to this call will indicate the pulsation of your community spirit. 

  • Program of Federated Ladies Aid – Hostesses and Topics for The Year Commencing October 6th, 1921 – Following is the program for the Ladies Aid of the Federated Community church of Vashon for the year starting October, 1921 and ending March, 1922:  October 6 – Social Meeting – Hostess, Mrs. Smock.

  • Vashon Heights – The new waiting room at the Heights dock is a very needed and much appreciated addition to our transportation system.

  • Local News – The Vashon-Maury Rifle Club held a rapid fire shoot on their grounds last Saturday, at which time Col. Harmeling made 82 and 10 bulls eyes and Frank Kingsbury 85 with 11 bulls eyes out of a possible hundred.  Mr. Maccarthy scored 68 while Bert Stanley made 67.

  • Vashon High School Notes – Consuelo Ramquist, Editor – The physics class, by means of the anerid barometer, determined the elevation of the top of the belfry.  It was found to be approximately 420 feet above sea level.

  • Dockton – The Steamer “Sterrett” came in on Tuesday with a load of codfish for the Berring Sea packing company.  Work at the fish house will be resumed again for the winter.

  • Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc. required by the Act of August 24, 1912 of The Vashon Island News-Record, published weekly at Vashon, Washington, for October 1921.  Editor, business manager, publisher, owner, P. Monroe Smock.  Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding one per cent or more of total about of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: Vashon State Bank of Vashon, Washington.  -P. Monroe Smock. 

 October 21, 1921

  • New Resident Dentist For Vashon-Maury Isle – This week Dr. A.W. Orlob opens a newly equipped and modernly arranged dental office in the building formerly occupied by the News-Record, just west of the Vashon State Bank.

  • So. Heights – The ferry boat “Elk” has been put on the Tahlequah-Pt. Defiance run to continue until the new boat is built.

  • Burton – Notice came last week from Washington that petition of different ones asking that extension of the Burton rural mail service be extended one mile west to Cross Landing, had been granted.

 October 28, 1921

  • The Trouble Is Absolutely False – Sensational Report Sent Out Under Vashon Headline, That Isle Is Dying – Last week we received in the same mail two letters, each containing the same clipping from the N.Y. Sun dated October 13th, about an isle dying out here in the Sound of old age.  “Isle Seems to Die of Old Age.  Heavy Forests on Puget Sound Tract Believed to Have Sapped Strength.”  The matter was at once referred to S.J. Harmeling, expert geologist, botanist, and natural scientist and we are assured by him that the whole thing is bunk, bosh, and balderdash.  Those three words are ours, but Mr. Harmeling assures us there is nothing to the truth of the report.  Such freak “news” dispatches do irreparable harm, but despite poor, old parasitic New York’s attempt to throw monkey wrenches into the Puget Sound machinery – the wheels keep turning and the prosperity factories keep running out here 24 hours each day.  No, dear N.Y. Sun, we have traveled up and down the whole Puget Sound stretch and there’s no such dead or dying isle. 

  • Lawyer Claypool sent us a copy of the complaint in the action brought to restore the Portage-Des Moines ferry.  We have carefully read the same, but it is too long to publish in full in the paper.  Anyone interested can have it to read by calling at the office.  It sets out a number of interesting paragraphs, but anyone would be foolish to even wage a guess on the final outcome.

  • Burton – The Manson Navigation company have purchased the Pankratz property at Dockton where the new Vashona was built.

  • Miss Marion Collins and Howard C. Ault were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin J. Collins.

  • Local News – H.L. Penny is driving a pretty nifty laundry wagon around these days – a big, pure, white, covered truck with the name of “TROY” in gold letters on the side.  Mr. Penny is a Vashon Islander, and deserves the patronage of the island.

  • Vashon Heights – As the winter months are now upon us, the people of Vashon Heights are again realizing how needful a community club house is, for its comfort.  We have heard rumors emanating from reliable sources that a very determined effort is to be made to secure one before another winter begins.

  • Portage – The Vashon Ferry is now tied up at Houghton in Lake Washington, undergoing extensive repairs and will be ready the first of January to glide again into her old slip at Portage for Three Tree Point.  So when again this way she’ll wend, We’ll surely shout for joy.  We’ll say “Good by you old North End.” And what a time, “Oh Boy.”

  • Lisabeula – There was a bad automobile accident near the Krogh place Sunday when Miss Flowers who was driving a car with a party of friends, collided with a rock.  The auto turned turtle, breaking Miss Bittenger’s arm.  She was hurried to a Seattle hospital where the injured member was set.  No one else received injuries other than a bad shaking up.

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November 1921
November 4, 1921

  • General Satisfaction Over Pavement Taxes – Much Lower Than Was Anticipated By The General Public is Current Comment – Henry George scored a point last Monday when the direct tax notices account of the pavement extending from Center to the north end of the island came through the post offices to the diverse and sundry land owners tributary and adjacent to the said highway.  For it was found by each taxpayer that the entire direct assessment was levied against the land only – and all improvements went Scotch free.  Many divergent opinions had been expressed as to the amount of the direct tax that would be registered up against the property owners to meet the expense of the paving.  Guesses ranged all the way from $10 to as high as $200 per acre.  In most cases the guesses were very much too high.  It seems there were about three zones formed, and all property was classified under one of these.  Land lying along the pavement was highest taxed, while land farthest away, like Cove, we understand was taxed about $2.00 per acre.  The method of making the levy seems to have been entirely equitable, as we have heard no one complaining as to his assessment being too high or his neighbor’s being too low.  As an illustration of rates – G.W. Blekkink owns about 20 acres in the assessment zone.  It faces the pavement on one side, lies within the townsite of Vashon and his assessment was a little less than $350.  The News-Record has 120 feet fronting the pavement and his entire assessment, including two lots facing a street just off the highway, was just $16.  W.J. Magowan owns ten acres joining the pavement, and a $5,000 residence property in addition to the ten acres, which fronts the pavement, and the entire assessment on the whole property was $181.90.  We understand all sums over $25.00 will be distributed out over a period of ten years.  Interest will be charged at the rate of 6 per cent.  A man from the Cove neighborhood informs us that the Cove folks are so well satisfied with the cost that a move will be made at the earliest season possible to have the pavement extended from the main highway to the west side of the island.  It is gratifying, in this ere of tax pyramiding, to have the taxpayer look at us and SMILE.  The pavement is in and nearly everyone is more than satisfied – they are joyful over it.

  • Stop – Look – Listen! – On Friday, November 11th, Armistice Day, Prof. J.E. Butler of Seattle assisted by local talent will honor us by directing an old-fashioned, old song community sing.

  • Canneries Furnish Outlet (Editorial) – The canneries of the west have played an important part in the moving of many farm crops this year.  Never was it more important that the farmer find a market for everything he raised.  It would have been impossible to have done this without the outlet offered by the canneries and their distribution system which placed perishable farm crops of fruit and vegetables in a form permitted of world-wide consumption.  With good crops and a market for them, the farmer has been able to weather a most trying period and face next season with better prospects than at the beginning of the present year.  Canneries have played a most important part in bringing about this result.  The News-Record is in hearty accord with the plan to establish a cannery on Vashon Island.  Last season a large crop of excellent berries was grown on the islands and of necessity most of the crop was thrown on a market already glutted by oversupply.  We are informed the growers who barreled their strawberries are already realizing more than double the amount out of them they would have received had they been thrown on the open market at the time of picking.  A cannery is the growers’ insurance policy against all loss.  There has never been a year pass by but at some time there was a demand for fruit.  By canning it, that demand can be supplied as the occasion arises.  We hold that no section of the whole Pacific coast states finds as natural a habitat for the perfect development of the strawberry, raspberry, or loganberry, as that embraced within the bounds of Vashon-Maury.  With a small cannery, conservatively managed, and large enough to care for the volume of business that will arise on the two islands, we would be a little independent empire within ourselves.  We are of the opinion that poultry will always hold first place on the islands, with small fruits a close second.  The News-Record has been asked to boost the apple end of the fruit business here, but cannot do so conscientiously.  We cannot feel that the apple industry on the islands could ever be made of prime importance.  We know what Wenatchee and Yakima can do, and while we grow mighty good fruit, and what apple trees we have should be taken care of, we are of the opinion our land owners should stick pretty closely to small fruits and poultry.  It is true that sour cherries thrive and reach perfection here, also the pear is free from the awful fire-blight of the irrigated valleys east of us, and some pear and cherry orchards on the islands have made their owners money – but for the newcomer we recommend clearing the ground, and then combining with poultry, the growing of bush and vine fruits, and such a one cannot fail.  Meanwhile, if you have an apple orchard, a pear orchard, a prune orchard, or a cherry orchard – give it the best possible care and it will pay you a good profit.  But let’s get a cannery on the island, and everybody’ll made money and be happy.

  • Dockton – A meeting of property owners with the County Engineer, was held at the Mileta Farm on last Saturday, for to change the survey across the farm which assures the right of way for the new road to Dockton.  We hope the County Commissioners will begin working on it soon, so that the washboard road will be a thing of the past.

  • Local News – The report of the discontinuance of the Steamer Virginia III is unfounded, says Capt. Christensen.  He assures the public that at least 15 days previous notice will be given should anything arise to make it necessary to take her off the run this winter.

  • Local News – For the love of Mike, let’s finish the side walk – it looks like no one lived here.  Mrs. Maccarthy has worked might hard to get it finished, but has not had the support of enough people, so let’s all give another half day and get it done.

  • Cove Comments – After less than a year the debt of the Cove Community Hall has been cancelled due to the hearty cooperation of the members and their numerous friends.

  • Maury Island – Roy McLean is having the former cheese factory reconstructed into a dwelling house to be occupied by Harry Hook and family.

  • Maury Island – A bunch of hunters were on the island Sunday and carried away two of our pretty deer.  We hope they may not visit us often.

November 11, 1921

  • Vashon Dahlias Win Prize At Los Angeles – In Competition With Entire Country the Blue Ribbon is Tied to Vashon Exhibit – At the California Flower Show, the Sheffield Dahlia Farm entered for the prize offered for the best dozen of one kind.  They selected a variety they propagated here on the island, and which they named the “Arctic.”  It is a large white flower.  When the judges made the decision, the blue ribbon was tied to the Sheffield exhibit – and Vashon had won first prize, a beautiful silver cup!

  • The wedding announcement of Bert Chrisman, an island pioneer of Quartermaster, to Miss Lillian May Perkins of Tacoma was published.

  • The home wedding announcement of Miss Teney B. Frazier to Mr. Wm. J. McIntyre was published.

  • Burton – Do the people of Burton and vicinity want the street lights continued or cut out?  Mr. R.G. Brown who has been circulating the subscription paper, knows how it feels to be rebuffed, and says “never again!”  We have three lights in Burton, placed where they will give the best service.  The expense is $27.00 every six months, plus the globes used the previous six months.  The bill at this time is $29.00, $9.50 of which remains unpaid.  Unless this is met by Friday, November 18th, the money already paid by the subscribers will be refunded and the lights discontinued.

  • Local News – Miss Frances Blekkink is the new book keeper at the Vashon State Bank, succeeding Miss Jacobs who enters business college at Seattle soon.

  • Dockton – The Martinolich Shipbuilding company has contracted to build a tug boat for a Seattle party and are getting the yard in readiness.  They will soon have a force of men at work, which is good news for our town.

November 18, 1921

  • Vashon Island Grange Celebrates – The Vashon Island Grange celebrated their second birthday November 7th by inviting in a few of their friends and holding a social meeting after closing a short business session.

  • Virginia III Goes Off – We are authorized by Capt. Christensen to announce that the Virginia III will go off the run for the winter on November 30th.  This is disappointing news for the east siders, as well as for the island as a whole.  But the Captain says the passenger business is very small, and the freight business is too weak to warrant the big daily loss each day he now runs.

  • An Island Water System (Editorial) – More or less agitation is rife with regard to a water system for the island, particularly the north end, for domestic and lawn sprinkling purposes.  The plan advanced is to impound the waters of Cedar creek, pump it to a reservoir located on one of the highest points of the island, then divert it by wooden pipe through a main pipe along the highway, and run lateral pipes from the main pipe to the different homes.  In order to establish such a system, it would be necessary to form a water district, it would then be surveyed, submitted to a vote of the people concerned for their approval or rejection, and if approved bonds would be submitted for the approval of the property owners, advertised, sold, and the money spent in constructing the system.  Rights of way would have to be obtained, sites selected, and a thousand and one other details worked out.  It may not be the right time to undertake such a move, in the face of tight money and general business depression, but it will do no harm to keep the matter in mind so that everyone can form an intelligent opinion for or against it when the matter is finally presented.

  • Portage – Geo. Thompson is busily employed in the McLean building enlarging a room in the rear of the store for billiards.  The table has already been installed, and all there is now left for George to do is to decorate the walls and paint the billiard balls.

  • Portage – C.L. Masterson and Fred Sherman, Sr., were weekend visitors at their homes in Quartermaster returning to Seattle on Monday morning to resume their work on the ferry “West Seattle.”

  • So. Heights – Mr. Forrest has been setting out a few hundred red currant bushes which he hopes may prove profitable.

  • Local News – The “What-ch-Makin’” Club will meet Saturday, November 19th.  It is important that every member be present, as there will be only three more meetings before the bazaar.

  • Local News – The Department of Public Works has submitted the findings of the bus hearing held here last month.  While the findings are long drawn out affairs, the abstract is that Stevenson and Middling get a license to operator between Vashon and Vashon Heights and intermediate points; W.J. Malloch gets license to operate between a point sixty rods north of Center to Vashon Heights and intermediate points, and Valma Taylor gets a license to operate from Burton and intermediate points to sixty rods north of Center to the Heights.  This week Dock Supervisor Sullivan was over painting off stalls at the Heights for each bus – so merrily on we’ll go!

  • Local News – One could search through judges, jews and genesis in vain to find a more perfect morning than this – Thursday, November 17th, 1921.  The sun is shining out of a cloudless sky, there is a tang of the ocean in the air, the lawns are as green as the Bostonians who fell for Ponzi’s scheme, and out of the pristine generations of long ago comes an inherent call to go gypsying – but alas, poor Yorick, we gotta get the paper out.

November 25, 1921

  • “Elk” On South End Ferry Service – In spite of the fact that Pierce county’s ferry budget for the current year is exhausted and the Attorney General’s ruling the commissioners could not legally continue the operation of its ferries until the 1922 budget is available, better service than has heretofore been furnished is provided by the new and speedy boat “Elk” recently built by Mr. Mitchell Skansie of Gig Harbor.  Mr. Skansie took up the run where the county left off and is operating it on his own account getting no bonus from the county.  The “Elk” is making five daily trips between Pt. Defiance and Gig Harbor and three to the island.  The boat has a capacity of sixteen cars. 

  • Dockton – The launch “Safety” has broke down again and the ‘Charlotte B’ is carrying the children to high school while the Safety is being repaired.

  • Launch Bull Moose – We are authorized by Capt. Christensen, of the Virginia line, that arrangements have been made with Capt. Larsen of the Launch “Bull Moose” to take over all the freight business of the Virginia III during the winter months, until the Virginia resumes her run again in the spring.  Beginning Dec. 1st the Bull Moose will make two trips each week, carrying freight both to and from Seattle.  Respectfully, West Pass Transportation Company.

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December 1921

December 2, 1921

  • They Brought Back The Bacon To Vashon-Maury – One $250 Prize and Dozens of Smaller Ones Won by Our Fruit Growers – The Apple Show, with its celebrated Queen Pippin and several Peaches from various parts of the state which was held last week in Seattle is now past history.  Throngs of people were there from the great northwest, and our sassy little island raised its flag and entered the contest for prizes.  After the tumult and the shouting died, the judges were found to have awarded the following prize to our island fruit: Sweepstakes – individual exhibit – Peter Erickson, Second, $250.  It was a great show and Vashon Island will gain thousands of dollars by the advertising she will get from her exhibits.

  • Lisabeula – There was a serious accident happened in our community last Friday afternoon.  Some of our school boys obtained some dynamite caps from an empty house and were playing with them when one exploded and hurt Buddy Brown 10 years old, quite badly.  He will probably lose two or perhaps three fingers and his face was quite badly lacerated.  He is in a Seattle hospital.  When will people learn to keep such things where children can’t get them?

  • Vashon High School Notes – The snow brought a pleasant surprise to the students.  It was deemed advisable to close school on Tuesday instead of Thursday last week so we had two extra days of vacation.

  • Ellisport – A barber chair with all necessary fixings has been installed in the Portage billiard hall.

 December 9, 1921

  • Lisabeula Young Man Weds Everett Lady – Vernon G. Christensen, son of Captain and Mrs. N.G. Christensen, of the Virginia steamboat lines, was united in the bonds of matrimony in Seattle last Monday to Miss Rhea Keith.

  • Department Leaders For Local Farm Bureau – Name of project – Dairy: goal – 50 cows tested for T.B. – leader, G.W. Blekkink, Vashon, Francis Sherman, Portage.  Project, poultry: goal, meeting on breeding, lecture on brooding and feeding, culling, housing, get poultrymen to keep records; leader, L.C. Beall, Jr., Vashon.  Project, horticulture: goal, Get 70 per cent of orchards sprayed, general field meeting on pruning and general orchards care, fertilizer demonstration on orchard; leader, A.J. Linnestad, Vashon.  Project, soils and crops, two trials of wheat (red, Russian brown square head), fertization demonstration, huban plot: leader, W.J. Magowan, Vashon.  Project, drainage; goal, drainage demonstration: leader, Geo. Sisco, Vashon.  Project, bees; goal, tour of inspection in April, meeting on management; leader, S.J. Harmeling, Vashon.  Project, landscape gardening, goal, meeting, 2 homesteads to lay out; leader, S.J. Harmeling, Vashon.  Community leaser, W.J. Magowan, Vashon.  Name of project, nutrition; goal, nutrition class, baby clinic, leader, Ms. W.V. Covey, Vashon.  Project, clothing; goal, dress forms – 15; leader, Mrs. W.R. Nichols, Vashon.

  • Local News – A deal was made this week whereby Dr. Orlob takes over the management of the Movies at Vashon, thus relieving Messrs Parker and Bridgman who have worked hard to give the island a clean lot of pictures and who have left a good taste in the mouth of everyone.  Dr. Orlob plans a lot of new features, such as adding the country store feature – giving away each night some merchandise, free tickets, etc.  He expects to soon start a two nights a week show.

  • Vashon High School Notes – The Seniors have received their class rings and are well pleased with them.

  • Cove – There is considerable interest manifested in the extension of the electric line along the Cove highway as far south as the Thomason ranch.  Mr. Crosier and Albert Abrams has been canvassing the neighborhood for subscribers to take the light and power meeting with good success which speaks well for the public improvements of our community.

  • Cove – The Cove Heights Literary Society spent Thanksgiving together at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gantenbein.

  • People’s Forum – We have noticed that no special mention of the fact that the Companion, a new boat, has been put on the east side and Maury routes between Seattle and Portage to take the place of the Virginia III which was withdrawn from the run on December 1st.  But it is a very important factor to all of the east side residents of Vashon and the Maury Islanders who otherwise would have been practically marooned on the islands so far as getting to and from Seattle is concerned.  The Jitney and freight rates via the north end ferry have been and still are prohibitive except in cases of absolute necessity, so that people who have no cars – and there are still several of us – positively could not afford to indulge in the luxury of going and coming by way of the north end and Kitsap county ferry.  -Frances S. Cliff, Ellisport.

  • Center – A petition of Prof. B.P. Kirkland and 500 more residents and taxpayers of Vashon island for the completion of the much needed and long neglected half mile Danner road has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of King county.

  • Dockton – The men of the community have been more than working the past week repairing the community hall.  The next move on hand will be to raise runds for a piano.

 December 16, 1921

  • Vashon-Maury Hens Lead National Egg Contest – Out of Ninety Entries From Nine States and Canada L.C. Beall Jr. First Frank E. Gilbert Third – The third annual hen-laying contest is on at the Puyallup experiment station and the first month’s record for November is now closed.  The entries number ninety in all, and come from nine different states, and Canada.  Missouri has two entries, Iowa one, N.Y. one, Utah one, Montana two, Idaho two, California six, Oregon twenty-eight, Canada two, and Washington forty-five.  There are six entries from Vashon island and all but one have entered the S.C.W. Leghorn breed.  D.S. Siegrist has selected a pen of Anconas to make the race.  At the top of the ninety entries is the name of L.C. Beall, Jr., who has a record from his pen of five for the month of November of 128 eggs.  Frank E. Gilbert, also of Vashon island, has a record of 121 from his pen for the month and occupies third place.

  • Standard Oil Company Will Install Supply Station – Vashon-Maury Islands to Have Modern Supply Station For Oils, Gas, and Other Automobile Requisites – When the Standard Oil company, backed by the wise and cunning acumen and foresight of John D. Rockerfeller and his trained force of executives, selects a center to install and equip a distributing station for the products sold by such a concern, it speaks loudly for the future of such a center.  For the Standard Oil company makes very few poor guesses.  The company has just closed a deal for the purchase of some tide lands from R.W.F. Martin, lying near the Portage ferry dock, and a modern supply station will be erected there at once.  The company will supply this station direct from one of their oil boats, several men will be permanently employed, and it is one of the biggest things the island has landed since the completion of the pavement last fall.  And believe the News-Record our motto is “Plus Ultra” which merely means there’s “More Beyond.”

  • Center – The bridge just south of the Beall greenhouses was quite badly demolished by our recent flood, making the road impassable even for pedestrians.

  • Center – Last weeks rain storm was the worst in the history of the weather bureau.  The precipitation for the week is as follows: Saturday, December 10th, 1.15 inches; Sunday, 2.61 inches and Monday, 2.47, making a total of 6.23 inches.

  • Lisabeula – We had the biggest rain of the season.  Our road to the dock was caved in some and several men are repairing the damage.

  • Dockton – H.L. Larson reports having sold his halibut fishing schooner “Anne J. Larsen” to a Seattle party.

  • Cove – Say, don’t you think you would enjoy the road boss job just now?  There’s a big washout on the Cove highway near the Statelin ranch, and the road to the dock is entirely blocked by land slides.  Over Center way there are wash outs on the road and bridges gone.  The new cut at the Renouf ranch has more slides, filling the road ditch again.  Yea, verily, good man, we have a heart for you in these days of trouble.  At the slide at one place on the Cove hill a big fir tree and mass of debris demolished the Larson cottage on the beach.  We are informed that Bert Fjeldal roused Mr. and Mrs. Larsen from their slumber to the danger that awaited them, and hardly fifteen minutes had passed after they got out of the house when the great flood came tearing down which tore the floor from under, smashing in the side, and turning the house clear around.

  • Burton – T. Bartlett, traveling salesman for the Union Tea company of Tacoma was driving his car up the steep incline at Staples’ pavilion early Thursday morning when the car stopped and the brakes not working, it backed down over the bulkhead turning completely over.  The driver escaped with a cut on the hand, otherwise was unharmed, though parts of the car were demolished.  George Hofmeister pulled the car up on the road with his team, when it was taken to the Portage garage for repairs.

  • Burton – The “Oregon Mist” which hovered over the island for two days and nights the first of the week, flooded basements, chicken houses, and leaked real rain in houses that it never bothered before.  Then came forth the oldest settlers who never saw the likes of it, and their assurance to some of our new comers that this was not an every day occurrence had much to do with their decision to remain until the “mists have cleared away.”

  • Burton – Several buildings between Magnolia Beach and Indian Point were washed down by the slides during the heavy rain Sunday – one building was carried over the bulkhead.  We understand none of them were occupied.

  • Burton – Mrs. M.L. Morrison is unable through illness, to continue the restaurant business, and is at her cottage home resting.  The restaurant will be closed for a short time.

  • Maury Island – The Pembroke gravel bunkers suffered a land slide last week which broke some of the water pipes.

  • Maury Island – High water did quite a lot of damage to the roads on Maury having washed out the fill at Wm. Kellog’s corner.  Also a big wash out at the old Potter place on the beach road, and probably others not reported yet.

 December 23, 1921

  • Cove – Well the roads over our way are all in shape once more.  On the Cove hill the ranchers Messrs Frank Sigrist, Ramquist, Fjeldal, Jorgenson, Matheson, Snorteland, Servald, and Crosier done some pretty tall rustling with shovels getting the mud off the road.

  • Cove – Mr. Earles with help of Messrs Abrams, Bohn, and McLean hauled a big rock from the Statelen ranch and some green fir logs, done a passable job on the washout on the road near the Statelen ranch.  Strenuous for several days getting things in shape.  Little can be done at the Renouf ranch where the road has been regraveled as the mud is something fearful.  We should be thankful no loss of life or worse damage was done from that downpour of water.

  • Cove – Messrs Wilver and Hill of the Electric Light Company’s force were out on the bleak and windy day last Monday digging holes for the extension of the electric line south.  Takes grit to work out on such a day.  They have with tough digging in some places on account of the hard pan.  Mr. Hill remarked as we passed “I have been three hours getting down four inches in this hole.”

  • So. Heights – Despite the various brands of disagreeable weather served up to us recently the dirt road to the south end has held up fairly well and needed but little repair.  Traffic to the ferry is light but constant and the mail and the school bus have always come thru on time.

 December 30, 1921

  • The “Virginia IV” Goes on a Big Christmas Spree – Owen Wister’s Virginian has Nothing on the Boat that Captain Christensen Runs – Was it Drinking “Squirrel” Moonshine? – Bound from Tacoma to Seattle Wednesday morning of this week via West Pass points the local steamer Virginia IV rammed into the rock fill on the east side of the City channel at the Stevens dock about 6:45 o’clock.  The vessel stuck fast, due to some extent to a falling tide, and before tugs could be obtained had settled down at the stern and took a bad list off shore.  The stem of the vessel was badly battered up and some damage done to the house.  What damage was done below the water line could not be determined.  The after part of the boat from amidships was under water.  Capt. V. Christensen of the steamer declared the accident was caused by the steering gear becoming fouled.  Before he could get the vessel straightened out on her course his craft had poked her nose on shore.  At the time of the accident there was a heavy fog over the harbor and it is presumed that this had something to do with the mishap.  Captain Christensen declared that when he saw he was going to strike, he tried to avoid the dock with the result that the steamer broke off several piles before going up almost against the side of the warehouse.  When the tide ebbed the steamer was placed in a bad position and doubt was expressed as to whether it could be raised as to whether it could be raised except at considerable expense.  Scows were obtained and placed about the stern of the steamer and lines run beneath the vessel.  It was thought by her crew that this would aid in floating the craft.  Doubt was expressed as to when the vessel would be floated.  The Virginia IV is better known to old timers as the Tyrus.  The vessel is 120 feet long and was built by Crawford & Reid in 1904 for the Lorenz Brothers who used the steamer on the Henderson and North Bay route.  The steamer was purchased by the West Pass Transportation Company several years ago with Capt. N.C. Christensen, father of the captain, at the head of the company and was renamed and placed on the Tacoma-Seattle run.  The Tyrus has been held to be worth $20,000.  At the time of the accident there were six passengers on board and about seven tons of feed and other freight.  The freight was not damaged and was discharged on lighters.

  • Local News – Road Supervisor Fjeld has succeeded in getting the County Commissioners to build brand new docks at both Glen Acres and Lisabeula.  Both docks were in poor shape and a gang of men went to work at Glenn Acres on last Monday and twenty men start to work today at Lisabeula.  Both docks will be completed by January 5th.


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